
你可以用命令行运行PlantUML。 (参见运行其他各种工具和工作流程中运行PlantUML的方法)。


java -jar plantuml.jar file1 file2 file3

这将寻找@startXYZfile1,file2file3 。对于每个图,将创建一个.png 文件。


java -jar plantuml.jar "c:/directory1" "c:/directory2"

.puml c:/directory1 c:/directory2 这个命令将搜索@startXYZ@endXYZ.txt,.tex,.java,.htm,.html,.c,.h,.cpp,.apt,.pu,.hpp,.hh.md 目录下的文件。

Docker镜像以Github包Docker Hub的形式发布。

docker run ghcr.io/plantuml/plantuml


您也可以使用通过符 :

  • 对于单个字符,用 ?
  • 对于零个或多个字符, 用 *
  • 对于零个或多个字符, (包括 /\), 用一对 **

所以处理所有以 dummy 开始的目录的任意 .cpp 文件:

java -jar plantuml.jar "dummy*/*.cpp"

和处理以 dummy 开始的目录及其子目录中的任意 .cpp 文件 :

java -jar plantuml.jar "dummy*/**.cpp"


您可以使用 -x 选项来排除处理队列中的某些文件:

java -jar plantuml.jar -x "**/common/**" -x "**/test/Test*" "dummy*/**/*.cpp"


您可以使用 -o 开关来指定一个输出所有图片的目录:

java -jar plantuml.jar -o "c:/outputPng" "c:/directory2"


  • 绝对路径: 将使用唯一的输出目录,在其中生成所有图像
  • 相对路径: 将在文件树中使用多个输出目录。

* If you provide a relative path then the images is placed in that directory relative to the location of the input file, not the current directory (note: this applies even if the path begins with a `.`). When Plantuml processes files from multiple directores then the corresponding directory structure is created under the computed output directory.

See [Sources](sources) section "File naming" on how output file names are calculated when you use multiple diagrams per input file.
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Types of Output File

Images for your diagrams can be exported in a variety of different formats. By default the format will be a PNG file but another type can be selected using the following extensions:

Param name Short param name Output format Comment
-tpng -png PNG Default
-tsvg -svg SVG Further details can be found here
-teps -eps EPS Further details can be found here
-teps:text -eps:text EPS Keeps EPS text as text (more details here)
-tpdf -pdf PDF Further details can be found here
-tvdx -vdx VDX Microsoft Visio Document
-txmi -xmi XMI Further details can be found here
-tscxml -scxml SCXML
-thtml -html HTML Alpha feature: do not use
-ttxt -txt ATXT ASCII art. Further details can be found here
-tutxt -utxt UTXT ASCII art using Unicode characters
-tlatex -latex LATEX Further details can be found here
-tlatex:nopreamble -latex:nopreamble LATEX Contains no LaTeX preamble creating a document
-tbraille -braille PNG Braille image [Ref. QA-4752]


java -jar plantuml.jar yourdiagram.txt -ttxt



java -jar plantuml.jar -config "./config.cfg" dir1


After all preprocessing (includes etc), PlantUML saves the diagram's source code in the generated PNG Metadata in the form of encoded text.
  • It is possible to retrieve this source with the -metadata option. This means that the PNG is almost "editable": you can post it on a corporate wiki where you cannot install plugins, and someone in the future can update the diagram by getting the metadata, editing and re-uploading again. Also, the diagram is stand-alone.
  • Conversely, the -checkmetadata option checks whether the target PNG has the same source and if there are no changes, doesn't regenerate the PNG, thus saving all processing time. This allows you to run PlantUML on a whole folder (or tree with the -recursive option) incrementally.

Sounds like magic! No, merely clever engineering :-)


  java -jar plantuml.jar -metadata diagram.png > diagram.puml

Unfortunately this option works only with local files. It doesn't work with -pipe so you cannot fetch a URL with eg curl and feed the PNG to PlantUML.

However, the Plantuml server has a similar feature, where it can get a PNG from a URL and extract its metadata.

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当图表中存在一些错误时,该命令会返回错误 (-1) 退出代码。 但即使某些图表包含一些错误, 所有 图表仍会生成,这对于大型项目来说可能是耗时的。

您可以使用 -failfast 标志来改变这种行为,在错误发生时尽快停止图表生成。在这种情况下,将生成一些图表,而有些图表则不会生成。

同时有 -failfast2 标志做第一次通过检查。 如果出现某些错误,根本不会有图表生成。如果有错误 -failfast2 运行速度比 -failfast 要快, 这可能对大型项目有用。。

Standard report [stdrpt]

Using the -stdrpt (standard report) option, you can change the format of the error output of your PlantUML scripts.

With this option, a different error output of your diagram is possible:
  • none: two lines
  • -stdrpt: single line
  • -stdrpt:1: verbose
  • -stdrpt:2: single line

[Ref. Issue#155 and QA-11805]

Examples, with the bad file file1.pu, where as is written aass:

participant "Famous Bob" aass Bob

Without any option

java -jar plantuml.jar file1.pu

The error output is:

Error line 2 in file: file1.pu
Some diagram description contains errors

-stdrpt option

java -jar plantuml.jar -stdrpt file1.pu

The error output is:

file1.pu:2:error:Syntax Error?

-stdrpt:1 option

java -jar plantuml.jar -stdrpt:1 file1.pu

The error output is:

label=Syntax Error?
Error line 2 in file: file1.pu
Some diagram description contains errors

-stdrpt:2 option (like -stdrpt)

java -jar plantuml.jar -stdrpt:2 file1.pu

The error output is:

file1.pu:2:error:Syntax Error?


使用 -pipe 选项,您可以很容易在脚本中使用 PlantUML。



type somefile.txt | java -jar plantuml.jar -pipe > somefile.png

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java -jar plantuml.jar -help


Usage: java -jar plantuml.jar [options] -gui
        (to execute the GUI)
    or java -jar plantuml.jar [options] [file/dir] [file/dir] [file/dir]
        (to process files or directories)

You can use the following wildcards in files/dirs:
        *       means any characters but '\'
        ?       one and only one character but '\'
        **      means any characters (used to recurse through directories)

where options include:
    -darkmode           To use dark mode for diagrams
    -gui                To run the graphical user interface
    -tpng               To generate images using PNG format (default)
    -tsvg               To generate images using SVG format
    -teps               To generate images using EPS format
    -tpdf               To generate images using PDF format
    -tvdx               To generate images using VDX format
    -txmi               To generate XMI file for class diagram
    -tscxml             To generate SCXML file for state diagram
    -thtml              To generate HTML file for class diagram
    -ttxt               To generate images with ASCII art
    -tutxt              To generate images with ASCII art using Unicode characters
    -tlatex             To generate images using LaTeX/Tikz format
    -tlatex:nopreamble  To generate images using LaTeX/Tikz format without preamble
    -o[utput] "dir"     To generate images in the specified directory
    -DVAR1=value        To set a preprocessing variable as if '!define VAR1 value' were used
    -Sparam1=value      To set a skin parameter as if 'skinparam param1 value' were used
    -Ppragma1=value     To set pragma as if '!pragma pragma1 value' were used
    -I\path\to\file     To include file as if '!include file' were used
    -I\path\to\*.puml   To include files with pattern
    -theme xxx          To use a specific theme
    -charset xxx        To use a specific charset (default is windows-1251)
    -e[x]clude pattern  To exclude files that match the provided pattern
    -metadata           To retrieve PlantUML sources from PNG images
    -nometadata         To NOT export metadata in PNG/SVG generated files
    -checkmetadata              Skip PNG files that don't need to be regenerated
    -version            To display information about PlantUML and Java versions
    -v[erbose]          To have log information
    -quiet              To NOT print error message into the console
    -debugsvek          To generate intermediate svek files
    -h[elp]             To display this help message
    -testdot            To test the installation of graphviz
    -graphvizdot "exe"  To specify dot executable
    -p[ipe]             To use stdin for PlantUML source and stdout for PNG/SVG/EPS generation
    -encodesprite 4|8|16[z] "file"      To encode a sprite at gray level (z for compression) from an image
    -computeurl|-encodeurl      To compute the encoded URL of a PlantUML source file
    -decodeurl          To retrieve the PlantUML source from an encoded URL
    -syntax             To report any syntax error from standard input without generating images
    -language           To print the list of PlantUML keywords
    -checkonly          To check the syntax of files without generating images
    -failfast           To stop processing as soon as a syntax error in diagram occurs
    -failfast2          To do a first syntax check before processing files, to fail even faster
    -noerror            To skip images when error in diagrams
    -duration           To print the duration of complete diagrams processing
    -nbthread N         To use (N) threads for processing
    -nbthread auto      To use 4 threads for processing
    -timeout N          Processing timeout in (N) seconds. Defaults to 15 minutes (900 seconds).
    -author[s]          To print information about PlantUML authors
    -overwrite          To allow to overwrite read only files
    -printfonts         To print fonts available on your system
    -enablestats        To enable statistics computation
    -disablestats       To disable statistics computation (default)
    -htmlstats          To output general statistics in file plantuml-stats.html
    -xmlstats           To output general statistics in file plantuml-stats.xml
    -realtimestats      To generate statistics on the fly rather than at the end
    -loopstats          To continuously print statistics about usage
    -splash             To display a splash screen with some progress bar
    -progress           To display a textual progress bar in console
    -pipeimageindex N   To generate the Nth image with pipe option
    -stdlib             To print standard library info
    -extractstdlib      To extract PlantUML Standard Library into stdlib folder
    -filedir xxx        To behave as if the PlantUML source is in this dir (only affects '-pipe' and PicoWeb 'POST /render')
    -filename "example.puml"    To override %filename% variable
    -preproc            To output preprocessor text of diagrams
    -cypher             To cypher texts of diagrams so that you can share them
    -picoweb            To start internal HTTP Server. See https://plantuml.com/picoweb

If needed, you can setup the environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT.

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