Salt (Wireframe)

Salt是 PlantUML 的一个子项目,可帮助您设计图形界面或网页。 网站线框或页面示意图或屏幕蓝图.


开发人员、设计人员和用户体验专业人员使用Wireframes界面元素导航系统可视化,并促进协作。Wireframes 是这一流程的核心,可用于各种学科。它们的保真度各不相同,从低细节草图到高细节表现,对于原型设计和迭代设计至关重要。这一协作过程整合了从业务分析用户研究等不同的专业知识,确保最终设计符合业务用户需求


一个窗口必须以中括号开头和结尾。 接着可以这样定义:
  • 按钮用 []
  • 单选按钮用 ()
  • 复选框用 []
  • 用户文字域用 "

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  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^


 This translation need to be updated. 

Text area

Here is an attempt to create a text area:

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   This is a long
   text in a textarea
   "                         "

  • the dot (.) to fill up vertical space;
  • the last line of space ("  ") to make the area wider.

[Ref. QA-14765]

Then you can add scroll bar:

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   This is a long
   text in a textarea
   "                         "

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   This is a long
   text in a textarea
   "                         "

Open, close droplist

You can open a droplist, by adding values enclosed by ^, as:

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  ^This is a closed droplist^ |
  ^This is an open droplist^^ item 1^^ item 2^ |
  ^This is another open droplist^ item 1^ item 2^ 

[Ref. QA-4184]


当在输入关键词 {后,会自动建立一个表格

当输入| 说明一个单元格


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  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

在启用关键词后,你可以使用以下字符来绘制表格中的线及列 :

Symbol Result
# 显示所有垂直水平线
! 显示所有垂直线
- 显示所有水平线
+ 显示外框线

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  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

 This translation need to be updated. 


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  用户名 | "MyName   "
  密码 | "****     "
  [取消] | [确认]

[参见 QA-5840]



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  "Some field"
  Note on usage
  Another text


使用树结构,你必须要 以 {T 进行起始,然后使用 + 定义层次。

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 + World
 ++ America
 +++ Canada
 +++ USA
 ++++ New York
 ++++ Boston
 +++ Mexico
 ++ Europe
 +++ Italy
 +++ Germany
 ++++ Berlin
 ++ Africa

Tree table [T]

You can combine trees with tables.

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+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
+++ Canada     | 35 million    | 30
+++ USA        | 319 million   | 30
++++ NYC       | 8 million     | 30
++++ Boston    | 617 thousand  | 30
+++ Mexico     | 117 million   | 30
++ Europe      | 601 million   | 30
+++ Italy      | 61 million    | 30
+++ Germany    | 82 million    | 30
++++ Berlin    | 3 million     | 30
++ Africa      | 1 billion     | 30

And add lines.

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== with T!
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
== with T-
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
== with T+
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
== with T#
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30

[Ref. QA-1265]

Enclosing brackets [{, }]

You can define subelements by opening a new opening bracket.

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Name         | "                 "
Modifiers:   | { (X) public | () default | () private | () protected
                [] abstract | [] final   | [] static }
Superclass:  | { "java.lang.Object " | [Browse...] }


你可以通过 {/ 标记增加对应的选项卡。 注意:可以使用HTML 代码来增加粗体效果。

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{/ <b>General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images


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{/ <b>General
Saving } |
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images



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{* File | Edit | Source | Refactor }
{/ General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images


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{* File | Edit | Source | Refactor
 Refactor | New | Open File | - | Close | Close All }
{/ General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images

*[Ref. [QA-4184](]*

 This translation need to be updated. 


对于表格有两种特殊的标记 :
  • * 单元格同时具备 span 和 left 两个属性
  • . 是空白单元格

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. | Column 2 | Column 3
Row header 1 | value 1 | value 2
Row header 2 | A long cell | *

Scroll Bars [S, SI, S-]

You can use {S notation for scroll bar like in following examples:

  • {S: for horizontal and vertical scrollbars

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  • {SI : for vertical scrollbar only

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  • {S- : for horizontal scrollbar only

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It is possible to change text color of widget.

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  <color:Blue>Just plain text
  [This is my default button]
  [<color:green>This is my green button]
  [<color:#9a9a9a>This is my disabled button]
  []  <color:red>Unchecked box
  [X] <color:green>Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^
  ^<color:#9a9a9a>This is a disabled droplist^
  ^<color:red>This is a red droplist^

[Ref. QA-12177]

Creole on Salt

You can use Creole or HTML Creole on salt:

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  This is **bold**
  This is //italics//
  This is ""monospaced""
  This is --stricken-out--
  This is __underlined__
  This is ~~wave-underlined~~
  --test Unicode and icons--
  This is <U+221E> long
  This is a <&code> icon
  Use image : <img:>
{^<b>HTML Creole 
 This is <b>bold</b>
  This is <i>italics</i>
  This is <font:monospaced>monospaced</font>
  This is <s>stroked</s>
  This is <u>underlined</u>
  This is <w>waved</w>
  This is <s:green>stroked</s>
  This is <u:red>underlined</u>
  This is <w:#0000FF>waved</w>
  -- other examples --
  This is <color:blue>Blue</color>
  This is <back:orange>Orange background</back>
  This is <size:20>big</size>
{^Creole line
You can have horizontal line
Or double line
Or strong line
Or dotted line
..My title..
Or dotted title
//and title... //
Or double-line title
--Another title--
Or single-line title
{^Creole list item
**test list 1**
* Bullet list
* Second item
** Sub item
*** Sub sub item
* Third item
**test list 2**
# Numbered list
# Second item
## Sub item
## Another sub item
# Third item
{^Mix on salt
  ==<color:Blue>Just plain text
  [This is my default button]
  [<b><color:green>This is my green button]
  [ ---<color:#9a9a9a>This is my disabled button-- ]
  []  <size:20><color:red>Unchecked box
  [X] <color:green>Checked box
  "//Enter text here//   "
  ^This is a droplist^
  ^<color:#9a9a9a>This is a disabled droplist^
  ^<b><color:red>This is a red droplist^

Pseudo sprite [<<, >>]

Using << and >> you can define a pseudo-sprite or sprite-like drawing and reusing it latter.

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 [X] checkbox|[] checkbox
 () radio | (X) radio
 This is a text|[This is my button]|This is another text
 "A field"|"Another long Field"|[A button]
 >>|<color:blue>other folder|<<folder>>

[Ref. QA-5849]


OpenIconic is an very nice open source icon set. Those icons have been integrated into the creole parser, so you can use them out-of-the-box.

You can use the following syntax: <&ICON_NAME>.

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  Login<&person> | "MyName   "
  Password<&key> | "****     "
  [Cancel <&circle-x>] | [OK <&account-login>]

The complete list is available on OpenIconic Website, or you can use the following special diagram:

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Add title, header, footer, caption or legend

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title My title
header some header
footer some footer
caption This is caption
The legend
end legend

  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]


(See also: Common commands)

Zoom, DPI

Whitout zoom (by default)

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  <&person> Login  | "MyName   "
  <&key> Password  | "****     "
  [<&circle-x> Cancel ] | [ <&account-login> OK   ]


You can use the scale command to zoom the generated image.

You can use either a number or a fraction to define the scale factor. You can also specify either width or height (in pixel). And you can also give both width and height: the image is scaled to fit inside the specified dimension.

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scale 2
  <&person> Login  | "MyName   "
  <&key> Password  | "****     "
  [<&circle-x> Cancel ] | [ <&account-login> OK   ]

(See also: Zoom on Common commands)


You can also use the skinparam dpicommand to zoom the generated image.

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skinparam dpi 200
  <&person> Login  | "MyName   "
  <&key> Password  | "****     "
  [<&circle-x> Cancel ] | [ <&account-login> OK   ]

Include Salt "on activity diagram"

You can read the following explanation.

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(*) --> "
<b>an example
choose one option
" as choose

choose -right-> "
<b>please wait
operation in progress
" as wait
wait -right-> "
" as success

wait -down-> "
failed, sorry

It can also be combined with define macro.

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!unquoted procedure SALT($x)
}}" as $x

!procedure _choose()
<b>an example
choose one option

!procedure _wait()
<b>please wait
operation in progress

!procedure _success()

!procedure _error()
failed, sorry

(*) --> SALT(choose)
-right-> SALT(wait)
wait -right-> SALT(success)
wait -down-> SALT(error)

Include salt "on while condition of activity diagram"

You can include salt on while condition of activity diagram.

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while (\n{{\nsalt\n{+\nPassword | "****     "\n[Cancel] | [  OK   ]}\n}}\n) is (Incorrect)
  :log attempt;
  if (attempt_count > 4) then (yes)
    :increase delay timer;
    :wait for timer to expire;
  else (no)
endwhile (correct)
:log request;
:disable service;

[Ref. QA-8547]

Include salt "on repeat while condition of activity diagram"

You can include salt on 'repeat while' condition of activity diagram.

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repeat :read data;
  :generate diagrams;
repeat while (\n{{\nsalt\n{^"Next step"\n  Do you want to continue? \n[Yes]|[No]\n}\n}}\n)

[Ref. QA-14287]


You can use [only] some skinparam command to change the skin of the drawing.

Some example:

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skinparam Backgroundcolor palegreen
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

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skinparam handwritten true
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

🚩 FYI, some other skinparam does not work with salt, as:

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skinparam defaultFontName monospaced
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]


You can use [only] some style command to change the skin of the drawing.

Some example:

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saltDiagram {
  BackgroundColor palegreen
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

🚩 FYI, some other style does not work with salt, as:

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saltDiagram {
  Fontname Monospaced
  FontSize 10
  FontStyle italic
  LineThickness 0.5
  LineColor red
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

[Ref. QA-13460]

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