Common Commands in PlantUML

Discover the fundamental commands universally applicable across all diagram types in PlantUML. These commands allow you to inject versatility and personalized details into your diagrams. Below, we breakdown these common commands into three major categories:

Global Elements

  • Comments: Add remarks or explanatory notes in your diagram script to convey additional information or to leave reminders for further modifications.
  • Notes: Incorporate supplementary information directly onto your diagram to aid in understanding or to highlight important aspects.
  • Size Control: Adjust the dimensions of various elements to suit your preferences, ensuring a balanced and well-proportioned diagram.
  • Title and Captions: Define a fitting title and add captions to elucidate the context or to annotate specific parts of your diagram.

Creole Syntax Description

Harness the power of Creole syntax to further format the content of any element within your diagram. This wiki markup style allows for:

  • Text Formatting: Customize the appearance of your text with various styles and alignments.
  • Lists: Create ordered or unordered lists to present information neatly.
  • Links: Integrate hyperlinks to facilitate quick navigation to relevant resources.

Style Control Command

Gain complete control over the presentation style of your diagram elements using the style command. Utilize this to:
  • Define Styles: Set uniform styles for elements to maintain a cohesive visual theme.
  • Customize Colors: Choose specific colors for various elements to enhance visual appeal and to create distinct classifications.

Explore these commands to create diagrams that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, tailoring each element to your exact specifications.


Simple comment

Everything that starts with simple quote ' is a comment.

'Line comments use a single apostrophe

Block comment

Block comment use C-style comments except that instead of * you use an apostrophe ', then you can also put comments on several lines using /' to start and '/ to end.

many lines comments

[Ref. QA-1353]

Then you can also put block comment on the same line, as:

🎉 Copied!

/' case 1 '/   A -> B : AB-First step 
               B -> C : BC-Second step
/' case 2 '/   D -> E : DE-Third step

[Ref. QA-3906 and QA-3910]

Full example

🎉 Copied!

skinparam activity {
    ' this is a comment
    BackgroundColor White
    BorderColor Black /' this is a comment '/
    BorderColor Red  ' this is not a comment and this line is ignored


[Ref. GH-214]

Zoom or Scale

You can use the scale command to zoom the generated image.

You can use either a number or a fraction to define the scale factor. You can also specify either width or height (in pixel). And you can also give both width and height: the image is scaled to fit inside the specified dimension.

  • scale 1.5
  • scale 2/3
  • scale 200 width
  • scale 200 height
  • scale 200*100
  • scale max 300*200
  • scale max 1024 width
  • scale max 800 height

🎉 Copied!

scale 180*90
Bob->Alice : hello


The title keywords is used to put a title. You can add newline using \n in the title description.

Some skinparam settings are available to put borders on the title.

🎉 Copied!

skinparam titleBorderRoundCorner 15
skinparam titleBorderThickness 2
skinparam titleBorderColor red
skinparam titleBackgroundColor Aqua-CadetBlue

title Simple communication\nexample

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response


You can use creole formatting in the title.

You can also define title on several lines using title and end title keywords.

🎉 Copied!


 <u>Simple</u> communication example
 on <i>several</i> lines and using <back:cadetblue>creole tags</back>
end title

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob -> Alice: Authentication Response



There is also a caption keyword to put a caption under the diagram.

🎉 Copied!


caption figure 1
Alice -> Bob: Hello


Footer and header

You can use the commands header or footer to add a footer or a header on any generated diagram.

You can optionally specify if you want a center, left or right footer/header, by adding a keyword.

As with title, it is possible to define a header or a footer on several lines.

It is also possible to put some HTML into the header or footer.

🎉 Copied!

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request

<font color=red>Warning:</font>
Do not use in production.

center footer Generated for demonstration


Legend the diagram

The legend and end legend are keywords is used to put a legend.

You can optionally specify to have left, right, top, bottom or center alignment for the legend.

🎉 Copied!

Alice -> Bob : Hello
legend right

🎉 Copied!

Alice -> Bob : Hello
legend top left

Appendix: Examples on all diagram


🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

:Hello world;
:This is defined on
several **lines**;



🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

archimate #Technology "VPN Server" as vpnServerA <<technology-device>>

rectangle GO #lightgreen
rectangle STOP #red
rectangle WAIT #orange



🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

a -- b 


Component, Deployment, Use-Case

🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

node n
(u) -> [c]


Gantt project planning

🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

[t] lasts 5 days


[(Header, footer) corrected on V1.2020.18]


🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

object user {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123



🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

* r
** d1
** d2


Network (nwdiag)

🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

nwdiag {
  network inet {
      web01 [shape = cloud]



🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend



🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

[*] --> State1
State1 -> State2



🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU is Waiting
WB is Processing

WB is Waiting


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

* r
** d1
** d2


[Corrected on V1.2020.17]

Wireframe (SALT)

🎉 Copied!

header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

[Corrected on V1.2020.18]

Appendix: Examples on all diagram with style


  • all is only good for Sequence diagram
  • title, caption and legend are good for all diagrams except for salt diagram
  • Now (test on 1.2020.18-19) header, footer are not good for all other diagrams except only for Sequence diagram.
To be fix; Thanks


Here are tests of title, header, footer, caption or legend on all the diagram with the debug style:

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32


🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

:Hello world;
:This is defined on
several **lines**;



🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

archimate #Technology "VPN Server" as vpnServerA <<technology-device>>

rectangle GO #lightgreen
rectangle STOP #red
rectangle WAIT #orange



🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

a -- b 


Component, Deployment, Use-Case

🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

node n
(u) -> [c]


Gantt project planning

🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

[t] lasts 5 days



🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

object user {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123



🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

* r
** d1
** d2


Network (nwdiag)

🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

nwdiag {
  network inet {
      web01 [shape = cloud]



🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend



🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

[*] --> State1
State1 -> State2



🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU is Waiting
WB is Processing

WB is Waiting


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

* r
** d1
** d2


Wireframe (SALT)

Fix all (title, caption, legend, header, footer) for salt.

🎉 Copied!

title {
  HorizontalAlignment right
  FontSize 24
  FontColor blue

header {
  HorizontalAlignment center
  FontSize 26
  FontColor purple

footer {
  HorizontalAlignment left
  FontSize 28
  FontColor red

legend {
  FontSize 30
  BackGroundColor yellow
  Margin 30
  Padding 50

caption {
  FontSize 32
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]


🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
Alice->Bob : Hello

[Ref. QA-4019 and Issue#148]

Appendix: Examples of Mainframe on all diagram


🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**

:Hello world;
:This is defined on
several **lines**;


🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**

archimate #Technology "VPN Server" as vpnServerA <<technology-device>>
rectangle GO #lightgreen
rectangle STOP #red
rectangle WAIT #orange

🚩 Cropped on the top and on the left


🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**

a -- b 

🚩 Cropped on the top and on the left

Component, Deployment, Use-Case

🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**

node n
(u) -> [c]

🚩 Cropped on the top and on the left

Gantt project planning

🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**

[t] lasts 5 days

🚩 Cropped on the top and on the left


🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**

object user {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

🚩 Cropped on the top!


🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**

* r
** d1
** d2

Network (nwdiag)

🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**

nwdiag {
  network inet {
      web01 [shape = cloud]

🚩 Cropped on the top!


🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**



🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**

[*] --> State1
State1 -> State2

🚩 Cropped on the top and on the left


🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**

robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU
WU is Idle
WB is Idle
WU is Waiting
WB is Processing
WB is Waiting

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
* r
** d1
** d2

Wireframe (SALT)

🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

Appendix: Examples of title, header, footer, caption, legend and mainframe on all diagram


🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

:Hello world;
:This is defined on
several **lines**;



🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

archimate #Technology "VPN Server" as vpnServerA <<technology-device>>

rectangle GO #lightgreen
rectangle STOP #red
rectangle WAIT #orange



🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

a -- b 


Component, Deployment, Use-Case

🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

node n
(u) -> [c]


Gantt project planning

🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

[t] lasts 5 days



🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

object user {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123



🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

* r
** d1
** d2


Network (nwdiag)

🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

nwdiag {
  network inet {
      web01 [shape = cloud]



🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend



🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

[*] --> State1
State1 -> State2



🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU is Waiting
WB is Processing

WB is Waiting


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

* r
** d1
** d2


Wireframe (SALT)

🎉 Copied!

mainframe This is a **mainframe**
header some header

footer some footer

title My title

caption This is caption

The legend
end legend

  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

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