Theme Gallery

Here is a Gallery of all the PlantUML theme.

List of all themes

🎉 Copied!

help themes


Activity with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with amiga theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme amiga
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain



Activity with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with aws-orange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme aws-orange
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme black-knight

Activity with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with black-knight theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme black-knight
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme bluegray

Activity with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with bluegray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme bluegray
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme blueprint

Activity with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with blueprint theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme blueprint
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme cerulean

Activity with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with cerulean theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme cerulean-outline

Activity with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with cerulean-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cerulean-outline
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme crt-amber

Activity with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with crt-amber theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-amber
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme crt-green

Activity with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with crt-green theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme crt-green
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme cyborg

Activity with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with cyborg theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme cyborg-outline

Activity with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with cyborg-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme cyborg-outline
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme hacker

Activity with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with hacker theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme hacker
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme lightgray

Activity with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with lightgray theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme lightgray
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme materia

Activity with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with materia theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme materia-outline

Activity with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with materia-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme materia-outline
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme metal

Activity with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with metal theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme metal
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme mimeograph

Activity with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with mimeograph theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme mimeograph
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme minty

Activity with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with minty theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme minty
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme plain

Activity with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with plain theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme plain
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme resume-light

Activity with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with resume-light theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme resume-light
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme sandstone

Activity with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with sandstone theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sandstone
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme silver

Activity with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with silver theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme silver
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme sketchy

Activity with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with sketchy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme sketchy-outline

Activity with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Theme sketchy-outline

Activity with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with sketchy-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme sketchy-outline
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme spacelab

Activity with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with spacelab theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme spacelab
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme toy

Activity with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with toy theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme toy
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme united

Activity with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with united theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme united
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme vibrant

Activity with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with vibrant theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme vibrant
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme superhero

Activity with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with superhero theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme superhero-outline

Activity with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with superhero-outline theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme superhero-outline
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme reddress-darkblue

Activity with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with reddress-darkblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkblue
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme reddress-darkorange

Activity with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with reddress-darkorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkorange
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme reddress-darkred

Activity with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with reddress-darkred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-darkred
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme reddress-lightblue

Activity with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with reddress-lightblue theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightblue
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme reddress-lightgreen

Activity with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Theme reddress-lightgreen

Class with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with reddress-lightgreen theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightgreen
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme reddress-lightorange

Activity with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with reddress-lightorange theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightorange
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


Theme reddress-lightred

Activity with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
-> test of color;
if (color?) is (<color:red>red) then
:print red;
:print not red;
note right: no color
partition End {
-> this is the end;


Class with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
abstract        abstract
abstract class  "abstract class"
annotation      annotation
circle          circle
()              circle_short_form
class           class
diamond         diamond
<>              diamond_short_form
entity          entity
enum            enum
interface       interface


Deployment with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"


Gantt with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
[Task1] lasts 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --


Mindmap with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2


Nwdiag with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
nwdiag {
  network DMZ {
      address = "y.x.x.x/24"
      web01 [address = "y.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "y.x.x.2"];

   network Internal {
    db01 [address = "w.w.w.z", shape = database];

    group {
    description = "long group label";


Object with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred

object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123

object user2 {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3


Salt with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

Sequence with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
participant Participant as Foo
actor       Actor       as Foo1
boundary    Boundary    as Foo2
control     Control     as Foo3
entity      Entity      as Foo4
database    Database    as Foo5
collections Collections as Foo6
queue       Queue       as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor 
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7: To queue


State with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1   <<fork>>
state join2   <<join>>
state end3    <<end>>

[*]     --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1   : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2   : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3    : from choice\nto end

fork1   ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1   --> State2  : from fork\nto state

State2  --> join2   : from state\nto join
State1  --> [*]     : from state\nto end

join2   --> [*]     : from join\nto end


Timing with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}


WBS with reddress-lightred theme

🎉 Copied!


!theme reddress-lightred
* World
** America 
***_ Canada 
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_  England
***_  Germany
***_  Spain


🚧 Under construction...

Currently missing:
  • All activity
  • Object
  • Timing
  • Network (nwdiag)
  • Salt
  • Archimate
  • Gantt
  • Git/Wire/...

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