Object Diagram

An object diagram is a graphical representation that showcases objects and their relationships at a specific moment in time. It provides a snapshot of the system's structure, capturing the static view of the instances present and their associations.

PlantUML offers a simple and intuitive way to create object diagrams using plain text. Its user-friendly syntax allows for quick diagram creation without the need for complex GUI tools. Moreover, the PlantUML forum provides a platform for users to discuss, share, and seek assistance, fostering a collaborative community. By choosing PlantUML, users benefit from both the efficiency of markdown-based diagramming and the support of an active community.

Definition of objects

You define instances of objects using the object keyword.

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object firstObject
object "My Second Object" as o2

Relations between objects

Relations between objects are defined using the following symbols :

Type Symbol Purpose
Extension <|-- Specialization of a class in a hierarchy
Implementation <|.. Realization of an interface by a class
Composition *-- The part cannot exist without the whole
Aggregation o-- The part can exist independently of the whole
Dependency --> The object uses another object
Dependency ..> A weaker form of dependency

It is possible to replace -- by .. to have a dotted line.

Knowing those rules, it is possible to draw the following drawings.

It is possible a add a label on the relation, using : followed by the text of the label.

For cardinality, you can use double-quotes "" on each side of the relation.

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object Object01
object Object02
object Object03
object Object04
object Object05
object Object06
object Object07
object Object08

Object01 <|-- Object02
Object03 *-- Object04
Object05 o-- "4" Object06
Object07 .. Object08 : some labels

Associations objects

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object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3

Adding fields

To declare fields, you can use the symbol : followed by the field's name.

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object user

user : name = "Dummy"
user : id = 123


It is also possible to group all fields between brackets {}.

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object user {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123


Common features with class diagrams

Map table or associative array

You can define a map table or associative array, with map keyword and => separator.

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map CapitalCity {
 UK => London
 USA => Washington
 Germany => Berlin

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map "Map **Contry => CapitalCity**" as CC {
 UK => London
 USA => Washington
 Germany => Berlin

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map "map: Map<Integer, String>" as users {
 1 => Alice
 2 => Bob
 3 => Charlie

And add link with object.

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object London

map CapitalCity {
 UK *-> London
 USA => Washington
 Germany => Berlin

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object London
object Washington
object Berlin
object NewYork

map CapitalCity {
 UK *-> London
 USA *--> Washington
 Germany *---> Berlin

NewYork --> CapitalCity::USA

[Ref. #307]

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package foo {
    object baz

package bar {
    map A {
        b *-> foo.baz
        c =>

A::c --> foo

[Ref. QA-12934]

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object Foo
map Bar {
object Baz

Bar::abc --> Baz : Label one
Foo --> Bar::def : Label two

[Ref. #307]

Program (or project) evaluation and review technique (PERT) with map

You can use map table in order to make Program (or project) evaluation and review technique (PERT) diagram.

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@startuml PERT
left to right direction
' Horizontal lines: -->, <--, <-->
' Vertical lines: ->, <-, <->
title PERT: Project Name

map Kick.Off {
map task.1 {
    Start => End
map task.2 {
    Start => End
map task.3 {
    Start => End
map task.4 {
    Start => End
map task.5 {
    Start => End
Kick.Off --> task.1 : Label 1
Kick.Off --> task.2 : Label 2
Kick.Off --> task.3 : Label 3
task.1 --> task.4
task.2 --> task.4
task.3 --> task.4
task.4 --> task.5 : Label 4

[Ref. QA-12337]

Display JSON Data on Class or Object diagram

Simple example

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class Class
object Object
json JSON {
   "color": ["Red", "Green"]

[Ref. QA-15481]

For another example, see on JSON page.

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