Simple link
Simple links are define using two square brackets (or three square brackets for field or method on class diagram).
(empty link)
Link with optional label
It is possible to give an optional label that will be printed instead of the link itself. A space is used as separator after the URL itself.
[[ This label is printed]]
Link with optional tooltip
Finally you can also have an optional tooltip using round brackets, just after the URL and before the optional label.
[[{Optional tooltip} This label is printed]]
Only tooltip
You can also have only a tooltip using round brackets.
[[{A tooltip}]]
Only tooltip and label
You can also have only a tooltip using round brackets, and a label.
[[{A tooltip} This label is printed]]
URL authentication
URL authentication it is possible to provide an authentication method, credentials, and a proxy config to URL endpoints.
A link can contain some curly brackets.
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| @startuml
[[link{with_bracket}&id=10]]:Some activity\n(with link with brackets)\n""link{with_bracket}&id=10"";
[["link{with_bracket}"{}]]:Some activity\n(with link with brackets and empy tooltip)\n"""link{with_bracket}"{}"";
[["link{with_bracket}"{with tooltip}]]:Some activity\n(with link finished by brackets and tooltip)\n"""link{with_bracket}"{with tooltip}"";
[["link{with_bracket}&id=10"{with tooltip}]]:Some activity\n(with link with brackets and tooltip)\n"""link{with_bracket}&id=10"{with tooltip}"";
[Ref. QA-13489] The following example lists some links features:
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| @startuml
actor Bob [[]]
actor "This is [[ Alice]] actor" as Alice
Bob -> Alice [[]] : hello
note left [[]]
a note with a link
end note
Alice -> Bob : hello with [[{Tooltip for message} some link]]
note right [[]] : another note
note left of Bob
You can use [[ links in notes]] also.
end note
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| @startuml
class Car [[]]
class Wheel [[]]
note left [[]]
end note
Car *-- Wheel [[]] : has some
There is a special syntax with 3 square brackets in class definition when you want to define a link on field or method. For example:
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| @startuml
class Car {
- Some field [[[]]]
Some method() [[[]]]
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| @startuml
Object <|-- Foo
class Foo {
+ Object[] [[[]]]
+ methods1() [[[{Some explainations about this method}]]]
+ methods2() [[[]]]
class Foo2 {
+ methods1() [[[]]]
+ methods2() [[[]]]
class Object [[]]
On activity label
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| @startuml
[[]]:Some activity;
:Some [[ link]];
On partition
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| @startuml
partition "[[ partition_name]]" {
:read doc. on [[ plantuml_website]];
:test diagram;
[Ref. QA-542]
You can add link on State diagram:
- local link on a word
- or link on the entire state shape
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| @startuml
state state1 [[]]
state state2 [[{this is a tooltip\nand a link to "plantuml/state"}]]
state2 : a global link\nand a tooltip
note left [[]]
a note
and a link
to """"
end note
state3 : a local link to [[ plantuml]]
state1 --> state2
state2 --> state3
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| @startuml
nwdiag {
network Network {
Server [description="A [[ link]] on nwdiag"];
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| @startjson
"@fruit": "Apple",
"$size": "Large",
"Appli.": "A [[ link]] on JSON"
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| @startyaml
@fruit: Apple
$size: Large
Appli.: A [[ link]] on YAML
It is also possible to specify a link at the beginning of a note (the link applies to the full note), or inside a note (for a portion of the note).
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| @startuml
note left of Foo [[]]
This is a note
end note
note right of Foo
Yet another link to [[]] as demo.
You can also [[ specify a text]] for the link.
And even [[{This is a tooltip} add a tooltip]] to the link.
end note
You can use the
url of XXX is [[yyy]]
On sequence diagram
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| @startuml
Bob -> Alice : ok
url of Bob is [[]]
On class diagram
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| @startuml
skinparam topurl
Dog --|> Mammal
url of Mammal is [[/search]]
url of Dog is [[{This is Dog}]]
Dog o-- Cat
Cat --|> Mammal
On usecase diagram
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| @startuml
actor Mamal
usecase Dog
url of Mamal is [[]]
url of Dog is [[{This is Dog}]]
On component or deployment diagram
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| @startuml
node Mamal
component Dog
url of Mamal is [[]]
url of Dog is [[{This is Dog}]]
[Ref. Incubation: URL in diagrams]Class diagram
You can use the same syntax as above in the arrow name. It makes an underlined link:
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| @startuml
class Car
Car "1" *-- "*" Wheel : [[ has some]]
Or you can use this syntax. It doesn't underline the link, though it's still clickable:
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| @startuml
class Car
Car "1" *-- "*" Wheel [[]] : has some
Component or Deployment diagram
🚩 See Wanted features
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| @startuml
node Car
Car *-- Wheel [[]] : has some
[Ref. QA-6397]State diagram
🚩 Same Issue
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| @startuml
state Car
state CarWithWheel
Car -> CarWithWheel [[]] : Add wheel to car
You can change the
value of the links with the
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| @startuml
:hyperlinkColor setting, by default;
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| @startuml
skinparam hyperlinkColor red
:hyperlinkColor setting;
[Ref. QA-2322]hyperlinkUnderline
You can use
to specify the presence and (in PNG only) thickness of hyperlink underlines.
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| @startuml
skinparam hyperlinkUnderline false
:hyperlinkColor setting;
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| @startuml
skinparam hyperlinkUnderline 1
:hyperlinkColor setting;
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| @startuml
skinparam hyperlinkUnderline 5
:hyperlinkColor setting;
[Ref. QA-2866, QA-15114, GH-1241, GH-1411]topurl
You can use
setting, in order to define the prefix for all the links on a PlantUML diagram, as:
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| @startmindmap
skinparam topurl
* [[index PlantUML website]]
** [[sequence-diagram Sequence]]
** [[mindmap-diagram MindMap]]
** [[wbs-diagram WBS]]
** ...
[Ref. QA-9016, QA-13179 ]Other SkinParameter for Link
You can see also on:
Without style (by default)
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| @startuml
title test on HyperlinkColor [[test link]]
class test <<normal>> {
* aaa
+ [[normal model]]
- bb
class test_with_stereo AS "[[ test]]" <<red>> {
* aaa
+ [[red model]]
- bb
With style
You can use
style to change rendering of elements.
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| @startuml
.red {
HyperlinkColor #FF0000
title test on HyperlinkColor [[test link]]
class test <<normal>> {
* aaa
+ [[normal model]]
- bb
class test_with_stereo AS "[[ test]]" <<red>> {
* aaa
+ [[red model]]
- bb
[Ref. QA-8071]