On PlantUML, you can mix all diagram type and make sub-diagram.
To activate this feature, the sub-diagram must:
- begin with
- end with
Here is a basic example of sub-diagram, with adding an
Activty diagram on a note on a
Class diagram:
🎉 Copied!
| @startuml
abstract ATest {
{static} +String id
{abstract} -void doit()
class Test {
-int count
-int max
-int increment
-void doit()
ATest <|-- Test
note right of Test::doit()
skinparam backgroundcolor transparent
while (count < max?)
:count = count + increment;
end note
[Ref. QA-6947] By default the background color of a sub-diagram is white. This can be solved by adding
skinparam Backgroundcolor transparent
to the sub-diagram.
🎉 Copied!
| @startuml
rectangle A [
rectangle A
rectangle B [
skinparam Backgroundcolor transparent
rectangle B
Besides being used in other elements or notes, they can also be used in messages. For this, the sub-diagram must be all on one line:
🎉 Copied!
| @startuml
(A) --> (B): \tSub-diagram in a message\n{{\n(C)->(D)\n}}
Sub-diagram can only herite of the
skinparam from the hosted diagram, as:
🎉 Copied!
| @startuml
skinparam handwritten true
component a {
note left of a
handwritten is OK
end note
note right of a
note right
handwritten is inherited
end note
end note
[Ref. QA-9043]