To emphasize the fact that your diagrams are still under work, you can generate handwritten diagrams.
To do so, you have to set:
skinparam to true
(for version before V1.2025.1)
option to true
(since V1.2025.1)
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!option handwritten true
if (Graphviz installed?) then (yes)
:process all\ndiagrams;
else (no)
:process only
__sequence__ and __activity__ diagrams;
🎉 Copied!
!option handwritten true
scale .75
++S1 R1
++S1 R2
🎉 Copied!
!option handwritten true
class Object
class String extends Object
class Date extends Object
Deployment shapes
🎉 Copied!
!option handwritten true
actor actor
actor/ "actor/"
agent agent
artifact artifact
boundary boundary
card card
circle circle
cloud cloud
collections collections
component component
control control
database database
entity entity
file file
folder folder
frame frame
hexagon hexagon
interface interface
label label
node node
package package
person person
queue queue
rectangle rectangle
stack stack
storage storage
usecase usecase
usecase/ "usecase/"
Deployment with Group
🎉 Copied!
!option handwritten true
package "Some Group" {
HTTP - [First Component]
[Another Component]
node "Other Groups" {
FTP - [Second Component]
[First Component] --> FTP
cloud {
[Example 1]
database "MySql" {
folder "This is my folder" {
[Folder 3]
frame "Foo" {
[Frame 4]
[Another Component] --> [Example 1]
[Example 1] --> [Folder 3]
[Folder 3] --> [Frame 4]
🎉 Copied!
!option handwritten true
title Title
not_styled_ebnf = {"a", c , "a" (* Note on a *)}
| ? special ?
| "repetition", 4 * '2';
(* Global End Note *)
🎉 Copied!
!option handwritten true
hide footbox
Project starts the 2020-12-01
[Task1] lasts 9 days
sunday are closed
note bottom
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] lasts 10 days
[Task2] starts 7 days after [Task1]'s end
note bottom
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --
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!option handwritten true
"color": ["Red", "Green"]
🎉 Copied!
skinparam handwritten true
* World
** America
*** Canada
*** Mexico
*** USA
** Europe
***_ England
***_ Germany
***_ Spain
🎉 Copied!
!option handwritten true
nwdiag {
network dmz {
address = "210.x.x.x/24"
web01 [address = "210.x.x.1"];
web02 [address = "210.x.x.2"];
network internal {
address = "172.x.x.x/24";
web01 [address = "172.x.x.1"];
web02 [address = "172.x.x.2"];
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!option handwritten true
object user1
user1 : name = "Dummy"
user1 : id = 123
object user2 {
name = "Dummy"
id = 123
object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3
o1 --> dia
o2 "1" -> "1" dia
dia --> o3
object London
map CapitalCity {
UK *-> London
USA => Washington
Germany => Berlin
note right of London: Big ben
user1 --> CapitalCity : visits >
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!option handwritten true
mainframe This is a **mainframe**
Login | "MyName "
Password | "**** "
[Cancel] | [ OK ]
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!option handwritten true
Alice -> Bob : hello
note right: Not validated yet
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!option handwritten true
state choice1 <<choice>>
state fork1 <<fork>>
state join2 <<join>>
state end3 <<end>>
[*] --> choice1 : from start\nto choice
choice1 --> fork1 : from choice\nto fork
choice1 --> join2 : from choice\nto join
choice1 --> end3 : from choice\nto end
fork1 ---> State1 : from fork\nto state
fork1 --> State2 : from fork\nto state
State2 --> join2 : from state\nto join
State1 --> [*] : from state\nto end
join2 --> [*] : from join\nto end
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!option handwritten true
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU
WB is Initializing
WU is Absent
0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}
0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}
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!option handwritten true
* World
** America
*** Canada
*** Mexico
*** USA
** Europe
***_ England
***_ Germany
***_ Spain
🎉 Copied!
!option handwritten true
* first
* second_box [100x50]
* third
🎉 Copied!
!option handwritten true
fruit: Apple
size: Large
- Red
- Green