Diagramme syntaxique

La forme Backus-Naur étendue (EBNF) est un type de syntaxe formelle utilisée pour spécifier la structure d'un langage de programmation ou d'un autre langage formel. Il s'agit d'une extension de la forme Backus-Naur (BNF), qui a été développée à l'origine par John Backus et Peter Naur pour décrire la syntaxe du langage de programmation Algol.

L'EBNF ajoute plusieurs métasymboles supplémentaires aux métasymboles BNF originaux, ce qui permet une spécification plus concise et plus lisible de la syntaxe d'un langage. Elle est couramment utilisée dans la spécification des langages de programmation, et est aussi parfois utilisée pour décrire la syntaxe d'autres types de langages formels, tels que les langages d'interrogation de bases de données ou les langages de balisage.

Un support de base pour EBNF a été introduit dans PlantUML.

 This translation need to be updated. 

Minimal binary diagram

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binaryDigit = "0" | "1";

All EBNF Elements

EBNF elements handled by PlantUML are described below.

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title All EBNF elements managed by PlantUML

(* Nodes *)
litteral = "a";
special = ? a ?;
rule = a;

(* Edges *)
required = a;
optional = [a];

zero_or_more = {a};
one_or_more = a, {a};
one_or_more_ebnf = {a}-;

zero_or_more_with_separator = [a, {',', a}];
one_or_more_with_separator = a, {',', a};
zero_or_more_with_terminator = {a, ','};
one_or_more_with_terminator = a, ',', {a, ','};
one_or_more_with_terminator_ebnf = {a, ','}-;

alternative = a | b;
group = (a | b) , c;
without_group = a | b , c;

Special sequence management with special-sequence-symbol "?"

You can manage special sequence with special-sequence-symbol "?".

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(* Example from §8.1 ISO-EBNF *)

h-tab = ? IS0 6429 character Horizontal Tabulation ? ;

new-line = { ? IS0 6429 character Carriage Return ? },
? IS0 6429 character Line Feed ?,
{ ? IS0 6429 character Carriage Return ? };

(* Other possible examples: *)
h-tab = ?Unicode U+0009?;
empty-special = ??;

[Ref. QA-16781]

Full repetition management with repetition-symbol "*"

You can manage repetition with repetition-symbol "*".

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(* Simplified Fortran example *)
Fortran_77_continuation_line = 5 * " ",  '[...]', 66 * [character];

(* Minimal test *)
test = 4 * '2';

(* Example of §5.7 Syntactic-factor of ISO EBNF *)
aa = "A";
bb = 3 * aa, "B";
cc = 3 * [aa], "C";
dd = {aa}, "D";
ee = aa, {aa}, "E";
ff = 3 * aa, 3 * [aa], "F";
gg = 3 * {aa}, "D";

[Ref. QA-16750]

Drawing mode

Before version V1.2025.1, you can choice the drawing mode, and having a compacted mode by using !pragma compact command.

Expanded mode (by default, and the only one from V1.2025.1)

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title Expanded mode

zero_or_more = {a};
one_or_more = a, {a};
one_or_more_ebnf = {a}-;

zero_or_more_with_separator = [a, {',', a}];
one_or_more_with_separator = a, {',', a};
zero_or_more_with_terminator = {a, ','};
one_or_more_with_terminator = a, ',', {a, ','};


Compacted mode (only available before V1.2025.1)

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!pragma compact
title Compacted mode

zero_or_more = {a};
one_or_more = a, {a};
one_or_more_ebnf = {a}-;

zero_or_more_with_separator = [a, {',', a}];
one_or_more_with_separator = a, {',', a};
zero_or_more_with_terminator = {a, ','};
one_or_more_with_terminator = a, ',', {a, ','};


[Ref. QA-16692, QA-16529]

[End of the compacted mode: GH-1585]

Notes on Elements

Notes may be added to elements of your diagram by using EBNF comment tags.

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title Comments
(* Notes for Rule1 *)
Rule1 = {"a-z" (* any letter *) };
(* Notes for Rule2 *)
Rule2 =;
(* Additional notes and references *)

Using (global) style

Without style (by default)

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title Title
not_styled_ebnf = {"a", c , "a" (* Note on a *)}
| ? special ?
| "repetition", 4 * '2';
(* Global End Note *)

With style

You can use style to change rendering of elements.

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element {
  ebnf {
    LineColor blue
    Fontcolor green
    Backgroundcolor palegreen
    note {
      Backgroundcolor pink
title Title
styled_ebnf = {"a", c , "a" (* Note on a *)}
| ? special ?
| "repetition", 4 * '2';
(* Global End Note *)

[Ref. QA-16529]

Example of LISP Grammar

LISP Grammar with PlantUML.

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title LISP Grammar
grammars_expression = atomic_symbol | "(", s_expression, ".", s_expression, ")" | list;
list = "(", s_expression, { s_expression }, ")";
atomic_symbol = letter, atom_part;
atom_part = empty | letter, atom_part | number, atom_part;
letter = ? a-z ?;
number = ? 1-9 ?;
empty = " ";

[Ref. ]

EBNF of PlantUMLs EBNF Grammar

EBNF allows for self description, so here it is!

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grammar = { rule };
rule = lhs , "=" (* definition *) , rhs , ";" (* termination *);
lhs = identifier ;
rhs = identifier
     | terminal
     | "[" , rhs (* optional *) , "]"
     | "{" , rhs (* repetition *), "}"
     | "(" , rhs (* grouping *) , ")"
     | "(*" , string (* comment *) , "*)"
     | "?" , rhs (* special sequence, aka notation *) , "?"
     | rhs , "|" (* alternation *) , rhs
     | rhs , "," (* concatenation *), rhs ;
identifier = letter , { letter | digit | "_" } ;
terminal = "'" , character , { character } , "'"
         | '"' , character , { character } , '"' ;
character = letter | digit | symbol | "_" ;
symbol = "[" | "]" | "{" | "}" | "(" | ")" | "<" | ">"
       | "'" | '"' | "=" | "|" | "." | "," | ";" ;
digit = ? 0-9 ? ;
letter = ? A-Z or a-z ? ;

Java Language Specification

A real world example of a detailed programming language.

Packages and Modules

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CompilationUnit = OrdinaryCompilationUnit | ModularCompilationUnit;
OrdinaryCompilationUnit = [PackageDeclaration], {ImportDeclaration}, {TopLevelClassOrInterfaceDeclaration};
ModularCompilationUnit = {ImportDeclaration}, ModuleDeclaration;
PackageDeclaration = {PackageModifier}, "package", Identifier, {Identifier}, ";";
PackageModifier = Annotation;
ImportDeclaration = SingleTypeImportDeclaration | TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration | SingleStaticImportDeclaration | StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration;
SingleTypeImportDeclaration = "import", TypeName, ";";
TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration = "import", PackageOrTypeName, ".*", ";";
SingleStaticImportDeclaration = "import", "static", TypeName, ".", Identifier, ";";
StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration = "import", "static", TypeName, ".*", ";";
TopLevelClassOrInterfaceDeclaration = (ClassDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration), ";";
ModuleDeclaration = {Annotation}, [open], "module", Identifier, {Identifier}, "{", {ModuleDirective}, "}";
ModuleDirective = ("requires", {RequiresModifier}, ModuleName, ";") | ("exports", PackageName, ["to", ModuleName, {",", ModuleName}], ";") | ("opens", PackageName, ["to", ModuleName, {",", ModuleName}], ";") | ("uses", TypeName, ";") | ("provides", TypeName, "with", TypeName, {",", TypeName}, ";");
RequiresModifier = "transitive" | "static";

Lexical Structure

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Identifier = ?IdentifierChars but not a ReservedKeyword or BooleanLiteral or NullLiteral?;
IdentifierChars = JavaLetter, {JavaLetterOrDigit};
JavaLetter = ? any Unicode character that is a "Java letter" ?;
JavaLetterOrDigit = ? any Unicode character that is a "Java letter-or-digit" ?;
TypeIdentifier = ? Identifier but not permits, record, sealed, var, or yield ?;
UnqualifiedMethodIdentifier = ? Identifier but not yield ?;
Literal = IntegerLiteral | FloatingPointLiteral | BooleanLiteral | CharacterLiteral | StringLiteral | TextBlock | NullLiteral;

Types, Values, and Variables

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Type = PrimitiveType | ReferenceType;
PrimitiveType = [Annotation], (NumericType | boolean );
NumericType = IntegralType | FloatingPointType;
IntegralType = "byte" | "short" | "int" | "long" | "char";
FloatingPointType = "float" | "double";
ReferenceType = ClassOrInterfaceType | TypeVariable | ArrayType;
ClassOrInterfaceType = ClassType | InterfaceType;
ClassType = {Annotation}, TypeIdentifier, [TypeArguments];
PackageName = {Annotation}, TypeIdentifier, [TypeArguments];
ClassOrInterfaceType = {Annotation}, TypeIdentifier, [TypeArguments];
InterfaceType = ClassType;
TypeVariable = {Annotation}, TypeIdentifier;
ArrayType = (PrimitiveType | ClassOrInterfaceType | TypeVariable), Dims;
Dims=  {Annotation}, "[", "]", {{Annotation}, "[", "]"};
TypeParameter = {TypeParameterModifier}, TypeIdentifier, [TypeBound];
TypeParameterModifier = Annotation;
TypeBound = ("extends", TypeVariable) | ("extends", ClassOrInterfaceType, {AdditionalBound});
AdditionalBound = "&", InterfaceType;
TypeArguments = "<", TypeArgumentList, ">";
TypeArgumentList = TypeArgument, {",", TypeArgument};
TypeArgument = ReferenceType | Wildcard;
Wildcard = {Annotation}, "?", [WildcardBounds];
WildcardBounds = ("extends" | "super"), ReferenceType;


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ModuleName = Identifier | ( ModuleName, ".", Identifier);
PackageName = Identifier | (PackageName, ".", Identifier);
TypeName = TypeIdentifier | (PackageOrTypeName, ".", TypeIdentifier);
ExpressionName = Identifier | ( AmbiguousName, ".", Identifier);
MethodName = UnqualifiedMethodIdentifier;
PackageOrTypeName = Identifier | (PackageOrTypeName, ".", Identifier);
AmbiguousName = Identifier | (AmbiguousName, ".", Identifier);


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ClassDeclaration = NormalClassDeclaration | EnumDeclaration | RecordDeclaration;
NormalClassDeclaration = {ClassModifier}, "class", TypeIdentifier, [TypeParameters], [ClassExtends], [ClassImplements], [ClassPermits], ClassBody;
ClassModifier = Annotation | "public" | "protected" | "private" | "abstract" | "static" | "final" | "sealed" | "non-sealed" | "strictfp";
TypeParameters = "<", TypeParameterList, ">";
TypeParameterList = TypeParameter, {",", TypeParameter};
ClassExtends = "extends", ClassType;
ClassImplements = "implements", InterfaceTypeList;
InterfaceTypeList = InterfaceType, {",", InterfaceType};
ClassPermits = "permits", TypeName, {",", TypeName};
ClassBody = "{", {ClassBodyDeclaration}, "}";
ClassBodyDeclaration = ClassMemberDeclaration | InstanceInitializer | StaticInitializer | ConstructorDeclaration;
ClassMemberDeclaration = (FieldDeclaration | MethodDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration), ";";
FieldDeclaration = {FieldModifier}, UnannType, VariableDeclaratorList, ";";
FieldModifier = Annotation | "public" | "protected" | "private" | "static" | "final" | "transient" | "volatile";
VariableDeclaratorList = VariableDeclarator, {",", VariableDeclarator};
VariableDeclarator = VariableDeclaratorId, ["=", VariableInitializer];
VariableDeclaratorId = Identifier, [Dims];
VariableInitializer = Expression | ArrayInitializer;
UnannType = UnannPrimitiveType | UnannReferenceType;
UnannPrimitiveType = NumericType | boolean;
UnannReferenceType = UnannClassOrInterfaceType | UnannTypeVariable | UnannArrayType;
UnannClassOrInterfaceType = UnannClassType | UnannInterfaceType;
UnannClassType = (TypeIdentifier, [TypeArguments]) | (PackageName, ".", {Annotation}, TypeIdentifier, [TypeArguments]) | (UnannClassOrInterfaceType, ".", {Annotation}, TypeIdentifier, [TypeArguments]) | (TypeIdentifier, [TypeArguments]) | (TypeIdentifier, [TypeArguments]);
UnannInterfaceType = UnannClassType;
UnannTypeVariable = TypeIdentifier;
UnannArrayType = (UnannPrimitiveType, Dims) | (UnannClassOrInterfaceType, Dims) | (UnannTypeVariable, Dims);
MethodDeclaration = {MethodModifier}, MethodHeader, MethodBody;
MethodModifier = Annotation | "public" | "protected" | "private" | "abstract" | "static" | "final" | "synchronized" | "native" | "strictfp";
MethodHeader = (Result, MethodDeclarator, [Throws]) | (TypeParameters, {Annotation}, Result, MethodDeclarator, [Throws]);
Result = UnannType | "void";
MethodDeclarator = Identifier, ( [ ReceiverParameter, "," ], [FormalParameterList] ), [Dims];
ReceiverParameter = {Annotation}, UnannType, [Identifier, "."], "this";
FormalParameterList = FormalParameter, {",", FormalParameter};
FormalParameter = ({VariableModifier}, UnannType, VariableDeclaratorId) | VariableArityParameter;
VariableArityParameter = {VariableModifier}, UnannType, {Annotation}, "...", Identifier;
VariableModifier = Annotation | "final";
Throws = "throws", ExceptionTypeList;
ExceptionTypeList = ExceptionType, {",", ExceptionType};
ExceptionType = ClassType | TypeVariable;
MethodBody = Block | ";";
InstanceInitializer = Block;
StaticInitializer = "static", Block;
ConstructorDeclaration = {ConstructorModifier}, ConstructorDeclarator, [Throws], ConstructorBody;
ConstructorModifier = Annotation | "public" | "protected" | "private";
ConstructorDeclarator = [TypeParameters], SimpleTypeName, ( [ReceiverParameter, ","], [FormalParameterList] );
SimpleTypeName = TypeIdentifier;
ConstructorBody = { [ExplicitConstructorInvocation], [BlockStatements] };
ExplicitConstructorInvocation = ( [TypeArguments], "this", "(", [ArgumentList], ")", ";" ) | ([TypeArguments], "super", "(", [ArgumentList], ")", ";" ) | (ExpressionName, ".", [TypeArguments], "super", "(", [ArgumentList], ")", ";" ) | (Primary, "." [TypeArguments], "super", "(" [ArgumentList], ")", ";";
EnumDeclaration = {ClassModifier}, "enum", TypeIdentifier, [ClassImplements], EnumBody;
EnumBody = "{", [EnumConstantList], [","], [EnumBodyDeclarations], "}";
EnumConstantList = EnumConstant, {",", EnumConstant};
EnumConstant = {EnumConstantModifier}, Identifier, ["(", [ArgumentList], ")"], [ClassBody];
EnumConstantModifier = Annotation;
EnumBodyDeclarations = ";", {ClassBodyDeclaration};
RecordDeclaration = {ClassModifier}, "record", TypeIdentifier, [TypeParameters], RecordHeader, [ClassImplements], RecordBody;
RecordHeader = "(", [RecordComponentList], ")";
RecordComponentList = RecordComponent, {",", RecordComponent};
RecordComponent = (RecordComponentModifier}, UnannType, Identifier) | VariableArityRecordComponent;
VariableArityRecordComponent = {RecordComponentModifier}, UnannType, {Annotation}, "...", Identifier;
RecordComponentModifier = Annotation;
RecordBody = "{", {RecordBodyDeclaration}, "}";
RecordBodyDeclaration = ClassBodyDeclaration | CompactConstructorDeclaration;
CompactConstructorDeclaration = {ConstructorModifier}, SimpleTypeName, ConstructorBody;


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InterfaceDeclaration = NormalInterfaceDeclaration | AnnotationInterfaceDeclaration;
NormalInterfaceDeclaration = {InterfaceModifier}, "interface", TypeIdentifier, [TypeParameters], [InterfaceExtends], [InterfacePermits], InterfaceBody;
InterfaceModifier = Annotation | "public" | "protected" | "private" | "abstract" | "static" | "sealed" | "non-sealed" | "strictfp";
InterfaceExtends = "extends", InterfaceTypeList;
InterfacePermits = "permits", TypeName, {",", TypeName};
InterfaceBody = "{", {InterfaceMemberDeclaration}, "}";
InterfaceMemberDeclaration = ConstantDeclaration | InterfaceMethodDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | ";";
ConstantDeclaration = {ConstantModifier}, UnannType, VariableDeclaratorList, ";";
ConstantModifier = Annotation | "public" | "static" | "final";
InterfaceMethodDeclaration = {InterfaceMethodModifier}, MethodHeader, MethodBody;
InterfaceMethodModifier = Annotation | "public" | "private" | "abstract" | "default" | "static" | "strictfp";
AnnotationInterfaceDeclaration = {InterfaceModifier}, "@", "interface", TypeIdentifier, AnnotationInterfaceBody;
AnnotationInterfaceBody = "{", {AnnotationInterfaceMemberDeclaration}, "}";
AnnotationInterfaceMemberDeclaration = AnnotationInterfaceElementDeclaration | ConstantDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration, ";";
AnnotationInterfaceElementDeclaration = {AnnotationInterfaceElementModifier}, UnannType, Identifier, "(", ")", [Dims], [DefaultValue], ";";
AnnotationInterfaceElementModifier = Annotation | "public" | "abstract";
DefaultValue = "default", ElementValue;
Annotation = NormalAnnotation | MarkerAnnotation | SingleElementAnnotation;
NormalAnnotation = "@", TypeName, "(", [ElementValuePairList], ")";
ElementValuePairList = ElementValuePair, {",", ElementValuePair};
ElementValuePair = Identifier, "=", ElementValue;
ElementValue = ConditionalExpression | ElementValueArrayInitializer | Annotation;
ElementValueArrayInitializer = "{", [ElementValueList], [","], "}";
ElementValueList = ElementValue, {",", ElementValue};
MarkerAnnotation = "@", TypeName;
SingleElementAnnotation = "@", TypeName, "(", ElementValue, ")";


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ArrayInitializer = "{", [VariableInitializerList], [","], "}";
VariableInitializerList = VariableInitializer, {",", VariableInitializer};

Blocks, Statements, and Patterns

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Block = "{", [BlockStatements], "}";
BlockStatements = BlockStatement, {BlockStatement};
BlockStatement = LocalClassOrInterfaceDeclaration | LocalVariableDeclarationStatement | Statement;
LocalClassOrInterfaceDeclaration = ClassDeclaration | NormalInterfaceDeclaration;
LocalVariableDeclarationStatement = LocalVariableDeclaration, ";";
LocalVariableDeclaration = {VariableModifier}, LocalVariableType, VariableDeclaratorList;
LocalVariableType = UnannType | "var";
Statement = StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement | LabeledStatement | IfThenStatement | IfThenElseStatement | WhileStatement | ForStatement;
StatementNoShortIf = StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement | LabeledStatementNoShortIf | IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf | WhileStatementNoShortIf | ForStatementNoShortIf;
StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement = Block | EmptyStatement | ExpressionStatement | AssertStatement | SwitchStatement | DoStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | ReturnStatement | SynchronizedStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | YieldStatement;
EmptyStatement = ";";
LabeledStatement = Identifier, ":", Statement;
LabeledStatementNoShortIf = Identifier, ":", StatementNoShortIf;
ExpressionStatement = StatementExpression, ";";
StatementExpression = Assignment | PreIncrementExpression | PreDecrementExpression | PostIncrementExpression | PostDecrementExpression | MethodInvocation | ClassInstanceCreationExpression;
IfThenStatement = "if", "(", Expression, ")", Statement;
IfThenElseStatement = "if", "(", Expression, ")", StatementNoShortIf, "else", Statement;
IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf = "if", "(", Expression, ")", StatementNoShortIf, "else", StatementNoShortIf;
AssertStatement = ("assert", Expression, ";") | ("assert", Expression, ":", Expression, ";");
SwitchStatement = "switch", "(", Expression, ")", SwitchBlock;
SwitchBlock = ( "{", SwitchRule, {SwitchRule}, "}" ) | ( "{", {SwitchBlockStatementGroup}, {SwitchLabel, ":"}, "}" );
SwitchRule = (SwitchLabel, "->", Expression, ";") |(SwitchLabel, "->", Block) | (SwitchLabel, "->", ThrowStatement);
SwitchBlockStatementGroup = SwitchLabel, ":", {SwitchLabel, ":"}, BlockStatements;
SwitchLabel = ("case", CaseConstant, {",", CaseConstant}) | "default";
CaseConstant = ConditionalExpression;
WhileStatement = "while", "(", Expression, ")", Statement;
WhileStatementNoShortIf = "while", "(", Expression, ")", StatementNoShortIf;
DoStatement = "do", Statement, "while", "(", Expression, ")", ";";
ForStatement = BasicForStatement | EnhancedForStatement | ForStatementNoShortIf | BasicForStatementNoShortIf | EnhancedForStatementNoShortIf;
BasicForStatement = "for", "(", [ForInit], ";", [Expression], ";", [ForUpdate], ")", Statement;
BasicForStatementNoShortIf = "for", "(", [ForInit], ";", [Expression], ";", [ForUpdate], ")", StatementNoShortIf;
ForInit = StatementExpressionList | LocalVariableDeclaration;
ForUpdate = StatementExpressionList;
StatementExpressionList = StatementExpression, {",", StatementExpression};
EnhancedForStatement = "for", "(", LocalVariableDeclaration, ":", Expression, ")", Statement;
EnhancedForStatementNoShortIf = "for", "(", LocalVariableDeclaration, ":", Expression, ")", StatementNoShortIf;
BreakStatement = break, [Identifier], ";";
YieldStatement = "yield", Expression, ";";
ContinueStatement = "continue", [Identifier], ";";
ReturnStatement = "return" [Expression], ";";
ThrowStatement = "throw", Expression, ";";
SynchronizedStatement = "synchronized", "(", Expression, ")", Block;
TryStatement = ("try", Block, Catches) | ("try", Block, [Catches], Finally ) | TryWithResourcesStatement;
Catches = CatchClause, {CatchClause};
CatchClause = "catch", "(", CatchFormalParameter, ")", Block;
CatchFormalParameter = {VariableModifier}, CatchType, VariableDeclaratorId;
CatchType = UnannClassType, {"|", ClassType};
Finally = "finally", Block;
TryWithResourcesStatement = "try", ResourceSpecification, Block, [Catches], [Finally];
ResourceSpecification = "(", ResourceList, [";"], ")";
ResourceList = Resource, {";", Resource};
Resource = LocalVariableDeclaration | VariableAccess;
Pattern = TypePattern;
TypePattern = LocalVariableDeclaration;

(* Expressions *)

Primary = PrimaryNoNewArray | ArrayCreationExpression;
PrimaryNoNewArray = Literal | ClassLiteral | "this" | (TypeName, ".", "this") | ( "(", Expression, ")" ) | ClassInstanceCreationExpression | FieldAccess | ArrayAccess | MethodInvocation | MethodReference;
ClassLiteral = (TypeName, { "[", "]" }, ".", "class") | (NumericType, {"[", "]"}, ".", "class") | ("boolean", {"[", "]"}, ".", "class") | ("void", ".", "class");
ClassInstanceCreationExpression = UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression | (ExpressionName, ".", UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression) |(Primary, ".", UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression);
UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression = "new", [TypeArguments], ClassOrInterfaceTypeToInstantiate, "(", [ArgumentList], ")", [ClassBody];
ClassOrInterfaceTypeToInstantiate = {Annotation}, Identifier, {".", {Annotation}, Identifier}, [TypeArgumentsOrDiamond];
TypeArgumentsOrDiamond = TypeArguments | ("<",">");
ArrayCreationExpression = ArrayCreationExpressionWithoutInitializer | ArrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer;
ArrayCreationExpressionWithoutInitializer = ("new", PrimitiveType, DimExprs, [Dims]) | ("new", ClassOrInterfaceType, DimExprs, [Dims]);
ArrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer = ("new", PrimitiveType, Dims, ArrayInitializer) | ("new", ClassOrInterfaceType, Dims, ArrayInitializer);
DimExprs = DimExpr, {DimExpr};
DimExpr = ({Annotation}, [ Expression ]) | (ArrayAccess, "=", ExpressionName, "[", Expression, "]") | (PrimaryNoNewArray, "[", Expression, "]") | (ArrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer, "[", Expression, "]");
FieldAccess = (Primary, ".", Identifier), ("super", ".", Identifier), (TypeName, ".", super, ".", Identifier);
MethodInvocation = (MethodName, "(", [ArgumentList], ")") | (TypeName, ".", [TypeArguments], Identifier, "(", [ArgumentList], ")") | (ExpressionName, ".", [TypeArguments], Identifier, "(", [ArgumentList], ")") | (Primary, ".", [TypeArguments], Identifier, "(", [ArgumentList], ")") | ("super", ".", [TypeArguments], Identifier, "(", [ArgumentList], ")") | (TypeName, ".", "super", ".", [TypeArguments], Identifier, "(", [ArgumentList], ")");
ArgumentList = Expression, {",", Expression};
MethodReference = (ExpressionName, "::", [TypeArguments], Identifier) | (Primary, "::", [TypeArguments], Identifier) | (ReferenceType, "::", [TypeArguments], Identifier) | ("super", "::", [TypeArguments], Identifier) | (TypeName, ".", super, "::", [TypeArguments], Identifier) | (ClassType, "::", [TypeArguments], "new") | (ArrayType, "::", "new");
Expression = LambdaExpression | AssignmentExpression;
LambdaExpression = LambdaParameters, "->", LambdaBody;
LambdaParameters = ("(", [LambdaParameterList], ")") | Identifier;
LambdaParameterList = (LambdaParameter, {",", LambdaParameter}) | (Identifier, {",", Identifier});
LambdaParameter = ({VariableModifier}, LambdaParameterType, VariableDeclaratorId) | VariableArityParameter;
LambdaParameterType = UnannType | "var";
LambdaBody = Expression | Block;
AssignmentExpression = ConditionalExpression | Assignment;
Assignment = LeftHandSide | AssignmentOperator | Expression;
LeftHandSide = ExpressionName | FieldAccess | ArrayAccess;
AssignmentOperator = "=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "+=" | "-=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>=" | "&=" | "^=" | "|=";
ConditionalExpression = ConditionalOrExpression | (ConditionalOrExpression, "?", Expression, ":", ConditionalExpression) | (ConditionalOrExpression, "?", Expression, ":", LambdaExpression);
ConditionalOrExpression = ConditionalAndExpression | (ConditionalOrExpression, "||", ConditionalAndExpression);
ConditionalAndExpression = InclusiveOrExpression | (ConditionalAndExpression, "&&", InclusiveOrExpression);
InclusiveOrExpression = ExclusiveOrExpression | (InclusiveOrExpression, "|", ExclusiveOrExpression);
ExclusiveOrExpression = AndExpression | (ExclusiveOrExpression, "^", AndExpression);
AndExpression = EqualityExpression, (AndExpression, "&", EqualityExpression) | (EqualityExpression, "=", RelationalExpression) | (EqualityExpression, "==", RelationalExpression) | (EqualityExpression, "!=", RelationalExpression);
RelationalExpression = ShiftExpression | (RelationalExpression, "<", ShiftExpression) | (RelationalExpression, ">", ShiftExpression) | (RelationalExpression, "<=", ShiftExpression) | (RelationalExpression, ">=", ShiftExpression) | (InstanceofExpression);
InstanceofExpression = (RelationalExpression, "instanceof", ReferenceType) | (RelationalExpression, "instanceof", Pattern);
ShiftExpression = AdditiveExpression | (ShiftExpression, "<<", AdditiveExpression) | (ShiftExpression, ">>", AdditiveExpression) | (ShiftExpression, ">>>", AdditiveExpression);
AdditiveExpression = MultiplicativeExpression | (AdditiveExpression, "+", MultiplicativeExpression) | (AdditiveExpression, "-", MultiplicativeExpression);
MultiplicativeExpression = UnaryExpression | (MultiplicativeExpression, "*", UnaryExpression) | (MultiplicativeExpression, "/", UnaryExpression) | (MultiplicativeExpression, "%", UnaryExpression);
UnaryExpression = PreIncrementExpression | PreDecrementExpression | ("+", UnaryExpression) | ("-", UnaryExpression) | UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus;
PreIncrementExpression = "++", UnaryExpression;
PreDecrementExpression = "--", UnaryExpression;
UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus = PostfixExpression | ("~", UnaryExpression) | ("!", UnaryExpression) | CastExpression | SwitchExpression;
PostfixExpression = Primary | ExpressionName | PostIncrementExpression | PostDecrementExpression;
PostIncrementExpression = PostfixExpression, "++";
PostDecrementExpression = PostfixExpression, "--";
CastExpression = ("(", PrimitiveType, ")", UnaryExpression) | ("(", ReferenceType, {AdditionalBound}, ")", UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus) | ("(", ReferenceType, {AdditionalBound}, ")", LambdaExpression);
SwitchExpression = "switch", "(", Expression, ")", SwitchBlock;
ConstantExpression = Expression;

Remaining defects

Could you put 'arrow head' on all rerouted lines?

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title Could you put 'arrow head' on all rerouted lines?
test = [1], [12], [123], [1234];

Fixed by EBNF more arrow head on V1.2024.8

Order issue

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a = (one, two), three;
b = (one (* 1 *), two (* 2 *)), three (* 3 *);

[Ref. QA-17090, fixed by EBNF concatenation order on V1.2024.8]

Allow accentuated or Unicode char on EBNF meta-identifier or rule name.

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(* Test of accentuated or Unicode char*)
alt = été | hiver;
hiver = 'froid';
été = 'chaud';

[Ref. QA-17145 , fixed by EBNF better unicode support on V1.2024.8]

Allow full restriction management with except-symbol "-"

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title First [modified] example of §5.8 Syntactic-term of ISO-EBNF

letter = ? "A" - "Z" ?;

vowel = "A" | "E" | "I" | "O" | "U";

consonant = letter - vowel;

[Ref. QA-16735]

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