Display JSON Data

JSON format is widely used in software.

You can use PlantUML to visualize your data.

To activate this feature, the diagram must:
  • begin with @startjson keyword
  • end with @endjson keyword.

🎉 Copied!

   "color": ["Red", "Green"]

🛈 If you are looking for how to manipulate and manage JSON data on PlantUML: see rather Preprocessing JSON.

Complex example

You can use complex JSON structure.

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		"category": "트럭",
		"features": [
				"name": "연식",
				"example": "2010-05",
				"type": "string"
		"subcategory": [
				"category": "트레일러",
				"subcategory": [
						"category": "컨테이너 트레일러",
						"subcategory": [
								"category": "콤바인샤시"
								"category": "구즈넥(라인)샤시"
								"category": "콤비라인샤시"
						"features": [
								"name": "피트(ft)",
								"example": "20",
								"type": "int",
								"values": [
										"name": "20피트",
										"value": "20"
										"name": "40피트",
										"value": "40"
						"category": "평판 트레일러",
						"subcategory": [
								"category": "평판샤시"
								"category": "로우베드"
								"category": "삐딱이샤시"
						"features": [
								"name": "평판 길이(mm)",
								"example": "6700",
								"type": "int",
								"min": 0,
								"max": 99999
						"category": "탱크/덤프 트레일러",
						"subcategory": [
								"category": "BCT(벌크 시멘트 트레일러)"
								"category": "탱크로리"
								"category": "덤프츄레라"
						"features": [
								"name": "루베(㎥)",
								"example": "30",
								"type": "int",
								"min": 0
						"category": "밴형 트레일러",
						"subcategory": [
								"category": "윙 트레일러"
								"category": "탑 트레일러"
						"features": [
								"name": "냉동기 여부",
								"example": "Y",
								"type": "string",
								"values": [
										"name": "냉동기 있음",
										"value": "Y"
										"name": "냉동기 없음",
										"value": "N"
				"features": [
						"name": "복륜 여부",
						"example": "Y",
						"type": "string",
						"values": [
								"name": "복륜",
								"value": "Y"
								"name": "단륜",
								"value": "N"
						"name": "리프팅 여부",
						"example": "Y",
						"type": "string",
						"values": [
								"name": "리프팅",
								"value": "Y"
								"name": "리프팅 없음",
								"value": "N"
						"name": "앞축",
						"example": "1",
						"type": "int",
						"min": 2,
						"max": 6
						"name": "후축",
						"example": "2",
						"type": "int",
						"min": 2,
						"max": 6
				"category": "트랙터",
				"features": [
						"name": "제조사",
						"example": "현대",
						"type": "string",
						"values": [
								"name": "현대",
								"value": "현대"
								"name": "타타대우",
								"value": "타타대우"
								"name": "볼보",
								"value": "볼보"
								"name": "스카니아",
								"value": "스카니아"
								"name": "벤츠",
								"value": "벤츠"
								"name": "만",
								"value": "만"
								"name": "이베코",
								"value": "이베코"
						"name": "모델명",
						"example": "FH",
						"type": "string",
						"values": []
						"name": "캡",
						"example": "표준탑",
						"type": "string",
						"values": [
								"name": "표준탑",
								"value": "표준탑"
								"name": "중간탑",
								"value": "중간탑"
								"name": "하이탑(글로벌)",
								"value": "하이탑(글로벌)"
						"name": "축",
						"example": "원데후(6X2)",
						"type": "string",
						"values": [
								"name": "원데후(6X2)",
								"value": "원데후(6X2)"
								"name": "투데후(6X4)",
								"value": "투데후(6X4)"
						"name": "마력",
						"example": "380",
						"type": "int",
						"min": 0,
						"max": 9999
						"name": "변속기",
						"example": "자동",
						"type": "string",
						"values": [
								"name": "자동",
								"value": "자동"
								"name": "수동",
								"value": "수동"
						"name": "주행거리",
						"example": "100000",
						"type": "int",
						"min": 0,
						"max": 999999

Highlight parts

🎉 Copied!

#highlight "lastName"
#highlight "address" / "city"
#highlight "phoneNumbers" / "0" / "number"
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "isAlive": true,
  "age": 28,
  "address": {
    "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "postalCode": "10021-3100"
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type": "home",
      "number": "212 555-1234"
      "type": "office",
      "number": "646 555-4567"
  "children": [],
  "spouse": null

Using different styles for highlight

It is possible to have different styles for different highlights.

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  .h1 {
    BackGroundColor green
    FontColor white
    FontStyle italic
  .h2 {
    BackGroundColor red
    FontColor white
    FontStyle bold
#highlight "lastName"
#highlight "address" / "city" <<h1>>
#highlight "phoneNumbers" / "0" / "number" <<h2>>
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Smith",
  "isAlive": true,
  "age": 28,
  "address": {
    "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
    "city": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "postalCode": "10021-3100"
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type": "home",
      "number": "212 555-1234"
      "type": "office",
      "number": "646 555-4567"
  "children": [],
  "spouse": null

[Ref. QA-15756, GH-1393]

JSON basic element

Synthesis of all JSON basic element

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"null": null,
"true": true,
"false": false,
"JSON_Number": [-1, -1.1, "<color:green>TBC"],
"JSON_String": "a\nb\rc\td <color:green>TBC...",
"JSON_Object": {
  "{}": {},
  "k_int": 123,
  "k_str": "abc",
  "k_obj": {"k": "v"}
"JSON_Array" : [
  [true, false],
  [-1, 1],
  ["a", "b", "c"],
  ["mix", null, true, 1, {"k": "v"}]

JSON array or table

Array type

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"Numeric": [1, 2, 3],
"String ": ["v1a", "v2b", "v3c"],
"Boolean": [true, false, true]

Minimal array or table

Number array

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[1, 2, 3]

String array

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["1a", "2b", "3c"]

Boolean array

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[true, false, true]

JSON numbers

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"DecimalNumber": [-1, 0, 1],
"DecimalNumber . Digits": [-1.1, 0.1, 1.1],
"DecimalNumber ExponentPart": [1E5]

JSON strings

JSON Unicode

On JSON you can use Unicode directly or by using escaped form like \uXXXX.

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  "<color:blue><b>code": "<color:blue><b>value",
  "a\\u005Cb":           "a\u005Cb",
  "\\uD83D\\uDE10":      "\uD83D\uDE10",
  "😐":                  "😐"

JSON two-character escape sequence

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 "**legend**: character name":               ["**two-character escape sequence**", "example (between 'a' and 'b')"],
 "quotation mark character (U+0022)":        ["\\\"", "a\"b"],
 "reverse solidus character (U+005C)":       ["\\\\", "a\\b"],
 "solidus character (U+002F)":               ["\\\/", "a\/b"],
 "backspace character (U+0008)":             ["\\b", "a\bb"],
 "form feed character (U+000C)":             ["\\f", "a\fb"],
 "line feed character (U+000A)":             ["\\n", "a\nb"],
 "carriage return character (U+000D)":       ["\\r", "a\rb"],
 "character tabulation character (U+0009)":  ["\\t", "a\tb"]

FIXME or not 😉, on the same item as \n management in PlantUML 😉 See Report Bug on QA-13066

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Minimal JSON examples

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"Hello world!"

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(Examples come from STD 90 - Examples)

Empty table or list

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  "empty_tab": [],
  "empty_list": {}

[Ref. QA-14397]

Using (global) style

Without style (by default)

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#highlight "1" / "hr"
    "name": "Mark McGwire",
    "hr":   65,
    "avg":  0.278
    "name": "Sammy Sosa",
    "hr":   63,
    "avg":  0.288

With style

You can use style to change rendering of elements.

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jsonDiagram {
  node {
    BackGroundColor Khaki
    LineColor lightblue
    FontName Helvetica
    FontColor red
    FontSize 18
    FontStyle bold
    RoundCorner 0
    LineThickness 2
    LineStyle 10-5
    separator {
      LineThickness 0.5
      LineColor black
      LineStyle 1-5
  arrow {
    BackGroundColor lightblue
    LineColor green
    LineThickness 2
    LineStyle 2-5
  highlight {
    BackGroundColor red
    FontColor white
    FontStyle italic
#highlight "1" / "hr"
    "name": "Mark McGwire",
    "hr":   65,
    "avg":  0.278
    "name": "Sammy Sosa",
    "hr":   63,
    "avg":  0.288

[Adapted from QA-13123 and QA-13288]

Display JSON Data on Class or Object diagram

Simple example

🎉 Copied!

class Class
object Object
json JSON {
   "color": ["Red", "Green"]

[Ref. QA-15481]

Complex example: with all JSON basic element

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json "<b>JSON basic element" as J {
"null": null,
"true": true,
"false": false,
"JSON_Number": [-1, -1.1, "<color:green>TBC"],
"JSON_String": "a\nb\rc\td <color:green>TBC...",
"JSON_Object": {
  "{}": {},
  "k_int": 123,
  "k_str": "abc",
  "k_obj": {"k": "v"}
"JSON_Array" : [
  [true, false],
  [-1, 1],
  ["a", "b", "c"],
  ["mix", null, true, 1, {"k": "v"}]

Display JSON Data on Deployment (Usecase, Component, Deployment) diagram

Simple example

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component Component
actor     Actor
usecase   Usecase
()        Interface
node      Node
cloud     Cloud

json JSON {
   "color": ["Red", "Green"]

[Ref. QA-15481]

Complex example: with arrow

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agent Agent
stack {
  json "JSON_file.json" as J {
    "color": ["Red", "Green"]
database Database

Agent -> J
J -> Database

Display JSON Data on State diagram

Simple example

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state "A" as stateA
state "C" as stateC {
 state B

json J {
   "color": ["Red", "Green"]

[Ref. QA-17275]

Creole on JSON

You can use Creole or HTML Creole on JSON diagram:

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  "wave": "~~wave~~",
  "bold": "**bold**",
  "italics": "//italics//",
  "stricken-out": "--stricken-out--",
  "underlined": "__underlined__",
  "not-underlined": "~__not underlined__",
  "wave-underlined": "~~wave-underlined~~"
"HTML Creole":
  "bold": "<b>bold",
  "italics": "<i>italics",
  "monospaced": "<font:monospaced>monospaced",
  "stroked": "<s>stroked",
  "underlined": "<u>underlined",
  "waved": "<w>waved",
  "green-stroked": "<s:green>stroked",
  "red-underlined": "<u:red>underlined",
  "blue-waved": "<w:#0000FF>waved",
  "Blue": "<color:blue>Blue",
  "Orange": "<back:orange>Orange background",
  "big": "<size:20>big"
  "OpenIconic": "account-login <&account-login>", 
  "Unicode": "This is <U+221E> long",
  "Emoji": "<:calendar:> Calendar",
  "Image": "<img:https://plantuml.com/logo3.png>"

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