java -jar plantuml.jar file1 file2 file3
This will look for @startXYZ
into file1
, file2
and file3
. For each diagram, a .png
file will be created. For processing a whole directory, you can use: java -jar plantuml.jar "c:/directory1" "c:/directory2"
This command will search for @startXYZ
and @endXYZ
into .txt
, .tex
, .java
, .htm
, .html
, .c
, .h
, .cpp
, .apt
, .pu
, .puml
, .hpp
, .hh
or .md
files of the c:/directory1
and c:/directory2
directories. Docker images are released as Github Packages and to Docker Hub. docker run
or \
), use a double **
files in all directories starting by dummy : java -jar plantuml.jar "dummy*/*.cpp"
And to process any .cpp
files in all directories starting by dummy, and theirs subdirectories : java -jar plantuml.jar "dummy*/**.cpp"
option: java -jar plantuml.jar -x "**/common/**" -x "**/test/Test*" "dummy*/**/*.cpp"
switch: java -jar plantuml.jar -o "c:/outputPng" "c:/directory2"
If you recurse into several directory, there is a slight difference if you provide an absolute or a relative path for this output directory: .
). When Plantuml processes files from multiple directores then the corresponding directory structure is created under the computed output directory.Param name | Short param name | Output format | Comment |
-tpng | -png | PNG | Default |
-tsvg | -svg | SVG | Further details can be found here |
-teps | -eps | EPS | Further details can be found here |
-teps:text | -eps:text | EPS | Keeps EPS text as text (more details here) |
-tpdf | -pdf | Further details can be found here | |
-tvdx | -vdx | VDX | Microsoft Visio Document |
-txmi | -xmi | XMI | Further details can be found here |
-tscxml | -scxml | SCXML | |
-thtml | -html | HTML | Alpha feature: do not use |
-ttxt | -txt | ATXT | ASCII art. Further details can be found here |
-tutxt | -utxt | UTXT | ASCII art using Unicode characters |
-tlatex | -latex | LATEX | Further details can be found here |
-tlatex:nopreamble | -latex:nopreamble | LATEX | Contains no LaTeX preamble creating a document |
-tbraille | -braille | PNG | Braille image [Ref. QA-4752] |
java -jar plantuml.jar yourdiagram.txt -ttxt
java -jar plantuml.jar -config "./config.cfg" dir1
to disable this functionality (To NOT export metadata in PNG/SVG generated files).-metadata
option. This means that the PNG is almost "editable": you can post it on a corporate wiki where you cannot install plugins, and someone in the future can update the diagram by getting the metadata, editing and re-uploading again. Also, the diagram is stand-alone.-checkmetadata
option checks whether the target PNG has the same source and if there are no changes, doesn't regenerate the PNG, thus saving all processing time. This allows you to run PlantUML on a whole folder (or tree with the -recursive
option) incrementally. java -jar plantuml.jar -metadata diagram.png > diagram.puml
Unfortunately this option works only with local files. It doesn't work with -pipe
so you cannot fetch a URL with eg curl
and feed the PNG to PlantUML. However, the Plantuml server has a similar feature, where it can get a PNG from a URL and extract its metadata. -failfast
flag to change this behavior to stop diagram generations as soon as one error occurs. In that case, some diagrams will be generated, and some will not. There is also a -failfast2
flag that does a first checking pass. If some error is present, no diagram will be generated at all. In case of error, -failfast2
runs even faster than -failfast
, which may be useful for huge project. -stdrpt
(standard report) option, you can change the format of the error output of your PlantUML scripts. With this option, a different error output of your diagram is possible: -stdrpt
: single line-stdrpt:1
: verbose-stdrpt:2
: single linefile1.pu
, where as
is written aass
: @startuml
participant "Famous Bob" aass Bob
java -jar plantuml.jar file1.pu
The error output is:
Error line 2 in file: file1.pu
Some diagram description contains errors
java -jar plantuml.jar -stdrpt file1.pu
The error output is:
file1.pu:2:error:Syntax Error?
java -jar plantuml.jar -stdrpt:1 file1.pu
The error output is:
label=Syntax Error?
Error line 2 in file: file1.pu
Some diagram description contains errors
java -jar plantuml.jar -stdrpt:2 file1.pu
The error output is:
file1.pu:2:error:Syntax Error?
option, you can easily use PlantUML in your scripts. With this option, a diagram description is received through standard input and the PNG file is generated to standard output. No file is written on the local file system. Example: cat somefile.puml | java -jar plantuml.jar -pipe > somefile.png
The -pipemap
option can be used to generate PNG map data (hyperlink rectangles) for use in HTML, eg: cat somefile.puml | java -jar plantuml.jar -pipemap >
The map file looks like this: <map id="plantuml_map" name="plantuml_map">
<area shape="rect" id="id1" href="" title=""
alt="" coords="1,8,88,44"/>
Note: Also take a look at -pipedelimitor
and -pipeNoStderr
to implement proper multiplexing of several PNG in a stream (in case the puml file contains multiple diagrams), and error handling. java -jar plantuml.jar -help
This will output: Usage: java -jar plantuml.jar [options] -gui
(to execute the GUI)
or java -jar plantuml.jar [options] [file/dir] [file/dir] [file/dir]
(to process files or directories)
You can use the following wildcards in files/dirs:
* means any characters but '\'
? one and only one character but '\'
** means any characters (used to recurse through directories)
where options include:
-DVAR1=value Set a preprocessing variable as if '!define VAR1 value' were used
-I\path\to\*.puml Include files with pattern
-I\path\to\file Include file as if '!include file' were used
-Ppragma1=value Set pragma as if '!pragma pragma1 value' were used
-Sparam1=value Set a skin parameter as if 'skinparam param1 value' were used
-author[s] Print information about PlantUML authors
-charset xxx Use a specific charset (default depends on system settings)
-checkmetadata Skip PNG files that don't need to be regenerated
-checkonly Check the syntax of files without generating images
-computeurl|-encodeurl Compute the encoded URL of a PlantUML source file
-cypher Cypher texts of diagrams so that you can share them
-darkmode Use dark mode for diagrams
-debugsvek Generate intermediate svek files
-decodeurl Retrieve the PlantUML source from an encoded URL
-disablestats Disable statistics computation (default)
-duration Print the duration of complete diagrams processing
-e[x]clude pattern Exclude files that match the provided pattern
-enablestats Enable statistics computation
-encodesprite 4|8|16[z] "file" Encode a sprite at gray level (z for compression) from an image
-extractstdlib Extract PlantUML Standard Library into stdlib folder
-failfast Stop processing as soon as a syntax error in diagram occurs
-failfast2 Do a first syntax check before processing files, to fail even faster
-filedir xxx Behave as if the PlantUML source is in this dir (only affects '-pipe' and PicoWeb 'POST /render')
-filename "file.puml" Override %filename% variable
-graphvizdot "exe" Specify dot executable
-gui [<input-folder>] Run the graphical user interface
-h[elp] Display this help message
-htmlstats Output general statistics in file plantuml-stats.html
-language Print the list of PlantUML keywords
-loopstats Continuously print statistics about usage
-metadata Retrieve PlantUML sources from PNG images
-nbthread N Use (N) threads for processing
-nbthread auto Use all process cores for processing
-noerror Skip images when error in diagrams
-nometadata To NOT export metadata in PNG/SVG generated files
-o[utput] "dir" Generate images in the specified directory
-overwrite Allow to overwrite read only files
-p[ipe] Use stdin for PlantUML source and stdout for PNG/SVG/EPS generation
-picoweb Start internal HTTP Server. See
-pipeimageindex N Generate the Nth image with pipe option
-preproc Output preprocessor text of diagrams
-printfonts Print fonts available on your system
-progress Display a textual progress bar in console
-quiet To NOT print error message into the console
-realtimestats Generate statistics on the fly rather than at the end
-splash Display a splash screen with some progress bar
-stdlib Print standard library info
-syntax Report any syntax error from standard input without generating images
-teps Generate images using EPS format, rendering text as outlines
-teps:text Generate images using EPS format, preserving text as text
-testdot Test the installation of graphviz
-theme xxx Use a specific theme
-thtml Generate HTML file for class diagram (experimental, do not use yet)
-timeout N Processing timeout in (N) seconds. Defaults to 15 minutes (900 seconds).
-tlatex Generate images using LaTeX/Tikz format
-tlatex:nopreamble Generate images using LaTeX/Tikz format without preamble
-tpdf Generate images using PDF format
-tpng Generate images using PNG format (default)
-tscxml Generate SCXML file for state diagram
-tsvg Generate images using SVG format
-ttxt Generate images with ASCII art
-tutxt Generate images with ASCII art using Unicode characters
-tvdx Generate images using VDX format
-txmi Generate XMI file for class diagram
-v[erbose] Have log information
-version Display information about PlantUML and Java versions
-xmlstats Output general statistics in file plantuml-stats.xml
If needed, you can setup the environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT.