
Следуя работе Бретта Шварца, мы интегрировали несколько тем в основную библиотеку ядра.

Поскольку эти темы включены в библиотеку, она работает "из коробки": вам не нужно ничего устанавливать на своей стороне. Вам просто нужно использовать директиву !theme:

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!theme spacelab
class Example {
  Theme spacelab

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!theme spacelab
a -> b
b -> c

List of available themes

Several websites are listing available themes:

Finally, you can list all available themes from your PlantUML library:

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help themes

Coloring message with some procedures included on some theme

Some theme includes some procedures, to help coloring message, as:
  • $success("<msg>")
  • $failure("<msg>")
  • $warning("<msg>")


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!theme spacelab
Bob -> Alice :  hello
Bob <- Alice :  $success("success: hello B.")
Bob -x Alice :  $failure("failure")
Bob ->> Alice : $warning("warning")

Local themes

You can create your own theme on your local file system. You can duplicate any existing theme to create your own one.

By default, a theme file is named puml-theme-foo.puml where foo is the name of the theme.

To invoke a local theme, you have to use the following directive:

!theme foo from /path/to/themes/folder

Themes from the Internet

Other repositories can also publish themes for PlantUML.

Theme files must follow the same convention: puml-theme-foo.puml where foo is the name of the theme.

To use a theme from a remote repository, you have to use the following directive:

!theme amiga from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml/plantuml/master/themes

If you find any interesting theme, you can also propose a pull request so that we integrate this theme into the main core library.

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