PlantUML es usado para
graficar diagramas UML, usando una descripción de texto simple y fácil de leer por humanos.
Ten cuidado, porque no te previene de graficar diagramas inconsistentes (por ejemplo tener dos clases que hereden entre si).
Entonces es más una herramienta de
dibujo que una de
Hay varias razones por las que PlantUML puede ser una buena opción para crear diagramas:
- PlantUML es una herramienta basada en texto, lo que significa que puede crear diagramas escribiendo frases en un lenguaje sencillo y legible por humanos. Esto facilita la comprensión y edición de la estructura de tus diagramas, incluso si no eres un experto en herramientas de diagramación.
- PlantUML es de código abierto y está disponible de forma gratuita, lo que significa que puede utilizarlo sin tener que pagar ningún tipo de licencia o suscripción.
- PlantUML utiliza algoritmos de diseño inteligentes para organizar los elementos de sus diagramas de una manera clara y fácil de entender, ahorrándole el tiempo y el esfuerzo de posicionar y alinear manualmente los elementos individuales.
- PlantUML es un generador, lo que significa que crea automáticamente diagramas basados en el texto que usted le proporciona. Esto facilita la rápida creación y actualización de diagramas, y le permite centrarse en expresar la estructura y las relaciones de sus diagramas en lugar de preocuparse por su apariencia.
- PlantUML es altamente personalizable, y proporciona muchas opciones para personalizar la apariencia de sus diagramas. También puede aprovechar los conocimientos y la experiencia de la comunidad Plant UML para encontrar soluciones a problemas comunes de diseño.
En general, PlantUML es una herramienta potente y versátil para crear diagramas de aspecto profesional de forma rápida y sencilla. Es especialmente adecuada para los usuarios que prefieren un enfoque simple, basado en texto, para crear diagramas, y que desean una herramienta que pueda manejar automáticamente el diseño y la apariencia de sus diagramas.
In essence, PlantUML emerges as a potent and adaptable tool, facilitating the swift and effortless creation of professional diagrams. It caters especially to individuals who favor a text-based methodology for diagram creation, offering automated assistance in managing the layout and visualization of the diagrams.
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Puede * utilizar temas con PlantUML
Puede utilizar
temas con PlantUML para personalizar la apariencia de sus diagramas. PlantUML proporciona varios temas incorporados que puede utilizar, y también puede crear sus propios temas personalizados definiendo
sus propios colores y estilos.
- PlantUML hace gran parte del trabajo de diseño por usted
PlantUML se encarga de gran parte del trabajo de diseño por usted, para que pueda centrarse en expresar las relaciones y la estructura de su diagrama. Utiliza algoritmos de diseño inteligentes para organizar los elementos de su diagrama de una manera clara y fácil de entender, ahorrándole el tiempo y el esfuerzo de posicionar y alinear manualmente los elementos individuales. Esto lo convierte en una gran herramienta para crear rápidamente diagramas de aspecto profesional sin mucho esfuerzo manual.
- PlantUML es un generador, no una herramienta de posicionamiento de elementos
PlantUML es un generador, lo que significa que crea automáticamente diagramas basados en el texto que usted le proporciona. Esto es diferente de otras herramientas de diagramación, que le permiten posicionar y organizar manualmente elementos individuales en su diagrama.
La principal ventaja de este enfoque es que permite crear diagramas de forma rápida y sencilla, sin tener que preocuparse por la colocación específica de elementos individuales. También facilita la actualización de sus diagramas, ya que puede simplemente modificar el texto que representa su diagrama, y PlantUML actualizará automáticamente el diagrama para reflejar sus cambios.
Una posible desventaja de utilizar un generador como PlantUML es que puede que no tenga tanto control sobre el diseño exacto de su diagrama como lo tendría con una herramienta que le permita colocar los elementos manualmente. Sin embargo, para muchos usuarios, el ahorro de tiempo y esfuerzo que supone el uso de un generador compensa con creces esta limitación.
Además, el
foro de la comunidad PlantUML es un gran recurso para encontrar soluciones a problemas comunes de diseño y compartir consejos y trucos para personalizar la apariencia de sus diagramas.
For those seeking advice or solutions to common layout issues, the [PlantUML community forum]( stands as a vibrant platform to exchange tips and procure answers to your dilemmas, enhancing your mastery over customizing your diagrams.
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Enlaces a png o svg generados por
PlantUML Server están activos por siempre (eso es siempre y cuando el servidor esté arriba).
Sin emargo, nosotros
no almacenamos ningún diagrama en nuestros servidores.
Esto puede sonar contradictorio. No es así: El diagrama completo es
comprimido en la misma URL .
Cuando el servidor recibe la URL, descomprime la URL para recuperar el texto del diagrama y generar la imagen.
No hay necesidad de almacenar nada. Incluso cuando el servidor está abajo, tú puedes recuperar el diagrama usando el flag
con la
linea de comando. Adicionalmente, los datos del diagrama son alamcenados in metadata PNG, así puedes buscarlos incluso desde una imagen descargada.
Ocasionalmente podemos activar trazas HTTP en nuestro servidor. Esto es principalmente por problemas de rendimiento (cuando tenemos alguno) para entender el trafico que tenemos. Una vez el problema se resuelve, desactivamos las trazas HTTP y removemos los logs.
Observa que también contamos el numero de diagramas generados (impresos en el home page) para medir la capacidad del servidor.
Respecto a contenido sensible: incluso si no almacenamos diagramas generados, por favor ten en cuenta que todo el tráfico va a través de HTTP, por lo tanto es fácil de capturar.
Por lo tanto, tal vez deberías instalar
un servidor local en tu propia red si planeas generar diagramas con información sensible.
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PlantUML ha sido instalado en varios sistemas, y algunos usuarios reportaron problemas menores cuando lo instalaron.
Puedes mirar
en esta pagina que te aconsejará si algo está mal.
Tienes más información sobre Graphviz
sobre Graphviz aquí.
Las siguientes versiones han sido probadas, y se sabe que funcionan:
- 2.26.3
- 2.28
- 2.30.1
- 2.34
- 2.36
- 2.38
- 2.44
- 9.0.0
- 10.0.1
Tenga en cuenta que las versiones 2.39 a 2.42
no funcionan muy bien con PlantUML.
Con la versión 2.44, en Windows, puede que tenga que ejecutar
dot -c
en una línea de comandos para finalizar la instalación. Puede que tenga que ejecutar
dot -c
derechos de administrador.
Si compila Graphviz usted mismo, tiene que compilarlo con
libexpat para que funcione con PlantUML.
Google Trends are somehow positive. And there are
few books that mention PlantUML. So yes, it's mature.
Note that
PlantUML is developed with
continuous integration in mind. That means that there are new releases quite often, with (hopefully!) backward compatibility. So the file
may changed over time, while keeping the same name.
If you want to know the exact version you are using, you can type in the command line:
java -jar plantuml.jar -version
or use the following small special diagram description:
To check if a newer version is available for download, you can go to
the download page.
You can also subscribe to the following rss flows:
Or you can use the command line:
java -jar plantuml.jar -version
Or use the following small special diagram description:
PlantUML limits image width and height to 4096. There is an environment variable that you can set to override this limit:
. You have to define this variable before launching PlantUML, something like:
Another way is an option in the command line:
java -DPLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE=8192 -jar /path/to/plantuml.jar ...
Note that if you generate
very big diagrams, (for example, something like 20 000 x 10 000 pixels), you can have some memory issues. The solution is to add this parameter to the java vm :
Characters encoding is a subtle thing... By default, PlantUML use the default charset of your platform, which may or may not be UTF-8 . If you want to know which charset you are using, you can type the following command:
java -jar plantuml.jar -help
-charset XYZ To use a specific charset (default is windows-1252)
If you want to use a different charset, for example UTF-8, you can use the
flag :
java -jar plantuml.jar -charset UTF-8 ...
You can also find
here information about unicode . Note that even if Java
does not support B.O.M. (Byte Order Mark) in UTF-8 format file, a workaround has been put into PlantUML, so this should not be an issue.
Some Japanese users reported that they have to set the
variable to
in their shell before launching PlantUML.
export LANG = ja_JP.UTF-8
the new architecture, it should simply work, because Java knows how to draw East Asian characters.
You can use the
flag in the command line, or
the ANT task.
PlantUML is distributed under the
GPL license.
You can print the license using the command line option:
java -jar plantuml.jar -license
Or you can use the special diagram:
You can also use:
Those versions miss few features (
DITAA for example), but are 100% able to generate UML diagrams.
You can print the license of these versions using the command line option:
java -jar plantuml.jar -license
Or you can use the special diagram:
No, they are not.
Images (whatever their format : PNG, SVG...) generated by the
execution of PlantUML are owned by the author of their corresponding sources code (that is, their textual description in PlantUML language).
Images generated by the
execution of PlantUML
are not considered as
covered work. You can do whatever you want with them.
The generated images can then be used without any reference to the GPL/LGPL/ASL/EPL/MIT license. It is not even necessary to stipulate that they have been generated with PlantUML, although this will be appreciated by PlantUML team.
There is an exception : if the textual description in PlantUML language is also covered by some license (like the GPL/LGPL/ASL/EPL/MIT), then the generated images are logically covered by this license.
As long as you do not modify the Java source code and the jar file, you can integrate PlantUML.jar in your own closed source software.
The only constraint is that you have to mention somewhere in your own license or in your documentation that you are using PlantUML and that PlantUML is distributed under LGPL.
You can then even sell your software and earn money, without any other constraints (although
donation will be appreciate in that case
There are no license for the PlantUML syntax itself : this means that everybody can use it.
So you can use PlantUML comments into your own code :
those comments are owned by yourself, and are not considered as
covered work, and are not covered by the GPL/LGPL/APL/EPL/MIT license.
Only the current implementation (that is, PlantUML program) is licensed under GPL, LGPL, ASL, EPL or MIT. On the other hand note that the documentation (examples, notices, ...) published in the PlantUML website is copyrighted. But you can still write your own documentation.
PlantUML is using
Graphviz to generate some diagrams. So PlantUML is launching
dot program and retrieve the information generated by
dot as a SVG flow.
This message means that PlantUML is getting an empty flow from
dot execution, and therefore cannot generate UML diagrams. There may be several reasons why this happens:
- There is an issue with your Graphviz installation. Try a very simple diagram, with only one class for example.
- Your version of Graphviz is too old and is crashing with information provided by PlantUML. Check your version with
- Your diagram is too complex.
- There is a bug in PlantUML and/or in dot.
If you have the error message
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class net.sourceforge.plantuml.ugraphic.UFont
, it probably means that there are no fonts installed on your server.
You can solve it by adding
on your system:
sudo yum install fontconfig
sudo apt-get install fontconfig
You may also need to install
If you get this exception on MacOS Ventura from
with no arguments, adding
might work around the problem. This is a
known issue but does not appear to indicate a
problem since sub-commands (like
) do work.
If this is not enough, see the next section.
I have a message complaining about X11 or headless!
If you are running PlantUML on a linux server without graphical capability, you may have some error message:
- Can't connect to X11 window
- X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
- HeadlessException
Basically, this is because PlantUML needs to have access to some graphical resources (more
information here).
You can turn PlantUML to headless mode, using the flag
For example:
/usr/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /data/PlantUml/plantuml.jar ...
Under Mac OS X, if you have some error message like:
Error java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError / liblwawt.dylib /libosxapp.dylib
You need to follow the instructions on
- Download and install the package: JavaForOSX.
- Found the file
, the file by default located under the directory here: /Applications/Aptana Studio 3/
- Add
argument to specify the java which will be used to lunch Aptana Studio: -vm /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java
This seems to work only under Java 6, so you may define the following alias to be used in your scripts.
alias java6="export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.6.0)"
Depending on your configuration, you can try the flag
For example:
/usr/bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /path/to/plantuml.jar ...
Short answer: You
do have to use
...) when starting a diagram.
Long answer:
is useful to determine the type of diagram (uml, ditaa, jcckit...), and because you can optionally put a filename after the
. This also allows to have several diagrams inside the same file.
Earlier versions of PlantUML were not supporting ditaa or jcckit. When you use
-pipe flag, since the diagram is generated to standard output, there could be only one diagram in the standard input. And there is no need to specify a filename. For all those reasons,
was not needed when using
-pipe flag at that time.
Later, it has been decided to normalize this, and to impose
everywhere, even with
-pipe flag, because it was confusing for users. Unfortunately, since some existing scripts were already using the fact that
is not needed in
-pipe flag, it has been decided to keep this as a
deprecated option, just to allow older scripts to run. We indeed do pay attention of ascending compatibility.
For newer scripts, you should not rely on this, and use
with the
-pipe flag.
Work is
in progress.
I found an issue, but I cannot provide my diagram showing the issue because my diagram contains confidential data
There is a
option with the command line that generates a
file instead of regular image file.
generated file looks like the input diagram expect that all words (except PlantUML language keywords) have been replaced by a random set of letters.
You can double check this by running several time the
option (you will get a different text each time).
You may also look at the class used to execute this transformation to be sure that there are no backdoor there to retrieve back your original diagram.
If there is an issue in your original diagram, the same issue is likely to also occur with the cyphered one.
Since the cyphered text is really meaningless, you can safely share it with us : there will be no way for us to guess what you are really working on.
But we will be able to reproduce the issue and fix it so that you can have your original (and confidential) diagram working.
You can use the
forum facility.
Someone will try to answer your question there.