Diagrama de Gantt

El diagrama de Gantt es una potente herramienta para la gestión de proyectos. Representa visualmente el calendario de un proyecto, permitiendo a los gestores y miembros del equipo ver de un vistazo las fechas de inicio y fin de todo el proyecto. El diagrama muestra las tareas o actividades a lo largo de un eje temporal horizontal, indicando la duración de cada tarea, su secuencia y cómo se solapan o se ejecutan simultáneamente.

En un diagrama de Gantt, cada tarea se representa mediante una barra, cuya longitud y posición reflejan la fecha de inicio, la duración y la fecha de finalización de la tarea. Este formato facilita la comprensión de las dependencias entre tareas, cuando una tarea debe completarse antes de que otra pueda comenzar. Además, los diagramas de Gantt pueden incluir hitos, que son acontecimientos u objetivos significativos en el calendario del proyecto, marcados como un símbolo distinto.

En el contexto de la creación de diagramas de Gantt, PlantUML ofrece varias ventajas. Ofrece un enfoque basado en texto para la creación de diagramas, lo que facilita el seguimiento de los cambios mediante sistemas de control de versiones. Este enfoque es especialmente beneficioso para los equipos que ya están acostumbrados a entornos de codificación basados en texto. La sintaxis de PlantUML para diagramas de Gantt es sencilla, lo que permite realizar modificaciones y actualizaciones rápidas en el calendario del proyecto. Además, la integración de PlantUML con otras herramientas y su capacidad para generar diagramas dinámicamente a partir de texto lo convierten en una opción versátil para los equipos que buscan automatizar y agilizar su documentación de gestión de proyectos. El uso de PlantUML para diagramas de Gantt combina así la claridad y eficacia de la planificación visual de proyectos con la flexibilidad y el control de un sistema basado en texto.

Declaración de tareas

El Gantt se describe en lenguaje natural, utilizando frases muy sencillas (sujeto-verbo-complemento).

Tareas definidas mediante corchetes.

Carga de trabajo

La carga de trabajo de cada tarea se especifica mediante el verbo requires, indicando la cantidad de trabajo necesaria en términos de días.

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[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
-- All example --
[Task 1 (1 day)] requires 1 day
[T2 (5 days)] requires 5 days
[T3 (1 week)] requires 1 week
[T4 (1 week and 4 days)] requires 1 week and 4 days
[T5 (2 weeks)] requires 2 weeks

Una semana suele entenderse como un lapso de siete días. Sin embargo, en contextos en los que ciertos días se designan como "cerrados" (como los fines de semana), una semana puede redefinirse en términos de días "no cerrados". Por ejemplo, si el sábado y el domingo están marcados como cerrados, entonces una semana en este contexto equivaldrá a una carga de trabajo de cinco días, correspondientes a los días laborables restantes.


Su inicio se define utilizando el verbo start:

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[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days

Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] starts 2020-07-01
[Test prototype] starts 2020-07-16

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[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires  10 days

[Prototype design] starts D+0
[Test prototype] starts D+15

[Ref. para el formulario D+nn: QA-14494]


Su final se define utilizando el verbo end:

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[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days

Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] ends 2020-07-15
[Test prototype] ends 2020-07-25

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[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days

[Prototype design] ends D+14
[Test prototype] ends D+24


Es posible definir ambos de forma absoluta, especificando fechas:

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Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] starts 2020-07-01
[Test prototype] starts 2020-07-16
[Prototype design] ends 2020-07-15
[Test prototype] ends 2020-07-25


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[Prototype design] starts D+0
[Test prototype] starts D+15
[Prototype design] ends D+14
[Test prototype] ends D+24

One-line declaration (with the and conjunction)

It is possible to combine declaration on one line with the and conjunction.

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Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] starts 2020-07-01 and ends 2020-07-15
[Test prototype] starts 2020-07-16 and requires 10 days

Adding constraints

It is possible to add constraints between tasks.

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[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end

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[Prototype design] requires 10 days
[Code prototype] requires 10 days
[Write tests] requires 5 days
[Code prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Write tests] starts at [Code prototype]'s start

Short names or alias

It is possible to define short name for tasks with the as keyword.

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[Prototype design] as [D] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] as [T] requires 10 days
[T] starts at [D]'s end

Tasks with same name

[Starting with V1.2024.6,] it is possible to have multiple tasks with same name.

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Project starts 2020-11-08
[Task 7 days] as [T7] starts at 2020-11-09
[T7] ends at 2020-11-15
[Task 7 days] as [T7bis] starts at 2020-11-09
[T7bis] ends at 2020-11-15

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[SameTaskName] as [T1] lasts 7 days and is colored in pink
[SameTaskName] as [T2] lasts 3 days and is colored in orange
[T1] -> [T2]

[Ref. QA-12176 and GH-1809]

Customize colors

It is also possible to customize colors with is colored in.

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[Prototype design] requires 13 days
[Test prototype] requires 4 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Prototype design] is colored in Fuchsia/FireBrick
[Test prototype] is colored in GreenYellow/Green

Completion status

Adding completion depending percentage

You can set the completion status of a task, by the command:
  • is xx% completed
  • is xx% complete

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[foo] requires 21 days
[foo] is 40% completed
[bar] requires 30 days and is 10% complete

Change colour of completion (by style)

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ganttDiagram {
  task {
    BackGroundColor GreenYellow
    LineColor Green 
    unstarted {
      BackGroundColor Fuchsia 
      LineColor FireBrick

[Prototype design] requires 7 days
[Test prototype 0] requires 4 days
[Test prototype 10] requires 4 days
[Test prototype 20] requires 4 days
[Test prototype 30] requires 4 days
[Test prototype 40] requires 4 days
[Test prototype 50] requires 4 days
[Test prototype 60] requires 4 days
[Test prototype 70] requires 4 days
[Test prototype 80] requires 4 days
[Test prototype 90] requires 4 days
[Test prototype 100] requires 4 days

[Test prototype 0] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 10] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 20] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 30] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 40] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 50] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 60] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 70] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 80] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 90] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype 100] starts at [Prototype design]'s end

[Test prototype 0] is 0% complete
[Test prototype 10] is 10% complete
[Test prototype 20] is 20% complete
[Test prototype 30] is 30% complete
[Test prototype 40] is 40% complete
[Test prototype 50] is 50% complete
[Test prototype 60] is 60% complete
[Test prototype 70] is 70% complete
[Test prototype 80] is 80% complete
[Test prototype 90] is 90% complete
[Test prototype 100] is 100% complete


[Ref. QA-8297]

Change colour of undone part of Task (by style)

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ganttDiagram {
  task {
    BackGroundColor GreenYellow
    LineColor Green 
  undone {
    BackGroundColor red

[foo] lasts 21 days
[foo] is 40% completed
[bar] lasts 30 days and is 10% complete

[Ref. QA-15299]


You can define Milestones using the happen verb.

Relative milestone (use of constraints)

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[Test prototype] requires 10 days
[Prototype completed] happens at [Test prototype]'s end
[Setup assembly line] requires 12 days
[Setup assembly line] starts at [Test prototype]'s end

Absolute milestone (use of fixed date)

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Project starts 2020-07-01
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
[Prototype completed] happens 2020-07-10
[Setup assembly line] requires 12 days
[Setup assembly line] starts at [Test prototype]'s end

Milestone of maximum end of tasks

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[Task1] requires 4 days
then [Task1.1] requires 4 days
[Task1.2] starts at [Task1]'s end and requires 7 days

[Task2] requires 5 days
then [Task2.1] requires 4 days

[MaxTaskEnd] happens at [Task1.1]'s end
[MaxTaskEnd] happens at [Task1.2]'s end
[MaxTaskEnd] happens at [Task2.1]'s end


[Ref. QA-10764]


You can add hyperlinks to tasks.

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[task1] requires 10 days
[task1] links to [[http://plantuml.com]]


You can specify a starting date for the whole project. By default, the first task starts at this date.

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Project starts the 20th of september 2017
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 13 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue

Coloring days

It is possible to add colors to some days.

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Project starts the 2020/09/01 

2020/09/07 is colored in salmon
2020/09/13 to 2020/09/16 are colored in lightblue

[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 22 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Prototype completed] happens at [TASK1]'s end

Changing scale

You can change scale for very long project, with one of those parameters:
  • printscale
  • ganttscale
  • projectscale
and one of the values:
  • daily (by default)
  • weekly
  • monthly
  • quarterly
  • yearly

(See QA-11272, QA-9041 and QA-10948)

Daily (by default)

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saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 


🎉 Copied!

printscale weekly
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

🎉 Copied!

printscale weekly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires  20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 


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projectscale monthly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 


🎉 Copied!

projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

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projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 


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projectscale yearly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 

Date range with between

Without date range

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saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 8 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 3 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

With date range

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Print between 2021-01-12 and 2021-01-22
Saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 8 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 3 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Zoom (example for all scale)

You can change zoom, with the parameter:
  • zoom <integer>

Zoom on weekly scale

Without zoom

🎉 Copied!

printscale daily
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 8 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires  3 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

With zoom

🎉 Copied!

printscale daily zoom 2
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 8 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 3 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

[Ref. QA-13725]

Zoom on weekly scale

Without zoom

🎉 Copied!

printscale weekly
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

With zoom

🎉 Copied!

printscale weekly zoom 4
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Zoom on monthly scale

Without zoom

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projectscale monthly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

With zoom

🎉 Copied!

projectscale monthly zoom 3
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Zoom on quarterly scale

Without zoom

🎉 Copied!

projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

With zoom

🎉 Copied!

projectscale quarterly zoom 7
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Zoom on yearly scale

Without zoom

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projectscale yearly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 

With zoom

🎉 Copied!

projectscale yearly zoom 2
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 

Weekscale with Weeknumbers or Calendar Date

With Weeknumbers (by default)

🎉 Copied!

printscale weekly
Project starts the 6th of July 2020
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 2 weeks
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 weeks
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 3 days

With Weeknumbers (starting from 1)

🎉 Copied!

printscale weekly with week numbering from 1
Project starts the 6th of July 2020
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 2 weeks
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 weeks
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 3 days

[Ref. GH-525]

With Calendar Date

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printscale weekly with calendar date
Project starts the 6th of July 2020
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 2 weeks
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 weeks
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 3 days

[Ref. QA-11630]

Close day

It is possible to close some day.

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project starts the 2018/04/09
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2018/05/01 is closed
2018/04/17 to 2018/04/19 is closed
[Prototype design] requires 14 days
[Test prototype] requires 4 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Prototype design] is colored in Fuchsia/FireBrick
[Test prototype] is colored in GreenYellow/Green

Then it is possible to open some closed day.

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2020-07-07 to 2020-07-17 is closed
2020-07-13 is open

Project starts the 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] requires 10 days
Then [Test prototype] requires 10 days

Definition of a week depending of closed days

A week is a synonym for how many non-closed days are in a week, as:

🎉 Copied!

Project starts 2021-03-29
[Review 01] happens at 2021-03-29
[Review 02 - 3 weeks] happens on 3 weeks after [Review 01]'s end
[Review 02 - 21 days] happens on 21 days after [Review 01]'s end

So if you specify Saturday and Sunday as closed, a week will be equivalent to 5 days, as:

🎉 Copied!

Project starts 2021-03-29
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
[Review 01] happens at 2021-03-29
[Review 02 - 3 weeks] happens on 3 weeks after [Review 01]'s end
[Review 02 - 21 days] happens on 21 days after [Review 01]'s end

[Ref. QA-13434]

Working days

It is possible to manage working days.

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saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2022-07-04 to 2022-07-15 is closed

Project starts 2022-06-27
[task1] starts at 2022-06-27 and requires 1 week
[task2] starts 2 working days after [task1]'s end and requires 3 days


[Ref. QA-16188]

Simplified task succession

It's possible to use the then keyword to denote consecutive tasks.

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[Prototype design] requires 14 days
then [Test prototype] requires 4 days
then [Deploy prototype] requires 6 days

You can also use arrow ->

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[Prototype design] requires 14 days
[Build prototype] requires 4 days
[Prepare test] requires 6 days
[Prototype design] -> [Build prototype]
[Prototype design] -> [Prepare test]

Working with resources

You can affect tasks on resources using the on keyword and brackets for resource name.

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[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 1 days

Multiple resources can be assigned to a task:

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[Task1] on {Alice} {Bob} requires 20 days

Resources can be marked as off on specific days:

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project starts on 2020-06-19
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
{Alice} is off on 2020-06-24 to 2020-06-26

Hide resources

Without any hiding (by default)

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[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} requires 1 days

Hide resources names

You can hide ressources names and percentage, on tasks, using the hide ressources names keywords.

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hide ressources names
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} requires 1 days

Hide resources footbox

You can also hide ressources names on bottom of the diagram using the hide ressources footbox keywords.

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hide ressources footbox
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} requires 1 days

Hide the both (resources names and resources footbox)

You can also hide the both.

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hide ressources names
hide ressources footbox
[Task1] on {Alice} requires  10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} requires 1 days

Horizontal Separator

You can use -- to separate sets of tasks.

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[Task1] requires 10 days
then [Task2] requires 4 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] requires 5 days
then [Task4] requires 6 days

Vertical Separator

You can add Vertical Separators with the syntax: Separator just [at].

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[task1] requires 1 week
[task2] starts 20 days after [task1]'s end and requires 3 days

Separator just at [task1]'s end
Separator just 2 days after [task1]'s end

Separator just at [task2]'s start
Separator just 2 days before [task2]'s start

[Ref. QA-16247]

Complex example

It also possible to use the and conjunction.

You can also add delays in constraints.

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[Prototype design] requires 13 days and is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Test prototype] requires 9 days and is colored in Coral/Green and starts 3 days after [Prototype design]'s end
[Write tests] requires 5 days and ends at [Prototype design]'s end
[Hire tests writers] requires 6 days and ends at [Write tests]'s start
[Init and write tests report] is colored in Coral/Green
[Init and write tests report] starts 1 day before [Test prototype]'s start and ends at [Test prototype]'s end


As is mentioned on Common Commands page:
Everything that starts with simple quote ' is a comment.

You can also put comments on several lines using /' to start and '/ to end.
(i.e.: the first character (except space character) of a comment line must be a simple quote ')

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' This is a comment

[T1] requires 3 days

/' this comment
is on several lines '/

[T2] starts at [T1]'s end and requires 1 day

Using style

Without style (by default)

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[Task1] requires 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] requires 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --

With style

You can use style to change rendering of elements.

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ganttDiagram {
	task {
		FontName Helvetica
		FontColor red
		FontSize 18
		FontStyle bold
		BackGroundColor GreenYellow
		LineColor blue
	milestone {
		FontColor blue
		FontSize 25
		FontStyle italic
		BackGroundColor yellow
		LineColor red
	note {
		FontColor DarkGreen
		FontSize 10
		LineColor OrangeRed
	arrow {
		FontName Helvetica
		FontColor red
		FontSize 18
		FontStyle bold
		BackGroundColor GreenYellow
		LineColor blue
	separator {
		LineColor red
		BackGroundColor green
		FontSize 16
		FontStyle bold
		FontColor purple
[Task1] requires 20 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] requires 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --

[Ref. QA-10835, QA-12045, QA-11877 and PR-438]

With style (full example)

🎉 Copied!

ganttDiagram {
	task {
		FontName Helvetica
		FontColor red
		FontSize 18
		FontStyle bold
		BackGroundColor GreenYellow
		LineColor blue
	milestone {
		FontColor blue
		FontSize 25
		FontStyle italic
		BackGroundColor yellow
		LineColor red
	note {
		FontColor DarkGreen
		FontSize 10
		LineColor OrangeRed
	arrow {
		FontName Helvetica
		FontColor red
		FontSize 18
		FontStyle bold
		BackGroundColor GreenYellow
		LineColor blue
		LineStyle 8.0;13.0
		LineThickness 3.0
	separator {
		BackgroundColor lightGreen
		LineStyle 8.0;3.0
		LineColor red
		LineThickness 1.0
		FontSize 16
		FontStyle bold
		FontColor purple
		Margin 5
		Padding 20
	timeline {
	    BackgroundColor Bisque
	closed {
		BackgroundColor pink
		FontColor red
Project starts the 2020-12-01

[Task1] requires 10 days
sunday are closed

note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note

[Task2] requires 20 days
[Task2] starts 10 days after [Task1]'s end
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end

	separator {
	    LineColor black
		Margin 0
		Padding 0

-- end --

[Ref. QA-13570, QA-13672]

Thanks for style for Separator and all style for Arrow (thickness...)

Clean style

With style, you can also clean a Gantt diagram (showing tasks, dependencies and relative durations only - but no actual start date and no actual scale):

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ganttDiagram {
  timeline {
    LineColor transparent
    FontColor transparent

hide footbox
[Test prototype] requires 7 days
[Prototype completed] happens at [Test prototype]'s end
[Setup assembly line] requires 9 days
[Setup assembly line] starts at [Test prototype]'s end
then [Setup] requires 5 days
[T2] requires 2 days and starts at [Test prototype]'s end
then [T3] requires 3 days
-- end task --
then [T4] requires 2 days

[Ref. QA-13971]


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ganttDiagram {
  timeline {
    LineColor transparent
    FontColor transparent
  closed {
    FontColor transparent

hide footbox
project starts the 2018/04/09
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2018/05/01 is closed
2018/04/17 to 2018/04/19 is closed
[Prototype design] requires 9 days
[Test prototype] requires 5 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Prototype design] is colored in Fuchsia/FireBrick
[Test prototype] is colored in GreenYellow/Green

[Ref. QA-13464]

Add notes

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[task01] requires 15 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note

[task01] -> [task02]


Example with overlap.

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[task01] requires 15 days
note bottom
  memo1 ...
  memo2 ...
  explanations1 ...
  explanations2 ...
end note

[task01] -> [task02]
[task03] requires 5 days


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-- test01 --

[task01] requires 4 days
note bottom
'note left
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note

[task02] requires 8 days
[task01] -> [task02]
note bottom
'note left
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
-- test02 --

[task03] as [t3] requires 7 days
[t3] -> [t4]

Thanks for correction (of #386 on v1.2020.18) when overlapping

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Project starts 2020-09-01

[taskA] starts 2020-09-01 and requires 3 days
[taskB] starts 2020-09-10 and requires 3 days
[taskB] displays on same row as [taskA]

[task01] starts 2020-09-05 and requires 4 days

then [task02] requires 8 days
note bottom
  note for task02
  more notes
end note

then [task03] requires 7 days
note bottom
  note for task03
  more notes
end note

-- separator --

[taskC] starts 2020-09-02 and requires 5 days
[taskD] starts 2020-09-09 and requires 5 days
[taskD] displays on same row as [taskC]

[task 10] starts 2020-09-05 and requires 5 days
then [task 11] requires 5 days
note bottom
  note for task11
  more notes
end note

Pause tasks

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Project starts the 5th of december 2018
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2018/12/29 is opened
[Prototype design] requires 17 days
[Prototype design] pauses on 2018/12/13
[Prototype design] pauses on 2018/12/14
[Prototype design] pauses on monday
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end and requires 2 weeks

Change link colors

You can change link colors:
  • with this syntax: with <color> <style> link

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[T1] requires 4 days
[T2] requires 4 days and starts 3 days after [T1]'s end with blue dotted link
[T3] requires 4 days and starts 3 days after [T2]'s end with green bold link
[T4] requires 4 days and starts 3 days after [T3]'s end with green dashed link

  • or directly by using arrow style

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ganttDiagram {
	arrow {
		LineColor blue
[Prototype design] requires 7 days
[Build prototype] requires 4 days
[Prepare test] requires 6 days
[Prototype design] -[#FF00FF]-> [Build prototype]
[Prototype design] -[dotted]-> [Prepare test]
Then [Run test]  requires 4 days

[Ref. QA-13693]

Tasks or Milestones on the same line

You can put Tasks or Milestones on the same line, with this syntax:
  • [T|M] displays on same row as [T|M]

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[Prototype design] requires 13 days
[Test prototype] requires 4 days and 1 week
[Test prototype] starts 1 week and 2 days after [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype] displays on same row as [Prototype design]
[r1] happens on 5 days after [Prototype design]'s end
[r2] happens on 5 days after [r1]'s end
[r3] happens on 5 days after [r2]'s end
[r2] displays on same row as [r1]
[r3] displays on same row as [r1]

Highlight today

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Project starts the 20th of september 2018
sunday are close
2018/09/21 to 2018/09/23 are colored in salmon
2018/09/21 to 2018/09/30 are named [Vacation in the Bahamas] 

today is 30 days after start and is colored in #AAF
[Foo] happens 40 days after start
[Dummy] requires 10 days and starts 10 days after start


Task between two milestones

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project starts on 2020-07-01
[P_start] happens 2020-07-03
[P_end]   happens 2020-07-13
[Prototype design] occurs from [P_start] to [P_end]

Grammar and verbal form

Verbal form Example
[T] starts
[M] happens

Add title, header, footer, caption or legend

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header some header

footer some footer

title My title

[Prototype design] requires 13 days

The legend
end legend

caption This is caption


(See also: Common commands)

Add color on legend

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[Kick off] requires 1 days and is colored in blue
then [Prototype design] requires 5 days
[Test prototype] requires 4 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Prototype design] is colored in Green
[Test prototype] is colored in gray

|= Color |= Task Type |
|<#gray> | Planned |
|<#Green>| In progress |
|<#blue> | Done |
end legend


[Ref. QA-19021]

Removing Foot Boxes (example for all scale)

You can use the hide footbox keywords to remove the foot boxes of the gantt diagram (as for sequence diagram).

Examples on:

  • daily scale (without project start)

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hide footbox
title Foot Box removed

[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days

  • daily scale

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Project starts the 20th of september 2017
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 13 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue

hide footbox

  • weekly scale

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hide footbox

printscale weekly
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

  • monthly scale

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hide footbox

projectscale monthly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

  • quarterly scale

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hide footbox

projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 

  • yearly scale

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hide footbox

projectscale yearly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon 

Language of the calendar

You can choose the language of the Gantt calendar, with the language <xx> command where <xx> is the ISO 639 code of the language.

English (en, by default)

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saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Deutsch (de)

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language de
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Japanese (ja)

🎉 Copied!

language ja
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Chinese (zh)

🎉 Copied!

language zh
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Korean (ko)

🎉 Copied!

language ko
saturday are closed
sunday are closed

Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days

2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon 

Delete Tasks or Milestones

You can mark some Tasks or Milestones as deleted instead of normally completed to distinguish tasks that may possibly have been discarded, postponed or whatever.

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[Prototype design] requires 1 weeks
then [Prototype completed] requires 4 days
[End Prototype completed] happens at [Prototype completed]'s end
then [Test prototype] requires 5 days
[End Test prototype] happens at [Test prototype]'s end

[Prototype completed] is deleted
[End Prototype completed] is deleted

[Ref. QA-9129]

Start a project, a task or a milestone a number of days before or after today

You can start a project, a task or a milestone a number of days before or after today, using the builtin functions %now and %date:

🎉 Copied!

title Today is %date("YYYY-MM-dd")
!$now = %now()
!$past = %date("YYYY-MM-dd", $now - 14*24*3600)
Project starts $past
today is colored in pink
[foo] requires 10 days
[bar] requires 5 days and starts %date("YYYY-MM-dd", $now + 4*24*3600)
[Tomorrow] happens %date("YYYY-MM-dd", $now + 1*24*3600)

[Ref. QA-16285]

Change Label position

The labels are near elements (by default)

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[Task1] requires 1 days
then [Task2_long_long_long] as [T2] requires 2 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] as [T3] requires 2 days
[Task4] as [T4] requires 1 day
[Task5] as [T5] requires 2 days
[T2] -> [T4]
[T2] -> [T5]
[Task6_long_long_long] as [T6] requires 4 days
[T3] -> [T6]
[T5] -> [T6]
[End] happens 1 day after [T6]'s end

To change the label position, you can use the command label:

Label on first column

  • Left aligned

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Label on first column and left aligned
[Task1] requires 1 days
then [Task2_long_long_long] as [T2] requires 2 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] as [T3] requires 2 days
[Task4] as [T4] requires 1 day
[Task5] as [T5] requires 2 days
[T2] -> [T4]
[T2] -> [T5]
[Task6_long_long_long] as [T6] requires 4 days
[T3] -> [T6]
[T5] -> [T6]
[End] happens 1 day after [T6]'s end

  • Right aligned

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Label on first column and right aligned
[Task1] requires 1 days
then [Task2_long_long_long] as [T2] requires 2 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] as [T3] requires 2 days
[Task4] as [T4] requires 1 day
[Task5] as [T5] requires 2 days
[T2] -> [T4]
[T2] -> [T5]
[Task6_long_long_long] as [T6] requires 4 days
[T3] -> [T6]
[T5] -> [T6]
[End] happens 1 day after [T6]'s end

Label on last column

  • Left aligned

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Label on last column and left aligned
[Task1] requires 1 days
then [Task2_long_long_long] as [T2] requires 2 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] as [T3] requires 2 days
[Task4] as [T4] requires 1 day
[Task5] as [T5] requires 2 days
[T2] -> [T4]
[T2] -> [T5]
[Task6_long_long_long] as [T6] requires 4 days
[T3] -> [T6]
[T5] -> [T6]
[End] happens 1 day after [T6]'s end

  • Right aligned

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Label on last column and right aligned
[Task1] requires 1 days
then [Task2_long_long_long] as [T2] requires 2 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] as [T3] requires 2 days
[Task4] as [T4] requires 1 day
[Task5] as [T5] requires 2 days
[T2] -> [T4]
[T2] -> [T5]
[Task6_long_long_long] as [T6] requires 4 days
[T3] -> [T6]
[T5] -> [T6]
[End] happens 1 day after [T6]'s end

[Ref. QA-12433]

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