A partir de la version 7997, PlantUML peut générer les diagrammes au format LaTeX à l'aide du package Tikz.

Il s'agit d'une version en bêta, certaines fonctionnalités se sont pas encore supportées. Nous ne voulons pas passer du temps sur des fonctionnalités inutilisées, donc nous attendons des utilisateurs qu'ils nous remontent les erreurs.

Vous avec simplement à rajouter l'option -tlatex dans la ligne de commande ou bien de spécifier format="latex" dans la description de la tâche Ant correspondante.

If you want to include the LaTeX output directly into another LaTeX document you can use -tlatex:nopreamble. This way PlantUML will only export the tikz-picture itself, without the document preamble.

#### Embedding in LaTeX Documents If you're aiming to incorporate the LaTeX output directly within another LaTeX document, employ the `-tlatex:nopreamble` flag. By doing so, PlantUML will output only the tikz-picture component, excluding the document preamble, facilitating a seamless integration into your existing LaTeX files.

If you want to incorporate the LaTeX output directly within another LaTeX document, use option `-tlatex:nopreamble`. PlantUML will output only the tikz-picture component, excluding the document preamble, facilitating a seamless integration into your existing LaTeX files.
 This translation need to be updated. 

Exemple de diagramme de classe

class Subscriber {

class AccumUsage {

class IpSession {

Subscriber "1" -[#blue]-> "1..*" IpSession
Subscriber "1" --> "0..1" AccumUsage

Voir le résultat en ligne (TODO: #362)

 This translation need to be updated. 

Exemple de diagramme de sequence

Bob -> Alice: hello
return Ok

Voir le résultat en ligne (TODO: #362)

(TODO: [#362]( provide some examples in Overleaf)
 This translation need to be updated. 

Creating Links in LaTeX with the hyperref Package

When utilizing the hyperref package in your LaTeX documents, you have the ability to craft links that lead to defined anchors within the same LaTeX/PDF document. In the PlantUML example below, notice that the second and last links point to a specific resource within the LaTeX document:

participant Bob   [[]]
participant Alice [[latex://resource-interaction]]
Bob -> Alice :    [[]] hello
Bob -> Alice :    [[latex://resource-interaction]] interact

For a detailed discussion and related queries, see the second Q&A thread below.


  • Q&A 1798: Latex TikZ support
  • Q&A 3558: export to TikZ loses links
  • Q&A 10761: Latex export limitations (font size, hyperlinks, PNG in header, scaling image to page)
  • Q&A 10788: How to set Latex Font Size
  • Latex PlantUML package (Oliver Kopp 2018-2023): home, Github, CTAN
  • Stackoverflow 71409448 PlantUML in Latex
    • Extra idea: use Markdown with Pandoc (LaTeX runs under the hood to generate PDF files): PlantUML diagrams work fine
  • TeX Exchange 428174: Can I use the plantUML language in LaTeX? Yes, and prerequisites to install are listed

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