dans la ligne de commande ou bien de spécifier format="latex"
dans la description de la tâche Ant correspondante.
If you want to include the LaTeX output directly into another LaTeX document you can use -tlatex:nopreamble
. This way PlantUML will only export the tikz-picture itself, without the document preamble.
#### Embedding in LaTeX Documents
If you're aiming to incorporate the LaTeX output directly within another LaTeX document, employ the `-tlatex:nopreamble` flag. By doing so, PlantUML will output only the tikz-picture component, excluding the document preamble, facilitating a seamless integration into your existing LaTeX files.
If you want to incorporate the LaTeX output directly within another LaTeX document, use option `-tlatex:nopreamble`. PlantUML will output only the tikz-picture component, excluding the document preamble, facilitating a seamless integration into your existing LaTeX files.
class Subscriber {
class AccumUsage {
class IpSession {
Subscriber "1" -[#blue]-> "1..*" IpSession
Subscriber "1" --> "0..1" AccumUsage
Bob -> Alice: hello
return Ok
package in your LaTeX documents, you have the ability to craft links that lead to defined anchors within the same LaTeX/PDF document. In the PlantUML example below, notice that the second and last links point to a specific resource within the LaTeX document:
participant Bob [[http://www.yahoo.com]]
participant Alice [[latex://resource-interaction]]
Bob -> Alice : [[http://www.google.com]] hello
Bob -> Alice : [[latex://resource-interaction]] interact
For a detailed discussion and related queries, see the second Q&A thread below.