Information Engineering Diagrams

Information Engineering diagrams are an extension to the existing Class Diagrams.

This extension adds:

  • Additional relations for the Information Engineering notation;
  • An entity alias that maps to the class diagram class;
  • An additional visibility modifier * to identify mandatory attributes.

Otherwise, the syntax for drawing diagrams is the same as for class diagrams. All other features of class diagrams are also supported.

See also Chen Entity Relationship Diagrams.

[Ref. GH-31]

Information Engineering Relations

Type Symbol
Zero or One |o--
Exactly One ||--
Zero or Many }o--
One or Many }|--


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Entity01 }|..|| Entity02
Entity03 }o..o| Entity04
Entity05 ||--o{ Entity06
Entity07 |o--|| Entity08


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entity Entity01 {
  * identifying_attribute
  * mandatory_attribute

Again, this is the normal class diagram syntax (aside from use of entity instead of class). Anything that you can do in a class diagram can be done here.

The * visibility modifier can be used to identify mandatory attributes. A space can be used after the modifier character to avoid conflicts with the creole bold:

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entity Entity01 {
   optional attribute
   **optional bold attribute**
   * **mandatory bold attribute**

Complete Example

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' hide the spot
' hide circle

' avoid problems with angled crows feet
skinparam linetype ortho

entity "User" as e01 {
  *user_id : number <<generated>>
  *name : text
  description : text

entity "Card" as e02 {
  *card_id : number <<generated>>
  sync_enabled: boolean
  version: number
  last_sync_version: number
  *user_id : number <<FK>>
  other_details : text

entity "CardHistory" as e05 {
  *card_history_id : number <<generated>>
  version : number
  *card_id : number <<FK>>
  other_details : text

entity "CardsAccounts" as e04 {
  *id : number <<generated>>
  card_id : number <<FK>>
  account_id : number <<FK>>
  other_details : text

entity "Account" as e03 {
  *account_id : number <<generated>>
  user_id : number <<FK>>
  other_details : text

entity "Stream" as e06 {
  *id : number <<generated>>
  version: number
  searchingText: string
  owner_id : number <<FK>>
  follower_id : number <<FK>>
  card_id: number <<FK>>
  other_details : text

e01 }|..|| e02
e01 }|..|| e03

e02 }|..|| e05

e02 }|..|| e04
e03 }|..|| e04

e02 }|..|| e06
e03 }|..|| e06


Currently the crows feet do not look very good when the relationship is drawn at an angle to the entity. This can be avoided by using the linetype ortho skinparam.

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