Earth Day

To celebrate Earth Day, you can use PlantUML...


XEarth is a unix utility written in 1993 by Kirk Lauritz Johnson. It has been ported to Java by Christian Treber. So it was easy to integrate it into PlantUML, even if it won't probably help for documentation.

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Add more stars

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starsP = true
starFrequency = 0.025
bigStars = 20

Relative view from Sun

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viewPositionType = Sun-relative
sunPosRelLat = -10
sunPosRelLong = 40

Change grid configuration

The default view is from Sun

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gridP = true
gridDivision = 9
gridPixelDivision = 8

Fixed position, without shading

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viewPositionType = Fixed
viewPosLat = -30
viewPosLong = -30
shadeP = false
gridP = false

View from Moon and changing luminosity

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viewPositionType = Moon
daySideBrightness = 100
nightSideBrightness = 30
terminatorDiscontinuity = 50

View set by orbit and changing luminosity

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viewPositionType = Orbit
orbitPeriod = 1
orbitInclination = 30
daySideBrightness = 100
nightSideBrightness = 30
terminatorDiscontinuity = 50


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viewMagnification = 1.2
daySideBrightness = 100
nightSideBrightness = 50
terminatorDiscontinuity = 30
sunPosRelLong = -40
sunPosRelLat = 20

Adding cities

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 61.17 -150.00 "Anchorage"           # Alaska, USA
 38.00   23.73 "Athens"              # Greece
 33.4    44.4  "Baghdad"             # Iraq
 13.73  100.50 "Bangkok"             # Thailand
 39.92  116.43 "Beijing"             # China
 52.53   13.42 "Berlin"              # Germany
 32.3   -64.7  "Bermuda"             # Bermuda
 42.33  -71.08 "Boston"              # Massachusetts, USA
-15.8   -47.9  "Brasilia"            # Brazil
 -4.2    15.3  "Brazzaville"         # Congo
-34.67  -58.50 "Buenos Aires"        # Argentina
 31.05   31.25 "Cairo"               # Egypt
 22.5    88.3  "Calcutta"            # India
-33.93   18.47 "Cape Town"           # South Africa
 33.6    -7.6  "Casablanca"          # Morocco (Rabat?)
 41.83  -87.75 "Chicago"             # Illinois, USA
 32.78  -96.80 "Dallas"              # Texas, USA
 28.63   77.20 "New Delhi"           # India
 39.75 -105.00 "Denver"              # Colorado, USA
 24.23   55.28 "Dubai"               # UAE (Abu Dhabi?)
-27.1  -109.4  "Easter Island"       # Easter Island
-18.0   178.1  "Fiji"                # Fiji
 13.5   144.8  "Guam"                # Guam
 60.13   25.00 "Helsinki"            # Finland
 22.2   114.1  "Hong Kong"           # Hong Kong
 21.32 -157.83 "Honolulu"            # Hawaii, USA
 52.2   104.3  "Irkutsk"             # Irkutsk, Russia
 41.0    29.0  "Istanbul"            # Turkey (Ankara?)
 -6.13  106.75 "Jakarta"             # Indonesia
 31.8    35.2  "Jerusalem"           # Israel
 34.5    69.2  "Kabul"               # Afghanistan
 27.7    85.3  "Kathmandu"           # Nepal
 50.4    30.5  "Kiev"                # Ukraine
  3.13  101.70 "Kuala Lumpur"        # Malaysia
  6.45    3.47 "Lagos"               # Nigeria
-12.10  -77.05 "Lima"                # Peru
 51.50   -0.17 "London"              # United Kingdom
 40.42   -3.72 "Madrid"              # Spain
 14.6   121.0  "Manila"              # The Phillipines
 21.5    39.8  "Mecca"               # Saudi Arabia
 19.4   -99.1  "Mexico City"         # Mexico
 25.8   -80.2  "Miami"               # Florida, USA
  6.2   -10.8  "Monrovia"            # Liberia
 45.5   -73.5  "Montreal"            # Quebec, Canada
 55.75   37.70 "Moscow"              # Russia
 -1.28   36.83 "Nairobi"             # Kenya
 59.93   10.75 "Oslo"                # Norway
 48.87    2.33 "Paris"               # France
-32.0   115.9  "Perth"               # Australia
 45.5  -122.5  "Portland"            # Oregon, USA
 -0.2   -78.5  "Quito"               # Ecuador
 64.15  -21.97 "Reykjavik"           # Iceland
-22.88  -43.28 "Rio de Janeiro"      # Brazil
 41.88   12.50 "Rome"                # Italy
 11.0   106.7  "Ho Chi Minh City"    # Vietnam (Hanoi?)
 37.75 -122.45 "San Francisco"       # California, USA
  9.98  -84.07 "San Jose"            # Costa Rica
 18.5   -66.1  "San Juan"            # Puerto Rico
-33.5   -70.7  "Santiago"            # Chile
  1.2   103.9  "Singapore"           # Singapore
 42.67   23.30 "Sofia"               # Bulgaria
 59.33   18.08 "Stockholm"           # Sweden
-33.92  151.17 "Sydney"              # Australia
-17.6  -149.5  "Tahiti"              # Tahiti
 16.8    -3.0  "Timbuktu"            # Mali (Bamako?)
 35.67  139.75 "Tokyo"               # Japan
 43.70  -79.42 "Toronto"             # Ontario, Canada
 32.9    13.2  "Tripoli"             # Libya
 47.9   106.9  "Ulan Bator"          # Mongolia
 49.22 -123.10 "Vancouver"           # B.C., Canada
 48.22   16.37 "Vienna"              # Austria
 38.9   -77.0  "Washington"          # United States
-41.28  174.78 "Wellington"          # New Zealand
 62.5  -114.3  "Yellowknife"         # N.T., Canada
 90.00    0.00 "North Pole"          # North Pole
-90.00    0.00 "South Pole"          # South Pole

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