PmWiki integration


This recipe uses PlantUML to produce UML diagrams inside PmWiki.

The syntax is described on the PlantUML website.

Images are generated by the online service


Download pmplantuml_php.txt (to rename pmplantuml.php) and copy if into your cookbook directory (e.g. /.../pmwiki/cookbook) with the correct name pmplantuml.php.

Include the following line in your local/config.php :



You can use standard @startuml and @enduml keywords into your page:

The images are generated automatically:

Patch of pmplantuml.php

Here is a patch proposed on QA-18233 (for pmwiki version 2.3.10 ):

--- pmplantuml_php.txt  2020-02-01 20:07:10.000000000 +0000
+++ pmplantuml.php      2023-09-15 15:06:02.711068260 +0000
@@ -34,22 +34,24 @@
 function doplantuml($str) {
        global $KPV, $KeepToken;

-       $str = preg_replace( "/$KeepToken(\\d+?)$KeepToken/e", '$KPV[$1]', $str);
+       $str = PPRE( "/$KeepToken(\\d+?)$KeepToken/", '$KPV[$1]', $str[0]);
+       // pmwiki can insert vspace when a blank line is present
+       $str = preg_replace( "<<:vspace>>", "", $str);
        $str = preg_replace( "/>/", ">", $str);
        $str = preg_replace( "/</", "<", $str);

-       $url = "";
+       $url = "";
        $url .= encodep($str);
        return Keep('<img src='.$url.' />');

-       '/(@start\w+.*?@end\w+)/sexi',
-       'doplantuml("$1")');
+       '/(@start\w+.*?@end\w+)/sxi',
+       "doplantuml");

 function encodep($text) {
-     $data = utf8_encode($text);
+     $data = $text;
      $compressed = gzdeflate($data, 9);
      return encode64($compressed);

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