

特殊颜色值: transparent 同样可以使用, 同义词是 transparent black (#00000000).


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[活动1] lasts 5 days
[活动2] lasts 5 days
[活动1] is colored in White/Red
[活动2] is colored in Silver/SeaGreen
[活动1] -> [活动2]


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actor Bob #Red/Yellow
actor Alice #FF0000/FFFF00
Alice -> Bob : hello

这里使用的是颜色渐变,请参阅下一节。 另参考 skinparam.

 This translation need to be updated. 



  • |,
  • / ,
  • \ , 或
  • -


Automatic Font Color

PlantUML allows dynamic font color selection using the #? syntax. The system automatically chooses between two colors based on the current background color to ensure optimal contrast and readability.

How It Works:

  • The #? prefix defines a conditional color choice.
  • Two colors follow, separated by a colon.
  • The engine selects one based on the background:
    • If the background is light, it uses the first color.
    • If the background is dark, it uses the second color to maintain contrast.

Thus, the #?black:white syntax ensures that text remains legible across different background colors.

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document {
  BackGroundColor darkblue
root {
  FontColor #?black:white
  LineColor white
alice -> bob : hello

In this example, since the background is dark blue, the font color automatically switches to white for better contrast in the message "hello", while keeping black for the participant labels.

Color with preprocessing

You can manipulate color with Preprocessing, and the Builtin functions:

Name Description Example Return
%darken Return a darken color of a given color with some ratio %darken("red", 20) #CC0000
%is_dark Check if a color is a dark one %is_dark("#000000") true
%is_light Check if a color is a light one %is_light("#000000") false
%lighten Return a lighten color of a given color with some ratio %lighten("red", 20) #CC3333
%reverse_color Reverse a color using RGB %reverse_color("#FF7700") #0088FF
%reverse_hsluv_color Reverse a color using HSLuv %reverse_hsluv_color("#FF7700") #602800




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colors chocolate

Archimate 颜色

  • 应用
  • 业务
  • 实施
  • 动机
  • 物理
  • 战略
  • 技术

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skinparam minClassWidth 125
skinparam nodesep 10
skinparam ranksep 10

rectangle Application    #Application
rectangle Business       #Business
rectangle Implementation #Implementation
rectangle Motivation     #Motivation
rectangle Physical       #Physical
rectangle Strategy       #Strategy
rectangle Technology     #Technology

PlantUML colors

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skinparam minClassWidth 200
skinparam nodesep 10
skinparam ranksep 10

rectangle "ClassColor" {
rectangle "Class_C_Background\n #ADD1B2" #ADD1B2
rectangle "Class_N_Background\n #E3664A" #E3664A
rectangle "Class_A_Background\n #A9DCDF" #A9DCDF
rectangle "Class_I_Background\n #B4A7E5" #B4A7E5
rectangle "Class_E_Background\n #EB937F" #EB937F
rectangle "DefaultColor" {
rectangle "BackGroundColor_Default\n #FEFECE" #FEFECE
rectangle "LineColor_Default\n #A80036"       #A80036
rectangle "Legend_BackGroundColor\n #DDDDDD"   #DDDDDD
rectangle "//TBC//\n..."

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