
UML 中的时序图是一种特定类型的交互图,可视化系统的时序约束。它侧重于事件的时间顺序,展示不同对象如何随着时间的推移相互影响。定时图实时系统嵌入式系统中特别有用,可用于了解对象在整个给定时间段内的行为。


使用以下关键字声明参与者, 可根据需要选择显示样式。

关键词 描述
analog 模拟信号的变化是连续的,其值在给定值之间会进行线性插值。
binary 二进制信号,只有两个状态。 (binary)
clock 时钟信号 ,即从高电平到低电平反复转换的信号,需要用period设置周期。可选的参数还有脉冲时长pulse和偏移量offset
concise 简明的图形化数据表示,可表示数据的移动(非常适合表示信息)。
robust 用信号线表示的状态,便于呈现状态间的转化(可设置多种状态)。

通过 @ 标注, 和 is 动词定义状态.

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robust "Web 浏览器" as WB
concise "Web 用户" as WU

WU is 空闲
WB is 空闲

WU is 等待中
WB is 处理中

WB is 等待中

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clock   "Clock_0"   as C0 with period 50
clock   "Clock_1"   as C1 with period 50 pulse 15 offset 10
binary  "Binary"  as B
concise "Concise" as C
robust  "Robust"  as R
analog  "Analog"  as A

C is Idle
R is Idle
A is 0

B is high
C is Waiting
R is Processing
A is 3

R is Waiting
A is 1

[Ref. QA-14631 and QA-14647 and QA-11288]


  • binary
  • clock

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clock clk with period 1
binary "Enable" as EN

EN is low

EN is high

EN is low



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robust "Web 浏览器" as WB
concise "Web 用户" as WU

WU is 空闲
WB is 空闲

WU -> WB : URL
WU is 等待中
WB is 处理中

WB is 等待中


可以使用 @+@- 符号表示相对时间.

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robust "DNS Resolver" as DNS
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle
DNS is Idle

WU -> WB : URL
WU is Waiting
WB is Processing

WB is Waiting
WB -> DNS@+50 : Resolve URL

DNS is Processing

DNS is Idle


,而不是在绝对时间上使用绝对时间或相对时间,你可以通过使用as 关键字和以: 开始的名称来定义一个时间作为锚点。

@XX as :<anchor point name>

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clock clk with period 1
binary "enable" as EN
concise "dataBus" as db

@0 as :start
@5 as :en_high 
@10 as :en_low
@:en_high-2 as :en_highMinus2

EN is low
db is "0x0000"

EN is high

EN is low

db is "0xf23a"

db is "0x0000"



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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

0 is idle
+200 is Proc.
+100 is Waiting

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok



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concise "Web User" as WU
scale 100 as 50 pixels

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok


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concise "季节" as S
scale 2592000 as 50 pixels

S is "冬"

S is "春"

S is "夏"

S is "秋"



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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok




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robust "Signal1" as S1
robust "Signal2" as S2
S1 has 0,1,2,hello
S2 has 0,1,2
S1 is 0
S2 is 0
S1 is {0,1} #SlateGrey
S2 is {0,1}
S1 is 1
S2 is 0
S1 is hello
S2 is {0,2}


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clock "Clock" as C with period 2
binary "Enable" as EN

EN is low
EN is high
EN is low
EN is {low,high}
EN is low

[ Ref. QA-11936 and QA-15933 ]



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concise "Web User" as WU

WU is {-}

WU is A1

WU is {-}

WU is {hidden}

WU is A3

WU is {-}

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scale 1 as 50 pixels

concise state0
concise substate1
robust bit2

bit2 has HIGH,LOW

0 is 18_start
6 is s_dPause
8 is 10_data
14 is {hidden}

0 is sSeq
4 is sPause
6 is {hidden}
8 is dSeq
12 is dPause
14 is {hidden}

0 is HIGH
2 is LOW
4 is {hidden}
8 is HIGH
10 is LOW
12 is {hidden}




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hide time-axis
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Absent

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok



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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU is Waiting : some note
WB is Processing : some other note

WB is Waiting

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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU is Waiting : some note
WB is Processing : some other note

WB is Waiting

*[Ref. [QA-7019](https://forum.plantuml.net/7019/hh-mm-ss-time-format-in-timing-diagram)]*

Change Date Format

It is also possible to change date format.

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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

use date format "YY-MM-dd"

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU is Waiting : some note
WB is Processing : some other note

WB is Waiting

Manage time axis labels

You can manage the time-axis labels.

Label on each tick (by default)

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scale 31536000 as 40 pixels
use date format "yy-MM"

concise "OpenGL Desktop" as OD

OD is {hidden}

OD is 1.0

OD is 1.1

OD is 1.2

OD is 1.3

OD is 3.0

OD is 3.0

OD is 4.6


Manual label (only when the state changes)

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scale 31536000 as 40 pixels

manual time-axis
use date format "yy-MM"

concise "OpenGL Desktop" as OD

OD is {hidden}

OD is 1.0

OD is 1.1

OD is 1.2

OD is 1.3

OD is 3.0

OD is 3.0

OD is 4.6


[Ref. GH-1020]



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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}

= 设置高亮


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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU -> WB : URL
WU is Waiting #LightCyan;line:Aqua

WB is Proc.

WU -> WB@350 : URL2
WB is Waiting

WU is ok

WB is Idle

highlight 200 to 450 #Gold;line:DimGrey : This is my caption

*[Ref. [QA-10868](https://forum.plantuml.net/10868/highlighted-periods-in-timing-diagrams)]*
 This translation need to be updated. 


你可以使用 note top ofnote bottom of 关键字在某一时刻或参与者的上方或下方添加注释 (只可以在concise 类型的参与者中使用)。

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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU is Waiting
WB is Processing
note top of WU : first note\non several\nlines
note bottom of WU : second note\non several\nlines

WB is Waiting

[Ref. QA-6877]

*[Ref. [QA-6877](https:forum.plantuml.net/6877), [GH-1465](https:github.com/plantuml/plantuml/issues/1465)]*
 This translation need to be updated. 



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Title Some title
header: Some header
footer: Some footer
Some legend
end legend
caption Some caption

robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU is Waiting
WB is Processing

WB is Waiting


感谢Adam Rosien提供该样例。

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concise "Client" as Client
concise "Server" as Server
concise "Response freshness" as Cache

Server is idle
Client is idle

0 is send
Client -> Server@+25 : GET
+25 is await
+75 is recv
+25 is idle
+25 is send
Client -> Server@+25 : GET\nIf-Modified-Since: 150
+25 is await
+50 is recv
+25 is idle
@100 <-> @275 : no need to re-request from server

25 is recv
+25 is work
+25 is send
Server -> Client@+25 : 200 OK\nExpires: 275
+25 is idle
+75 is recv
+25 is send
Server -> Client@+25 : 304 Not Modified
+25 is idle

75 is fresh
+200 is stale


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scale 5 as 150 pixels

clock clk with period 1
binary "enable" as en
binary "R/W" as rw
binary "data Valid" as dv
concise "dataBus" as db
concise "address bus" as addr

@6 as :write_beg
@10 as :write_end

@15 as :read_beg
@19 as :read_end

en is low
db is "0x0"
addr is "0x03f"
rw is low
dv is 0

 en is high
 db is "0xDEADBEEF"
dv is 1
rw is high

rw is low
dv is low
rw is low
db is "0x0"
addr is "0x23"

dv is high
db is "0xFFFF"

en is low
dv is low
db is "0x0"

highlight :write_beg to :write_end #Gold:Write
highlight :read_beg to :read_end #lightBlue:Read

db@:write_beg-1 <-> @:write_end : setup time
db@:write_beg-1 -> addr@:write_end+1 : hold



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concise "LR" as LR
concise "ST" as ST

LR is AtPlace #palegreen
ST is AtLoad #gray

0 is Lowering
100 is Lowered #pink
350 is Releasing
200 is Moving




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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}



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timingDiagram {
  document {
    BackGroundColor SandyBrown
 constraintArrow {
  LineStyle 2-1
  LineThickness 3
  LineColor Blue
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WB is Initializing
WU is Absent

0 is idle
+200 is Processing
+100 is Waiting
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is Waiting
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}



可以使用 <style> 标记和模板将行属性命名

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timingDiagram {
  .red {
    LineColor red
  .blue {
    LineColor blue
    LineThickness 5

clock clk with period 1
binary "Input Signal 1"  as IS1
binary "Input Signal 2"  as IS2 <<blue>>
binary "Output Signal 1" as OS1 <<red>>

IS1 is low
IS2 is high
OS1 is low
OS1 is high
OS1 is low
IS1 is high
OS1 is high
IS2 is low
IS1 is low
OS1 is low

[Ref. QA-15870]


可以使用 compact 命令进行紧凑排版


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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU
robust "Web Browser2" as WB2

WU is Waiting
WB is Idle
WB2 is Idle

WB is Proc.

WB is Waiting
WB2 is Waiting

WU is ok

WB is Idle

使用 mode compact 的全局紧凑模式

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mode compact
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU
robust "Web Browser2" as WB2

WU is Waiting
WB is Idle
WB2 is Idle

WB is Proc.

WB is Waiting
WB2 is Waiting

WU is ok

WB is Idle

使用 compact 实现仅针对元素的局部紧凑模式

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compact robust "Web Browser" as WB
compact concise "Web User" as WU
robust "Web Browser2" as WB2

WU is Waiting
WB is Idle
WB2 is Idle

WB is Proc.

WB is Waiting
WB2 is Waiting

WU is ok

WB is Idle

[Ref. QA-11130]

Scaling analog signal

You can scale analog signal.

Without scaling: 0-max (by default)

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title Between 0-max (by default)
analog "Analog" as A

A is 350

A is 450

A is 350

With scaling: min-max

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title Between min-max
analog "Analog" between 350 and 450 as A

A is 350

A is 450

A is 350

[Ref. QA-17161]

Customise analog signal

Without any customisation (by default)

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analog "Vcore" as VDD
analog "VCC" as VCC

VDD is 0
VCC is 3
VDD is 0
VDD is 6
VCC is 6
VDD@1 -> VCC@2 : "test"

With customisation (on scale, ticks and height)

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analog "Vcore" as VDD
analog "VCC" between -4.5 and 6.5 as VCC
VCC ticks num on multiple 3
VCC is 200 pixels height

VDD is 0
VCC is 3
VDD is 0
VDD is 6
VCC is 6
VDD@1 -> VCC@2 : "test"

[Ref. QA-11288]

Order state of robust signal

Without order (by default)

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robust "Flow rate" as rate

rate is high

rate is none

rate is low

With order

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robust "Flow rate" as rate
rate has high,low,none

rate is high

rate is none

rate is low

With order and label

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robust "Flow rate" as rate
rate has "35 gpm" as high
rate has "15 gpm" as low
rate has "0 gpm" as none

rate is high

rate is none

rate is low

[Ref. QA-6651]

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