How and where diagrams can be written

Each diagram description begins with the keyword @startuml then ends with the keyword @enduml or (@startXYZ and @endXYZ, depending of the kind of diagram).

You can refer to the PlantUML Language Reference Guide.

Those descriptions may be included into:

Of course, if you use HTML, LaTeX, APT or Java/C/C++ files, you should put diagram descriptions into comments.

File naming

By default, the output file (eg .png, .svg) has the same name as the source file used to generate it (only the extension changes).

If a source file contains several instances of @startXXX then a subfolder is made, and an automatic sequence is added to the output file names.

It is also possible to specify specific output filenames per diagram. For example:

@startuml image
Alice->Bob: Authentication Request
Bob-->Alice: Authentication Response

In this example, the output file will be named image.png for output format -tpng (which is the default). You can also specify an extension, but it will be ignored if it doesn't match the output format.

(Please note that you should not use this feature with Word integration.)

Include with identifier [include]

You can declare some part of a file with an identifier (id=<identifier>), as:

Example with a file named file.pu:

Alice->Bob : TAG1

Alice->Bob : TAG2

Then you can include, on one another file, one id part with !include <filemane>!<id> command:

!include file.pu!TAG2
Alice->Bob : hello

The corresponding generated output will be:

🎉 Copied!

Alice->Bob : TAG2
Alice->Bob : hello

[Ref. QA-4467]

Include with definition identifier (on the same file) [includedef]

You can declare definition (def) some part on a file with an identifier between the tags @startdef(id=<identifier>) and @enddef.

Then you can include, on the same file, only one definition part with !includedef <identifier> command.

Example on a file named file.pu:

🎉 Copied!

Alice -> Bob : hello1

!includedef macro_def_id
Alice -> Bob : hello2

Then the corresponding generated output will be file_001.png, as:

🎉 Copied!

Alice -> Bob : hello1
Alice -> Bob : hello2

[Ref. QA-5769]

Adding options for other tools

You can add options, for other tools, enclosed by { and }.

Only the first (<filename>) is relevant for PlantUML, the others are just skipped, and can be use by other tools.

@startuml{filename.png, This is my other caption text, width=16cm, option_for_other_tools=value}


[Ref. QA-1466]

Adding output format when using pipe mode

⚠ Restriction: Only available when using pipe mode.

To specify the output format (PNG, SVG, ATXT or UTXT), on pipe mode, you can add this command on the input:

@@@format png


@@@format svg


@@@format UTXT

[Ref. QA-10808, GH-1810]

Put PlantUML directives on programming source code [@pause, @unpause and @append]

You can put plantuml directives on comments of programming source code by using the keyword:
  • @pause
  • @unpause
  • @append

Here is an example:

/// My FSM looks like this:
/// @startuml myfsm
/// title My Finite-state machine
/// @pause

enum {
   // @append state AA
   // @append state BB

struct fsm my_fsm = {
    // @append [*] -> AA: Event 1

    // @append AA -> BB: Event 3

    // and so on with a bunch of transitions...
/// @unpause
/// @enduml

Here is the corresponding diagram generated from the previous input:

[Ref. QA-1525, QA-5793]

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