Projektstrukturplan (WSB) ist ein wichtiges
Projektmanagement-Werkzeug, das ein Projekt in kleinere, besser
handhabbare Komponenten oder Aufgaben unterteilt. Es ist im Wesentlichen eine
hierarchische Zerlegung des gesamten Arbeitsumfangs, der vom Projektteam ausgeführt werden muss, um die Projektziele zu erreichen und die erforderlichen Ergebnisse zu erstellen.
PlantUML kann für die Erstellung von
PSP-Diagrammen besonders nützlich sein. Die
textbasierte Diagrammerstellung bedeutet, dass das Erstellen und Aktualisieren eines Projektstrukturplans so einfach ist wie das Bearbeiten eines Textdokuments, was besonders für die Verwaltung von Änderungen während des Projektlebenszyklus von Vorteil ist. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht eine einfache Integration mit
Versionskontrollsystemen, wodurch sichergestellt wird, dass alle Änderungen nachverfolgt werden und die Historie der PSP-Entwicklung erhalten bleibt.
Darüber hinaus erhöht die Kompatibilität von PlantUML mit verschiedenen anderen Tools seinen Nutzen in
kollaborativen Umgebungen. Teams können ihre PSP-Diagramme problemlos in umfassendere Projektdokumentations- und Managementsysteme integrieren. Die Einfachheit der PlantUML-Syntax ermöglicht schnelle Anpassungen, was in
dynamischen Projektumgebungen, in denen sich der Umfang und die Aufgaben häufig ändern können, entscheidend ist. Die Verwendung von PlantUML für PSP-Diagramme kombiniert daher die Klarheit der
visuellen Aufschlüsselung mit der Flexibilität und Kontrolle eines
textbasierten Systems, was es zu einem wertvollen Aktivposten für
effizientes Projektmanagement macht.
This syntax is compatible with OrgMode
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| @startwbs
* Business Process Modelling WBS
** Launch the project
*** Complete Stakeholder Research
*** Initial Implementation Plan
** Design phase
*** Model of AsIs Processes Completed
**** Model of AsIs Processes Completed1
**** Model of AsIs Processes Completed2
*** Measure AsIs performance metrics
*** Identify Quick Wins
** Complete innovate phase
You can change direction using
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| @startwbs
* Business Process Modelling WBS
** Launch the project
*** Complete Stakeholder Research
*** Initial Implementation Plan
** Design phase
*** Model of AsIs Processes Completed
****< Model of AsIs Processes Completed1
****> Model of AsIs Processes Completed2
***< Measure AsIs performance metrics
***< Identify Quick Wins
You can use the following notation to choose diagram side.
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| @startwbs
+ New Job
++ Decide on Job Requirements
+++ Identity gaps
+++ Review JDs
++++ Sign-Up for courses
++++ Volunteer
++++ Reading
++- Checklist
+++- Responsibilities
+++- Location
++ CV Upload Done
+++ CV Updated
++++ Spelling & Grammar
++++ Check dates
---- Skills
+++ Recruitment sites chosen
You can use
to have multilines box, as on
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| @startwbs
* <&flag> Debian
** <&globe> Ubuntu
***:Linux Mint
Open Source;
*** Kubuntu
*** ...
[Ref. QA-13945] You can use underscore
to remove box drawing.
Boxless on Arithmetic notation
Several boxless node
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| @startwbs
+ Project
+ Part One
+ Task 1.1
- LeftTask 1.2
+ Task 1.3
+ Part Two
+ Task 2.1
+ Task 2.2
-_ Task 2.2.1 To the left boxless
-_ Task 2.2.2 To the Left boxless
+_ Task 2.2.3 To the right boxless
All boxless node
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| @startwbs
+_ Project
+_ Part One
+_ Task 1.1
-_ LeftTask 1.2
+_ Task 1.3
+_ Part Two
+_ Task 2.1
+_ Task 2.2
-_ Task 2.2.1 To the left boxless
-_ Task 2.2.2 To the Left boxless
+_ Task 2.2.3 To the right boxless
Boxless on OrgMode syntax
Several boxless node
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| @startwbs
* World
** America
***_ Canada
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
** Europe
***_ England
***_ Germany
***_ Spain
[Ref. QA-13297]
All boxless node
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| @startwbs
*_ World
**_ America
***_ Canada
***_ Mexico
***_ USA
**_ Europe
***_ England
***_ Germany
***_ Spain
[Ref. QA-13355]
It is possible to change node
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| @startwbs
*[#SkyBlue] this is the partner workpackage
**[#pink] this is my workpackage
** this is another workpackage
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| @startwbs
+[#SkyBlue] this is the partner workpackage
++[#pink] this is my workpackage
++ this is another workpackage
[Ref. QA-12374, only from v1.2020.20] 🎉 Copied!
| @startwbs
wbsDiagram {
.pink {
BackgroundColor pink
.your_style_name {
BackgroundColor SkyBlue
* this is the partner workpackage <<your_style_name>>
** this is my workpackage <<pink>>
** this is another workpackage
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| @startwbs
wbsDiagram {
.pink {
BackgroundColor pink
.your_style_name {
BackgroundColor SkyBlue
+ this is the partner workpackage <<your_style_name>>
++ this is my workpackage <<pink>>
++ this is another workpackage
It is possible to change diagram style.
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| @startwbs
wbsDiagram {
// all lines (meaning connector and borders, there are no other lines in WBS) are black by default
Linecolor black
arrow {
// note that connector are actually "arrow" even if they don't look like as arrow
// This is to be consistent with other UML diagrams. Not 100% sure that it's a good idea
// So now connector are green
LineColor green
:depth(0) {
// will target root node
BackgroundColor White
RoundCorner 10
LineColor red
// Because we are targetting depth(0) for everything, border and connector for level 0 will be red
arrow {
:depth(2) {
// Targetting only connector between Mexico-Chihuahua and USA-Texas
LineColor blue
LineStyle 4
LineThickness .5
node {
:depth(2) {
LineStyle 2
LineThickness 2.5
boxless {
// will target boxless node with '_'
FontColor darkgreen
* World
** America
*** Canada
*** Mexico
**** Chihuahua
*** USA
**** Texas
***< New York
** Europe
***_ England
***_ Germany
***_ Spain
setting you can control automatic word wrap. Unit used is pixel.
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| @startwbs
node {
Padding 12
Margin 3
HorizontalAlignment center
LineColor blue
LineThickness 3.0
BackgroundColor gold
RoundCorner 40
MaximumWidth 100
rootNode {
LineStyle 8.0;3.0
LineColor red
BackgroundColor white
LineThickness 1.0
RoundCorner 0
Shadowing 0.0
leafNode {
LineColor gold
RoundCorner 0
Padding 3
arrow {
LineStyle 4
LineThickness 0.5
LineColor green
* Hi =)
** sometimes i have node in wich i want to write a long text
*** this results in really huge diagram
**** of course, i can explicit split with a\nnew line
**** but it could be cool if PlantUML was able to split long lines, maybe with an option who specify the maximum width of a node
You can add arrows between WBS elements.
Using alias with
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| @startwbs
.foo {
LineColor #00FF00;
* Test
** A topic
*** "common" as c1
*** "common2" as c2
** "Another topic" as t2
t2 -> c1 <<foo>>
t2 ..> c2 #blue
Using alias in parentheses:
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| @startwbs
* Test
**(b) A topic
***(c1) common
**(t2) Another topic
t2 --> c1
b -> t2 #blue
[Ref. QA-16251] You can use
Creole or HTML Creole on WBS: