
PlantUML 中,MindMap 图表是头脑风暴、组织想法和项目规划的有效工具。MindMap 图表或思维导图是信息的可视化表示,其中的中心思想分支成相关主题,形成一个概念的蜘蛛网。PlantUML 以其简单、基于文本的语法为创建这些图表提供了便利,从而可以高效地组织复杂的想法并将其可视化。

使用 PlantUML 绘制 MindMaps 尤为有利,因为它可以与其他工具和系统集成。这种集成简化了将思维导图纳入大型项目文档的过程。PlantUML 基于文本的方法还能轻松修改和控制思维导图的版本,使其成为协作式头脑风暴和创意开发的动态工具。

PlantUML 中的思维导图可用于各种目的,从勾勒项目结构到头脑风暴产品功能或业务战略。思维导图的分层和直观布局有助于识别不同想法和概念之间的关系,从而更容易纵观全局,找出需要进一步探索的领域。这使得 PlantUML 成为项目经理、开发人员和业务分析人员的宝贵工具,他们需要用这种方法直观地组织复杂信息,并以简洁明了的方式呈现出来。

OrgMode 语法


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* Debian
** Ubuntu
*** Linux Mint
*** Kubuntu
*** Lubuntu
*** KDE Neon
** SolydXK
** SteamOS
** Raspbian with a very long name
*** <s>Raspmbc</s> => OSMC
*** <s>Raspyfi</s> => Volumio



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* root node
	* some first level node
		* second level node
		* another second level node
	* another first level node



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+ OS
++ Ubuntu
+++ Linux Mint
+++ Kubuntu
+++ Lubuntu
+++ KDE Neon
++ SolydXK
++ SteamOS
++ Raspbian
-- Windows 95
-- Windows 98
-- Windows NT
--- Windows 8
--- Windows 10


你可以用 :; 包围文字,来表示多行文本.

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* Class Templates
**:Example 1
template <typename T>
class cname{
void f1()<U+003B>
**:Example 2
other template <typename T>
class cname{

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+ root
++ right_2

left side

-- left_1
-- left_2

Multiroot Mindmap

You can create multiroot mindmap, as:

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* Root 1
** Foo
** Bar
* Root 2
** Lorem
** Ipsum

[Ref. QH-773]


It is possible to change node color.

With inline color

  • OrgMode syntax mindmap

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*[#Orange] Colors
**[#lightgreen] Green
**[#FFBBCC] Rose
**[#lightblue] Blue

  • Arithmetic notation syntax mindmap

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+[#Orange] Colors
++[#lightgreen] Green
++[#FFBBCC] Rose
--[#lightblue] Blue

  • Markdown syntax mindmap

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*[#Orange] root node
 *[#lightgreen] some first level node
  *[#FFBBCC] second level node
  *[#lightblue] another second level node
 *[#lightgreen] another first level node

With style color

  • OrgMode syntax mindmap

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mindmapDiagram {
  .green {
    BackgroundColor lightgreen
  .rose {
    BackgroundColor #FFBBCC
  .your_style_name {
    BackgroundColor lightblue
* Colors
** Green <<green>>
** Rose <<rose>>
** Blue <<your_style_name>>

  • Arithmetic notation syntax mindmap

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mindmapDiagram {
  .green {
    BackgroundColor lightgreen
  .rose {
    BackgroundColor #FFBBCC
  .your_style_name {
    BackgroundColor lightblue
+ Colors
++ Green <<green>>
++ Rose <<rose>>
-- Blue <<your_style_name>>

  • Markdown syntax mindmap

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mindmapDiagram {
  .green {
    BackgroundColor lightgreen
  .rose {
    BackgroundColor #FFBBCC
  .your_style_name {
    BackgroundColor lightblue
* root node
 * some first level node <<green>>
  * second level node <<rose>>
  * another second level node <<your_style_name>>
 * another first level node <<green>>

  • Apply style to a branch

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mindmapDiagram {
  .myStyle * {
    BackgroundColor lightgreen
+ root
++ b1 <<myStyle>>
+++ b11
+++ b12
++ b2

[Ref. GA-920]



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* root node
** some first level node
***_ second level node
***_ another second level node
***_ foo
***_ bar
***_ foobar
** another first level node

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*_ root node
**_ some first level node
***_ second level node
***_ another second level node
***_ foo
***_ bar
***_ foobar
**_ another first level node

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+ root node
++ some first level node
+++_ second level node
+++_ another second level node
+++_ foo
+++_ bar
+++_ foobar
++_ another first level node
-- some first right level node
--_ another first right level node



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* count
** 100
*** 101
*** 102
** 200

left side

** A
*** AA
*** AB
** B

Change (whole) diagram orientation

You can change (whole) diagram orientation with:
  • left to right direction (by default)
  • top to bottom direction
  • right to left direction
  • bottom to top direction (not yet implemented/issue then use workaround)

Left to right direction (by default)

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* 1
** 2
*** 4
*** 5
** 3
*** 6
*** 7

Top to bottom direction

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top to bottom direction
* 1
** 2
*** 4
*** 5
** 3
*** 6
*** 7

Right to left direction

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right to left direction
* 1
** 2
*** 4
*** 5
** 3
*** 6
*** 7

Bottom to top direction

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top to bottom direction
left side
* 1
** 2
*** 4
*** 5
** 3
*** 6
*** 7

[Ref. QH-1413]


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caption figure 1
title My super title

* <&flag>Debian
** <&globe>Ubuntu
*** Linux Mint
*** Kubuntu
*** Lubuntu
*** KDE Neon
** <&graph>LMDE
** <&pulse>SolydXK
** <&people>SteamOS
** <&star>Raspbian with a very long name
*** <s>Raspmbc</s> => OSMC
*** <s>Raspyfi</s> => Volumio

My super header

center footer My super footer

legend right



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mindmapDiagram {
    node {
        BackgroundColor lightGreen
    :depth(1) {
      BackGroundColor white
* Linux
** NixOS
** Debian
*** Ubuntu
**** Linux Mint
**** Kubuntu
**** Lubuntu
**** KDE Neon


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mindmapDiagram {
  node {
    BackgroundColor lightGreen
  boxless {
    FontColor darkgreen
* Linux
** NixOS
** Debian
***_ Ubuntu
**** Linux Mint
**** Kubuntu
**** Lubuntu
**** KDE Neon

Word Wrap

使用MaximumWidth 设置,你可以控制自动换字。使用的单位是像素。

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node {
    Padding 12
    Margin 3
    HorizontalAlignment center
    LineColor blue
    LineThickness 3.0
    BackgroundColor gold
    RoundCorner 40
    MaximumWidth 100

rootNode {
    LineStyle 8.0;3.0
    LineColor red
    BackgroundColor white
    LineThickness 1.0
    RoundCorner 0
    Shadowing 0.0

leafNode {
    LineColor gold
    RoundCorner 0
    Padding 3

arrow {
    LineStyle 4
    LineThickness 0.5
    LineColor green

* Hi =)
** sometimes i have node in wich i want to write a long text
*** this results in really huge diagram
**** of course, i can explicit split with a\nnew line
**** but it could be cool if PlantUML was able to split long lines, maybe with an option 


Creole on Mindmap diagram

You can use Creole or HTML Creole on Mindmap:

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* Creole on Mindmap
left side
  This is **bold**
  This is //italics//
  This is ""monospaced""
  This is --stricken-out--
  This is __underlined__
  This is ~~wave-underlined~~
--test Unicode and icons--
  This is <U+221E> long
  This is a <&code> icon
  Use image : <img:https://plantuml.com/logo3.png>
**: <b>HTML Creole 
  This is <b>bold</b>
  This is <i>italics</i>
  This is <font:monospaced>monospaced</font>
  This is <s>stroked</s>
  This is <u>underlined</u>
  This is <w>waved</w>
  This is <s:green>stroked</s>
  This is <u:red>underlined</u>
  This is <w:#0000FF>waved</w>
-- other examples --
  This is <color:blue>Blue</color>
  This is <back:orange>Orange background</back>
  This is <size:20>big</size>
right side
**:==Creole line
You can have horizontal line
Or double line
Or strong line
Or dotted line
..My title..
Or dotted title
//and title... //
Or double-line title
--Another title--
Or single-line title
**:==Creole list item
**test list 1**
* Bullet list
* Second item
** Sub item
*** Sub sub item
* Third item
**test list 2**
# Numbered list
# Second item
## Sub item
## Another sub item
# Third item

[Ref. QA-17838]

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