
UMLのタイミング図は、システムのタイミング制約を視覚化する、特定のタイプの相互作用図です。この図では、イベントの時系列的な順序に注目し、さまざまなオブジェクトが時間の経過とともにどのように相互作用するかを示しま す。タイミング図は、リアルタイム・システムや組込みシステムにおいて、ある期間を通してのオブジェクトの振る舞いを理解する ために特に役立ちます。



キーワード 説明
concise データの動きを表すための単純化された信号(メッセージに最適です)
robust 状態の遷移を表すための複雑な線(複数の状態を作れます)
clockperiodの時間間隔でhighとlowの状態を繰り返し遷移するクロック信号(pulse, offsetを指定することもできます)
binary 2状態(バイナリ)に制限された信号

@is を用いて、状態の変化を記述できます。

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robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WU is アイドル
WB is アイドル

WU is 待機
WB is 処理中

WB is 待機

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clock   "Clock_0"   as C0 with period 50
clock   "Clock_1"   as C1 with period 50 pulse 15 offset 10
binary  "Binary"  as B
concise "Concise" as C
robust  "Robust"  as R

C is Idle
R is Idle

B is high
C is Waiting
R is Processing

R is Waiting

[Ref. QA-14631 and QA-14647]

[Ref. QA-14631, QA-14647 and QA-11288]
 This translation need to be updated. 



  • binary
  • clock

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clock clk with period 1
binary "Enable" as EN

EN is low

EN is high

EN is low



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robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WU is アイドル
WB is アイドル

WU -> WB : URL
WU is 待機
WB is 処理中

WB is 待機


@ で時間を指定するとき、相対的な時間の指定の仕方ができます。

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robust "DNS Resolver" as DNS
robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WU is アイドル
WB is アイドル
DNS is アイドル

WU -> WB : URL
WU is 待機
WB is 処理中

WB is 待機
WB -> DNS@+50 : URL から IPアドレス を解決

DNS is 処理中

DNS is アイドル



@XX as :<anchor point name>

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clock clk with period 1
binary "enable" as EN
concise "dataBus" as db

@0 as :start
@5 as :en_high 
@10 as :en_low
@:en_high-2 as :en_highMinus2

EN is low
db is "0x0000"

EN is high

EN is low

db is "0xf23a"

db is "0x0000"



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robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

0 is アイドル
+200 is 処理中
+100 is 待機

0 is 待機
+500 is ok


スケール(目盛りの数値の表示)を指定できます。 以下の例では、「目盛りを 100ずつ 表示、1目盛りの幅を 50px にする」設定になります。

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concise "ユーザ" as WU
scale 100 as 50 pixels

0 is 待機
+500 is ok

 This translation need to be updated. 



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robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WB is 初期化中
WU is 不在

0 is アイドル
+200 is 処理中
+100 is 待機

0 is 待機
+500 is ok



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robust "Signal1" as S1
robust "Signal2" as S2
S1 has 0,1,2,hello
S2 has 0,1,2
S1 is 0
S2 is 0
S1 is {0,1} #SlateGrey
S2 is {0,1}
S1 is 1
S2 is 0
S1 is hello
S2 is {0,2}

*[Ref. [QA-11936](https:forum.plantuml.net/11936) and [QA-15933](https:forum.plantuml.net/15933)]*
 This translation need to be updated. 



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concise "Web User" as WU

WU is {-}

WU is A1

WU is {-}

WU is {hidden}

WU is A3

WU is {-}

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scale 1 as 50 pixels

concise state0
concise substate1
robust bit2

bit2 has HIGH,LOW

0 is 18_start
6 is s_dPause
8 is 10_data
14 is {hidden}

0 is sSeq
4 is sPause
6 is {hidden}
8 is dSeq
12 is dPause
14 is {hidden}

0 is HIGH
2 is LOW
4 is {hidden}
8 is HIGH
10 is LOW
12 is {hidden}

[Ref. QA-12222]



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hide time-axis
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WU is 不在

0 is 待機
+500 is ok



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robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WU is アイドル
WB is アイドル

WU is 待機 : some note
WB is 処理中 : some other note

WB is 待機

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robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WU is アイドル
WB is アイドル

WU is 待機 : some note
WB is 処理中 : some other note

WB is 待機

[Ref. QA-7019]

Change Date Format

It is also possible to change date format.

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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

use date format "YY-MM-dd"

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU is Waiting : some note
WB is Processing : some other note

WB is Waiting

Manage time axis labels

You can manage the time-axis labels.

Label on each tick (by default)

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scale 31536000 as 40 pixels
use date format "yy-MM"

concise "OpenGL Desktop" as OD

OD is {hidden}

OD is 1.0

OD is 1.1

OD is 1.2

OD is 1.3

OD is 3.0

OD is 3.0

OD is 4.6


Manual label (only when the state changes)

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scale 31536000 as 40 pixels

manual time-axis
use date format "yy-MM"

concise "OpenGL Desktop" as OD

OD is {hidden}

OD is 1.0

OD is 1.1

OD is 1.2

OD is 1.3

OD is 3.0

OD is 3.0

OD is 4.6


[Ref. GH-1020]

時間定規(time constraint)の追加


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robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WB is 初期化中
WU is 不在

0 is アイドル
+200 is 処理中
+100 is 待機
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is 待機
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}



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robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WU is アイドル
WB is アイドル

WU -> WB : URL
WU is 待機 #LightCyan;line:Aqua

WB is 処理中

WU -> WB@350 : URL2
WB is 待機

WU is ok

WB is アイドル

highlight 200 to 450 #Gold;line:DimGrey : This is my caption

[Ref. QA-10868]
 This translation need to be updated. 


note top of およびnote bottom of キーワードを使用して、1つのオブジェクトまたは参加者に関連するノートを定義できますconcise オブジェクトでのみ使用可能)。

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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU

WU is Idle
WB is Idle

WU is Waiting
WB is Processing
note top of WU : first note\non several\nlines
note bottom of WU : second note\non several\nlines

WB is Waiting


[Ref. [QA-6877](https://forum.plantuml.net/6877), [GH-1465](https://github.com/plantuml/plantuml/issues/1465)]
 This translation need to be updated. 


(他の UML ダイアグラムと同様に)タイトル、ヘッダー/フッター、説明文、キャプション を書くことができます。

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Title これはタイトル
header: ここにヘッダーを書く
footer: ここにフッターを書く
end legend
caption 一行の説明は、caption に書きましょう。

robust "Web ブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WU is アイドル
WB is アイドル

WU is 待機
WB is 処理中

WB is 待機


Adam Rosienによる例:

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concise "Client" as Client
concise "Server" as Server
concise "Response freshness" as Cache

Server is idle
Client is idle

0 is send
Client -> Server@+25 : GET
+25 is await
+75 is recv
+25 is idle
+25 is send
Client -> Server@+25 : GET\nIf-Modified-Since: 150
+25 is await
+50 is recv
+25 is idle
@100 <-> @275 : no need to re-request from server

25 is recv
+25 is work
+25 is send
Server -> Client@+25 : 200 OK\nExpires: 275
+25 is idle
+75 is recv
+25 is send
Server -> Client@+25 : 304 Not Modified
+25 is idle

75 is fresh
+200 is stale


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scale 5 as 150 pixels

clock clk with period 1
binary "enable" as en
binary "R/W" as rw
binary "data Valid" as dv
concise "dataBus" as db
concise "address bus" as addr

@6 as :write_beg
@10 as :write_end

@15 as :read_beg
@19 as :read_end

en is low
db is "0x0"
addr is "0x03f"
rw is low
dv is 0

 en is high
 db is "0xDEADBEEF"
dv is 1
rw is high

rw is low
dv is low
rw is low
db is "0x0"
addr is "0x23"

dv is high
db is "0xFFFF"

en is low
dv is low
db is "0x0"

highlight :write_beg to :write_end #Gold:Write
highlight :read_beg to :read_end #lightBlue:Read

db@:write_beg-1 <-> @:write_end : setup time
db@:write_beg-1 -> addr@:write_end+1 : hold



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concise "LR" as LR
concise "ST" as ST

LR is AtPlace #palegreen
ST is AtLoad #gray

0 is Lowering
100 is Lowered #pink
350 is Releasing
200 is Moving

[Ref. QA-5776]



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robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WB is 初期化中
WU is 不在

0 is アイドル
+200 is 処理中
+100 is 待機
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is 待機
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}



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timingDiagram {
  document {
    BackGroundColor SandyBrown
 constraintArrow {
  LineStyle 2-1
  LineThickness 3
  LineColor Blue
robust "ウェブブラウザ" as WB
concise "ユーザ" as WU

WB is 初期化中
WU is 不在

0 is アイドル
+200 is 処理中
+100 is 待機
WB@0 <-> @50 : {50 ms lag}

0 is 待機
+500 is ok
@200 <-> @+150 : {150 ms}

[Ref. QA-14340]

Applying Colors to specific lines

You can use the <style> tags and sterotyping to give a name to line attributes.

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timingDiagram {
  .red {
    LineColor red
  .blue {
    LineColor blue
    LineThickness 5

clock clk with period 1
binary "Input Signal 1"  as IS1
binary "Input Signal 2"  as IS2 <<blue>>
binary "Output Signal 1" as OS1 <<red>>

IS1 is low
IS2 is high
OS1 is low
OS1 is high
OS1 is low
IS1 is high
OS1 is high
IS2 is low
IS1 is low
OS1 is low

[Ref. QA-15870]

Compact mode

You can use compact command to compact the timing layout.

By default

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robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU
robust "Web Browser2" as WB2

WU is Waiting
WB is Idle
WB2 is Idle

WB is Proc.

WB is Waiting
WB2 is Waiting

WU is ok

WB is Idle

Global mode with mode compact

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mode compact
robust "Web Browser" as WB
concise "Web User" as WU
robust "Web Browser2" as WB2

WU is Waiting
WB is Idle
WB2 is Idle

WB is Proc.

WB is Waiting
WB2 is Waiting

WU is ok

WB is Idle

Local mode with only compact on element

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compact robust "Web Browser" as WB
compact concise "Web User" as WU
robust "Web Browser2" as WB2

WU is Waiting
WB is Idle
WB2 is Idle

WB is Proc.

WB is Waiting
WB2 is Waiting

WU is ok

WB is Idle

[Ref. QA-11130]

Scaling analog signal

You can scale analog signal.

Without scaling: 0-max (by default)

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title Between 0-max (by default)
analog "Analog" as A

A is 350

A is 450

A is 350

With scaling: min-max

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title Between min-max
analog "Analog" between 350 and 450 as A

A is 350

A is 450

A is 350

[Ref. QA-17161]

Customise analog signal

Without any customisation (by default)

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analog "Vcore" as VDD
analog "VCC" as VCC

VDD is 0
VCC is 3
VDD is 0
VDD is 6
VCC is 6
VDD@1 -> VCC@2 : "test"

With customisation (on scale, ticks and height)

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analog "Vcore" as VDD
analog "VCC" between -4.5 and 6.5 as VCC
VCC ticks num on multiple 3
VCC is 200 pixels height

VDD is 0
VCC is 3
VDD is 0
VDD is 6
VCC is 6
VDD@1 -> VCC@2 : "test"

[Ref. QA-11288]

Order state of robust signal

Without order (by default)

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robust "Flow rate" as rate

rate is high

rate is none

rate is low

With order

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robust "Flow rate" as rate
rate has high,low,none

rate is high

rate is none

rate is low

With order and label

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robust "Flow rate" as rate
rate has "35 gpm" as high
rate has "15 gpm" as low
rate has "0 gpm" as none

rate is high

rate is none

rate is low

[Ref. QA-6651]

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