マイルストーンは、プ ロジェクトのタイムラインにおける重要なイベントやゴールであり、明確なシンボル としてマークされます。
PlantUMLはいくつかの利点を提供します。PlantUML は、ダイアグラムの作成に
バージョン管理システ ムを使用した変更の追跡を容易にします。このアプローチは、テキストベースのコーディング環境にすでに慣れている チームにとって特に有益です。PlantUML のガントチャート用の構文は
わかりやすく、プロジェクトタイムラ インへの迅速な修正や更新を可能にします。さらに、
PlantUML の他のツールとの統合や、テキストからダイアグラムを動的に 生成する能力により、プロジェクト管理ドキュメンテーションを自動化し、合理化 したいチームにとって、PlantUML は多目的な選択肢となります。PlantUML をガントチャートに使用することで、ビジュアルなプロジェクトプラン ニングの
自然言語で## 記述され、非常に単純な文(主語-動詞-補語)を使用する。
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
-- All example --
[Task 1 (1 day)] requires 1 day
[T2 (5 days)] requires 5 days
[T3 (1 week)] requires 1 week
[T4 (1 week and 4 days)] requires 1 week and 4 days
[T5 (2 weeks)] requires 2 weeks
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] starts 2020-07-01
[Test prototype] starts 2020-07-16
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
[Prototype design] starts D+0
[Test prototype] starts D+15
[Ref. forD+nn
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] ends 2020-07-15
[Test prototype] ends 2020-07-25
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
[Prototype design] ends D+14
[Test prototype] ends D+24
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| @startgantt
Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] starts 2020-07-01
[Test prototype] starts 2020-07-16
[Prototype design] ends 2020-07-15
[Test prototype] ends 2020-07-25
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
[Prototype design] starts D+0
[Test prototype] starts D+15
[Prototype design] ends D+14
[Test prototype] ends D+24
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| @startgantt
Project starts 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] starts 2020-07-01 and ends 2020-07-15
[Test prototype] starts 2020-07-16 and requires 10 days
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 10 days
[Code prototype] requires 10 days
[Write tests] requires 5 days
[Code prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Write tests] starts at [Code prototype]'s start
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] as [D] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] as [T] requires 10 days
[T] starts at [D]'s end
This translation need to be updated. WARNING
[Starting with V1.2024.6,] it is possible to have multiple tasks with same name.
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| @startgantt
Project starts 2020-11-08
[Task 7 days] as [T7] starts at 2020-11-09
[T7] ends at 2020-11-15
[Task 7 days] as [T7bis] starts at 2020-11-09
[T7bis] ends at 2020-11-15
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| @startgantt
[SameTaskName] as [T1] lasts 7 days and is colored in pink
[SameTaskName] as [T2] lasts 3 days and is colored in orange
[T1] -> [T2]
[Ref. QA-12176 and GH-1809]is colored in
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 13 days
[Test prototype] requires 4 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Prototype design] is colored in Fuchsia/FireBrick
[Test prototype] is colored in GreenYellow/Green
is xx% completed
is xx% complete
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| @startgantt
[foo] requires 21 days
[foo] is 40% completed
[bar] requires 30 days and is 10% complete
[参考:QA-8297][Ref. QA-15299]WARNING
This translation need to be updated. WARNING
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
[Prototype completed] happens at [Test prototype]'s end
[Setup assembly line] requires 12 days
[Setup assembly line] starts at [Test prototype]'s end
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
Project starts 2020-07-01
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
[Prototype completed] happens 2020-07-10
[Setup assembly line] requires 12 days
[Setup assembly line] starts at [Test prototype]'s end
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| @startgantt
[Task1] requires 4 days
then [Task1.1] requires 4 days
[Task1.2] starts at [Task1]'s end and requires 7 days
[Task2] requires 5 days
then [Task2.1] requires 4 days
[MaxTaskEnd] happens at [Task1.1]'s end
[MaxTaskEnd] happens at [Task1.2]'s end
[MaxTaskEnd] happens at [Task2.1]'s end
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| @startgantt
[task1] requires 10 days
[task1] links to [[http://plantuml.com]]
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| @startgantt
Project starts the 20th of september 2017
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 13 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
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| @startgantt
Project starts the 2020/09/01
2020/09/07 is colored in salmon
2020/09/13 to 2020/09/16 are colored in lightblue
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 22 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Prototype completed] happens at [TASK1]'s end
and one of values:
- daily(by default)
- weekly
- monthly
- quarterly
- yearly
(SeeQA-11272,QA-9041andQA-10948)daily(by default)
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| @startgantt
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
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| @startgantt
printscale weekly
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
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| @startgantt
printscale weekly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
projectscale monthly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
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| @startgantt
projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon
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| @startgantt
projectscale yearly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon
This translation need to be updated. WARNING
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
printscale daily
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 8 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 3 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
printscale daily zoom 2
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 8 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 3 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
「weekly scale」のズーム
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| @startgantt
printscale weekly
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
printscale weekly zoom 4
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
「### monthly scale」のズーム
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| @startgantt
projectscale monthly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
projectscale monthly zoom 3
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
projectscale quarterly zoom 7
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
projectscale yearly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
projectscale yearly zoom 2
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon
With Weeknumbers (by default)
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| @startgantt
printscale weekly
Project starts the 6th of July 2020
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 2 weeks
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 weeks
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 3 days
With Calendar Date
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| @startgantt
printscale weekly with calendar date
Project starts the 6th of July 2020
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 2 weeks
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 weeks
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 3 days
[Ref. QA-11630] ある日をクローズすることは可能である。
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| @startgantt
project starts the 2018/04/09
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2018/05/01 is closed
2018/04/17 to 2018/04/19 is closed
[Prototype design] requires 14 days
[Test prototype] requires 4 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Prototype design] is colored in Fuchsia/FireBrick
[Test prototype] is colored in GreenYellow/Green
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| @startgantt
2020-07-07 to 2020-07-17 is closed
2020-07-13 is open
Project starts the 2020-07-01
[Prototype design] requires 10 days
Then [Test prototype] requires 10 days
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| @startgantt
Project starts 2021-03-29
[Review 01] happens at 2021-03-29
[Review 02 - 3 weeks] happens on 3 weeks after [Review 01]'s end
[Review 02 - 21 days] happens on 21 days after [Review 01]'s end
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| @startgantt
Project starts 2021-03-29
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
[Review 01] happens at 2021-03-29
[Review 02 - 3 weeks] happens on 3 weeks after [Review 01]'s end
[Review 02 - 21 days] happens on 21 days after [Review 01]'s end
It is possible to manage working days.
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| @startgantt
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2022-07-04 to 2022-07-15 is closed
Project starts 2022-06-27
[task1] starts at 2022-06-27 and requires 1 week
[task2] starts 2 working days after [task1]'s end and requires 3 days
[Ref. QA-16188]then
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 14 days
then [Test prototype] requires 4 days
then [Deploy prototype] requires 6 days
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 14 days
[Build prototype] requires 4 days
[Prepare test] requires 6 days
[Prototype design] -> [Build prototype]
[Prototype design] -> [Prepare test]
キーワードと括弧をリソース名に使用することで、リソース上のタスクに影響 を与えることができます。
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| @startgantt
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 1 days
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| @startgantt
[Task1] on {Alice} {Bob} requires 20 days
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| @startgantt
project starts on 2020-06-19
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
{Alice} is off on 2020-06-24 to 2020-06-26
Without any hiding (by default)
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| @startgantt
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} requires 1 days
Hide resources names
You can hide ressources names and percentage, on tasks, using the
hide ressources names
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| @startgantt
hide ressources names
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} requires 1 days
Hide resources footbox
You can also hide ressources names on bottom of the diagram using the
hide ressources footbox
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| @startgantt
hide ressources footbox
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} requires 1 days
Hide the both (resources names and resources footbox)
You can also hide the both.
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| @startgantt
hide ressources names
hide ressources footbox
[Task1] on {Alice} requires 10 days
[Task2] on {Bob:50%} requires 2 days
then [Task3] on {Alice:25%} requires 1 days
then [Task4] on {Alice:25%} {Bob} requires 1 days
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| @startgantt
[Task1] requires 10 days
then [Task2] requires 4 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] requires 5 days
then [Task4] requires 6 days
You can add Vertical Separators with the syntax:
Separator just [at]
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| @startgantt
[task1] requires 1 week
[task2] starts 20 days after [task1]'s end and requires 3 days
Separator just at [task1]'s end
Separator just 2 days after [task1]'s end
Separator just at [task2]'s start
Separator just 2 days before [task2]'s start
[Ref. QA-16247] また、
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 13 days and is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Test prototype] requires 9 days and is colored in Coral/Green and starts 3 days after [Prototype design]'s end
[Write tests] requires 5 days and ends at [Prototype design]'s end
[Hire tests writers] requires 6 days and ends at [Write tests]'s start
[Init and write tests report] is colored in Coral/Green
[Init and write tests report] starts 1 day before [Test prototype]'s start and ends at [Test prototype]'s end
<zcode>simple quote '</zcode> で始まるものはすべてコメントです。 <zcode>/'</zcode> を開始、<zcode>'/</zcode> を終了として、複数の行にコメントを書くこともできます。 </zblockquote><zem></zem> <zem> (すなわち、コメント行の最初の文字(スペース文字を除く)は、<zcode>simple quote '</zcode></zem>)<zem>でなければ</zem>なりません。 <zplantuml> @startgantt ' This is a comment [T1] requires 3 days /' this comment is on several lines '/ [T2] starts at [T1]'s end and requires 1 day @endgantt </zplantuml>
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| @startgantt
[Task1] requires 20 days
note bottom
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] requires 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --
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| @startgantt
ganttDiagram {
task {
FontName Helvetica
FontColor red
FontSize 18
FontStyle bold
BackGroundColor GreenYellow
LineColor blue
milestone {
FontColor blue
FontSize 25
FontStyle italic
BackGroundColor yellow
LineColor red
note {
FontColor DarkGreen
FontSize 10
LineColor OrangeRed
arrow {
FontName Helvetica
FontColor red
FontSize 18
FontStyle bold
BackGroundColor GreenYellow
LineColor blue
separator {
LineColor red
BackGroundColor green
FontSize 16
FontStyle bold
FontColor purple
[Task1] requires 20 days
note bottom
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
[Task2] requires 4 days
[Task1] -> [Task2]
-- Separator title --
[M1] happens on 5 days after [Task1]'s end
-- end --
セパレーターのスタイルと矢印のすべてのスタイルに感謝します (太さ...)きれいなスタイル
(タスク、依存関係、相対的な期間のみを表示します - ただし、実際の開始日と実際のスケールは表示しません): 🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
ganttDiagram {
timeline {
LineColor transparent
FontColor transparent
hide footbox
[Test prototype] requires 7 days
[Prototype completed] happens at [Test prototype]'s end
[Setup assembly line] requires 9 days
[Setup assembly line] starts at [Test prototype]'s end
then [Setup] requires 5 days
[T2] requires 2 days and starts at [Test prototype]'s end
then [T3] requires 3 days
-- end task --
then [T4] requires 2 days
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| @startgantt
ganttDiagram {
timeline {
LineColor transparent
FontColor transparent
closed {
FontColor transparent
hide footbox
project starts the 2018/04/09
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2018/05/01 is closed
2018/04/17 to 2018/04/19 is closed
[Prototype design] requires 9 days
[Test prototype] requires 5 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Prototype design] is colored in Fuchsia/FireBrick
[Test prototype] is colored in GreenYellow/Green
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| @startgantt
[task01] requires 15 days
note bottom
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
[task01] -> [task02]
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| @startgantt
[task01] requires 15 days
note bottom
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
[task01] -> [task02]
[task03] requires 5 days
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| @startgantt
-- test01 --
[task01] requires 4 days
note bottom
'note left
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
[task02] requires 8 days
[task01] -> [task02]
note bottom
'note left
memo1 ...
memo2 ...
explanations1 ...
explanations2 ...
end note
-- test02 --
[task03] as [t3] requires 7 days
[t3] -> [t4]
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| @startgantt
Project starts 2020-09-01
[taskA] starts 2020-09-01 and requires 3 days
[taskB] starts 2020-09-10 and requires 3 days
[taskB] displays on same row as [taskA]
[task01] starts 2020-09-05 and requires 4 days
then [task02] requires 8 days
note bottom
note for task02
more notes
end note
then [task03] requires 7 days
note bottom
note for task03
more notes
end note
-- separator --
[taskC] starts 2020-09-02 and requires 5 days
[taskD] starts 2020-09-09 and requires 5 days
[taskD] displays on same row as [taskC]
[task 10] starts 2020-09-05 and requires 5 days
then [task 11] requires 5 days
note bottom
note for task11
more notes
end note
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| @startgantt
Project starts the 5th of december 2018
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2018/12/29 is opened
[Prototype design] requires 17 days
[Prototype design] pauses on 2018/12/13
[Prototype design] pauses on 2018/12/14
[Prototype design] pauses on monday
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end and requires 2 weeks
- この構文を使用します:*
with <color> <style> link
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| @startgantt
[T1] requires 4 days
[T2] requires 4 days and starts 3 days after [T1]'s end with blue dotted link
[T3] requires 4 days and starts 3 days after [T2]'s end with green bold link
[T4] requires 4 days and starts 3 days after [T3]'s end with green dashed link
- または、arrow styleを使用して直接変更することもできます。
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| @startgantt
ganttDiagram {
arrow {
LineColor blue
[Prototype design] requires 7 days
[Build prototype] requires 4 days
[Prepare test] requires 6 days
[Prototype design] -[#FF00FF]-> [Build prototype]
[Prototype design] -[dotted]-> [Prepare test]
Then [Run test] requires 4 days
[参照:QA-13693] 以下の構文で、タスクとマイルストーンを同じ行に並べることができます:
[T|M] displays on same row as [T|M]
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| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 13 days
[Test prototype] requires 4 days and 1 week
[Test prototype] starts 1 week and 2 days after [Prototype design]'s end
[Test prototype] displays on same row as [Prototype design]
[r1] happens on 5 days after [Prototype design]'s end
[r2] happens on 5 days after [r1]'s end
[r3] happens on 5 days after [r2]'s end
[r2] displays on same row as [r1]
[r3] displays on same row as [r1]
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| @startgantt
Project starts the 20th of september 2018
sunday are close
2018/09/21 to 2018/09/23 are colored in salmon
2018/09/21 to 2018/09/30 are named [Vacation in the Bahamas]
today is 30 days after start and is colored in #AAF
[Foo] happens 40 days after start
[Dummy] requires 10 days and starts 10 days after start
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| @startgantt
project starts on 2020-07-01
[開始] happens 2020-07-03
[終了] happens 2020-07-13
[プロトタイプを設計] occurs from [開始] to [終了]
Verbal form | Example |
[T] starts | |
[M] happens | |
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| @startgantt
header some header
footer some footer
title My title
[Prototype design] requires 13 days
The legend
end legend
caption This is caption
(参照:共通コマンド) 🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
[Kick off] requires 1 days and is colored in blue
then [Prototype design] requires 5 days
[Test prototype] requires 4 days
[Test prototype] starts at [Prototype design]'s end
[Prototype design] is colored in Green
[Test prototype] is colored in gray
|= Color |= Task Type |
|<#gray> | Planned |
|<#Green>| In progress |
|<#blue> | Done |
end legend
[Ref. QA-19021]hide footbox
キーワードを使用すると、ガントダイアグラムのフットボックス を削除することができます
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| @startgantt
hide footbox
title Foot Box removed
[Prototype design] requires 15 days
[Test prototype] requires 10 days
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
Project starts the 20th of september 2017
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 13 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
hide footbox
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
hide footbox
printscale weekly
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts the 1st of january 2021
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
hide footbox
projectscale monthly
Project starts the 20th of september 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 130 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 20 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are named [End's committee]
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
hide footbox
projectscale quarterly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
hide footbox
projectscale yearly
Project starts the 1st of october 2020
[Prototype design] as [TASK1] requires 700 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 200 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-03-22 are colored in salmon
language <xx>
ISO 639 コードです。
英語(デフォルトでは en)
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
ドイツ語 (de)
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
language de
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
日本語 (ja)
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
language ja
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
中国語 (zh)
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
language zh
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
韓国語 (ko)
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
language ko
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
Project starts 2021-01-01
[Prototype design end] as [TASK1] requires 19 days
[TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue
[Testing] requires 14 days
2021-01-18 to 2021-01-22 are colored in salmon
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
[Prototype design] requires 1 weeks
then [Prototype completed] requires 4 days
[End Prototype completed] happens at [Prototype completed]'s end
then [Test prototype] requires 5 days
[End Test prototype] happens at [Test prototype]'s end
[Prototype completed] is deleted
[End Prototype completed] is deleted
[Ref.QA-9129] You can start a project, a task or a milestone a number of days before or after today, using the builtin functions
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
title Today is %date("YYYY-MM-dd")
!$now = %now()
!$past = %date("YYYY-MM-dd", $now - 14*24*3600)
Project starts $past
today is colored in pink
[foo] requires 10 days
[bar] requires 5 days and starts %date("YYYY-MM-dd", $now + 4*24*3600)
[Tomorrow] happens %date("YYYY-MM-dd", $now + 1*24*3600)
[Ref. QA-16285]The labels are near elements (by default)
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| @startgantt
[Task1] requires 1 days
then [Task2_long_long_long] as [T2] requires 2 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] as [T3] requires 2 days
[Task4] as [T4] requires 1 day
[Task5] as [T5] requires 2 days
[T2] -> [T4]
[T2] -> [T5]
[Task6_long_long_long] as [T6] requires 4 days
[T3] -> [T6]
[T5] -> [T6]
[End] happens 1 day after [T6]'s end
To change the label position, you can use the command
Label on first column
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
Label on first column and left aligned
[Task1] requires 1 days
then [Task2_long_long_long] as [T2] requires 2 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] as [T3] requires 2 days
[Task4] as [T4] requires 1 day
[Task5] as [T5] requires 2 days
[T2] -> [T4]
[T2] -> [T5]
[Task6_long_long_long] as [T6] requires 4 days
[T3] -> [T6]
[T5] -> [T6]
[End] happens 1 day after [T6]'s end
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
Label on first column and right aligned
[Task1] requires 1 days
then [Task2_long_long_long] as [T2] requires 2 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] as [T3] requires 2 days
[Task4] as [T4] requires 1 day
[Task5] as [T5] requires 2 days
[T2] -> [T4]
[T2] -> [T5]
[Task6_long_long_long] as [T6] requires 4 days
[T3] -> [T6]
[T5] -> [T6]
[End] happens 1 day after [T6]'s end
Label on last column
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
Label on last column and left aligned
[Task1] requires 1 days
then [Task2_long_long_long] as [T2] requires 2 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] as [T3] requires 2 days
[Task4] as [T4] requires 1 day
[Task5] as [T5] requires 2 days
[T2] -> [T4]
[T2] -> [T5]
[Task6_long_long_long] as [T6] requires 4 days
[T3] -> [T6]
[T5] -> [T6]
[End] happens 1 day after [T6]'s end
🎉 Copied!
| @startgantt
Label on last column and right aligned
[Task1] requires 1 days
then [Task2_long_long_long] as [T2] requires 2 days
-- Phase Two --
then [Task3] as [T3] requires 2 days
[Task4] as [T4] requires 1 day
[Task5] as [T5] requires 2 days
[T2] -> [T4]
[T2] -> [T5]
[Task6_long_long_long] as [T6] requires 4 days
[T3] -> [T6]
[T5] -> [T6]
[End] happens 1 day after [T6]'s end
[Ref. QA-12433]