The Eclipse Plugin is developed and maintained by
Hallvard Trætteberg
(many thanks for his work!).
Like the core library PlantUML itself, it is
open source and the plugin is distributed under EPL license.
The source code
is hosted on GitHub.
First, you have to display the
PlantUML View (click the
Window menu):
This view displays automatically the class you are working on:
If you write some comment in
PlantUML language, the corresponding diagram is automatically displayed.
And if you have several comments with diagrams, it selects the one the cursor is in.
In the
Preferences Windows, you can also set up
GraphViz path if needed:
To install the plugin, you have to:
- Go to Help/Software Update/Find and install... or Help/Install new software...
- Create (if needed) or choose the following site as update site:

- Select PlantUML features:

- Restart Eclipse
The plugin is not limited to Java source file, it also works with
So that you can see the corresponding class diagram in a view side-by-side the
editor :
If you want to support other file types, you can implement a new extension to do so.
You can have a look at
the current xcore implementation.